Your main question was - how you do it? meaning, other people, yes? You have had many suggestions from a lot of people here, you so far have had a few of the folks here, including me. Some like have given you even more ideas for more topics etc. Take their advise, if you do not take mine. Talking on assumptions, You are the one that brought up percentage based mixing, syringes and acetone. Not me.
Most mixers aim for cheap plastic syringes to mix by percentage. Don’t believe me, run a poll on how many use glass, metal or plastic syringes. Not everyone is vocal on this site, and a lot only read places like this, with zero desire to even talk. This place is pretty cool, with mixers from all walks of life, they all normally get along. 
I know what acetone does to a plastic syringe. It melts and eats at the plastic and rubber. Dissolves it. It is an irritant for skin, eyes and nasal passages. It also is used as a disinfectant, true, when one uses metal or glass, however, again, most here do not use acetone, and to plant an idea for people (that use plastic syringes) that acetone is safe. Yeah. Even hot water can damage a plastic syringe over time. Most anything flammable, has a habit of melting what it comes into contact with.
Cool video here
It’s not something I would use in a home environment with people that do not have proper tools and ventalation. If you like using it with your glass or metal syringes, who am I to stop you? This is just another reason why I like to use scales.
We all have different ways and ideas on how to mix, beauty is, we all can do it the way we all wish to. (or afford or… know how) because we are not all regulated like how a lab runs.
You want to talk on mixers and how they would do it. If they would understand how you mixed and could replicate. Your dilution you used, is average, most people do 9:1 styles. Unless you are working with solutions that are potent, not heard of, not easy to purchase, you won’t have any issues.
You think all this talk, on glass or metal syringes is how they will roll? No, most are looking for a cheap way out to make hopefully the cheap but best way to make the best juice, without putting a whole lot of work into it.
Think back to the time you started mixing, never mind your lab. Try in your own home without items you can bring home from your workplace, and use your own common sense on posting up your how to do. You already have one recipe, so keep going. Meantime, the storm has caught up to me, so again… have a good day… I hope other people will speak up and keep giving you a lot more ideas you can contemplate on.
Good luck once again!