Squonk mod recommendation

Hello dear community :black_heart:

Can please anyone recommend me a simple squonk mod for a reasonable price? Something reliable but not pricey. I have the 22 citadel dripper, which is pretty small, so I need a small squonk mod.



Like i posted on your other thread if you have never had a squonk the the original pulse bf is a great starter squonk and if you can find one they are cheap. Great to get you started in squonking.


Another option is the tomahawk from bp mods comes with a little squonk thingy and you can use it as sbs as well nice clean little mod


Is there a good one with a built in battery?


I have not ever seen one with a built in battery. So if you dont want external battery then just stick to regular mods


It’s unlikely you’ll find a lipo battery operated squonk unless you have it made custom. There are no built in battery operated squonks that I know of. The Pulse 21700 (not the v2) is a great squonk if you can find one.

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I see pulse v2 and v3 online, they’re no good? Need the first version?

And another questions - it works only with squonk attys? Is it like a huge 2 lipo mods?



Hello people.

Pulse v2 v.s. pulse v3. What can you say?

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You can use any squonk mod as a regular mod. And the dovpo topside dual is a dual battery squonk mod. Comes with spare bottle. The original pulse is mechanical and its cheap if you can find one. The pulse 2 and 3 are not very big. Kind odd fit in as its square. Id take a pic but i took the board out of it for a project. So there is nothing left. But there isnt many squonks out there and none are really top notch except the topside dual.


I have the Ohm Boy Rage which is a dual battery squonk mod and it’s very good, it’s built like a tank but it’s heavy weight can put some people off. The Topside Lite has some great reviews but it’s as rare as a hens tooth nowadays and if you can find one you would be very lucky. My favourite single battery squonk mod is the Hotcig RSQ but they have long been out of production.


I’ve been running a squonk mod as my primary carry for four and a half years now and my recommendation goes to any of the regulated vandy vape pulse mods. I have an 80w pulse squonk mod i bought in either late 2018 or early 2019 that is still running perfectly despite being used basically every day since then, I’ve literally never had an issue with it. I just picked up a pulse v2 a few months ago, and outside of having to run the squonk bottles through 2 cycles in the dishwasher i have had no issues so far with it.

I won’t mention the name of the business i got the pulse v2 at in the public area of the forum due to their horrendous customer service but if your interested you can message me privately, they are 64.99 there and located in the usa, otherwise you gotta know how to order from china lol.

I would avoid mech squonks unless you already have familiarity with mechs in general, but a well built mech squonk will outlast anything else.


So most votes goes to pulse :+1:t2:

Thanks everybody!

Have anyone tried pulse v3? What are your thoughts?


Ask @Nik_oo about it as he just got one

But i would recommend something cheaper as squonking is not for everyone

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Squonks rule cheaper than :fries:


I got my pulse V3 a couple days ago. I’m happy with it. It’s my first squonk mod so just watch some videos. It’s 95 watts uses 21700 0r 18650 with adapter. It’s made of lexan which is the same material as the aio pulse /.5/mini mods. It fits 24 mm rda anything bigger U will get overhang. It’s got that plastic feel it’s light. If U tend to drop your mods this may not survive. I’m using it with a drop v1.5 rda it’s 24 mm. I haven’t played around with menu yet.


I’ve used the Pulse 2 as my EDC mod ever since it was first released. My only complaint is that temp control is very unreliable. If I needed a new mod I would probably look for another V2 and settle for a V3 if I couldn’t find one. I’m not a fan of the translucent plastic look.


If you are in the us check https://www.wetvapes.com/product/vandy-vape-pulse-bf-kit/ $14.99 a great starter squonk kit.


I’ve got three Rage mods and I love them when I’m around the house. Never put it in your pocket if you’re wearing sweats. Good way to get pants by a mod.


I hope you can find one. Best of luck!


I know mate, it’s the equivalent of trying to carry a table lighter around in your pocket instead of a Bic or Clipper lol.