Now that depends on whether you are the poker or the pokee.
this is true… I can imagine thousands of coils laughing maincally while tucked into their boxes now @anon70102222… gee… ooh This new year for me needs more and
Im off to mix up my carrot cake that has no cake in it
I found an old video from Vaping with Vic on this device and was pretty happy to see him say this was a flavor chaser RDA and it was worth the buy if flavor was your thing. He also had a unique way of wicking it … so another way to go when this comes in. Thought I’d share.
It makes sense; unlike tube coils there’s no slam-dunk way to ensure cotton coverage. Sort of like a mesh in that respect… Packing in the cotton the way he did gets it pushed onto the stove top, so it looks like a decent way to stuff it too. I’ll be experimenting with different cotton stuffs to see which performs best.
Oh my gosh Good Luck I sure you will get it after quite a few runs
Or throw it out the window in frustration… we shall see LOL
Question: Are you wanting to use it as an all day vape or just to taste flavors?
Just for flavors. No way I could drip all day it would drive me nuts
squonk squonk
Ok, that’s what I thought. If you don’t mind some advice, I would just take a pinch of your wicking material and ball it up so that it will fit behind the coil without falling. Then saturate it a vape it. then pull the “ball” out and toss it then burn off any residual liquid from the coil and repeat.
That’s the beauty of it as a tester. I’m looking forward to mine arriving so I can see what you’ve seen all along.
I have been considering a purchase of the Dread for quite a while now. (mostly for the tool) but now I think it just might be a decent flavor tester but I need VG in a bad way and will have to wait on that for now.
Got my Dreads today already. Damn fine little case too. Looking forward to the build.
Absolutely love advice when it comes to RDA’s. Okay I’ll give that a try Dan!!
I got the RTA for that one but wow ya know this dang dread thing WOULD work for a squonker … I swear my hair is blonde some days never crossed my mind!
I only have one mod, so it’s Squonk City for me.
You got the RTA for what one…
I got the RTA to use instead of my tank… the dread for testing flavors
By the way, the airflow is built to cut off one side if desired, so a single build was considered.
I’m very surprised and impressed with the quality of this thing so far. Well machined, cake and pie easy to build, smart looks. The lame-o multi-tool already rounded off on the first use though, unsurprisingly.
I only built the one set of lolly coils hope mine doesn’t break LOL
do you do the discord thing?