Thank you so much everyone! (I’m not going to go down the list and like everyone’s posts, but all of it is really appreciated.)
My f***ing ego one junked out on me yesterday too, wouldn’t quit firing my tank (bad weekend for my devices I guess). So I pretty much had no choice other than to head over the the b&m shop and drop some $. I ended up paying just over $50 (cough, choke, cry a little…) for another istick 40w because at least I know what I’m getting, and the only “vape shop” that was open near me on the holiday had shit for options anyway because they’re really a smoke shop that happens to sell some vape gear. ANYWAY, silver lining is that I have a little more time to research a bit into what I want to get next. Needless to say though, I learned my lesson and will be purchasing several backup devices over the next few months so that I don’t EVER have to drop $50+ on a $25-$30 piece of equipment again!
Just remember. August 8th is approaching for us US ppl.
Yep, and I’m panicking just an lil’ bit… But the hubby vapes too, so he gets it. I told him I’ll be buying a new device every paycheck if I can swing it, so we should have at least four or five backups by then. And if I’m not mistaken, even after that most of the stuff that’s on the market right now should still available for up to two years… right?
Yeah. But at this point I don’t trust the fda.
That’s the way I understood it. Of course the individual states could pull some bullshit like Indiana and Utah did at any time. If you can swing it, I’d buy what you can while you can.
Definitely. Well I just purchased enough nicotine to last me two years that I’ll be throwing in the deep freeze, and like I said, I’ll be stocking up as quickly as possible on the vape gear, so hopefully I’ll be good for a while. I’m crossing my fingers that this FDA bull shit gets straightened out and just goes away. A girl can dream, right?
I’ll just add to all the great suggestions since I have many of those listed 18650 types, including a few VTC Mini’s, 4 Eleaf Pico’s. They all work very well. If you really like and use TC, my VS DNA200 is my most accurate, but it’s a Lipo pack battery.
The newest DNA75 watt mods have been trickling out. I found one via a review called the SMY DNA75. I only found one at a US site that I no longer due business with, so I turned to FastTech, $66 shipped, using the code “MAP”. You get an American made Evolv board, the mod is the same size as the Evic VTC Mini. The available colors have a rubberized coating like my Vaporshark DNA200, the silver one is bare. Liked it enough to order 2 more. Thanks to the FDA, I had to stock pile mods I like, think of it as insurance. But if one really wants to future proof, I suggest getting a MECHANICAL mod or two, something with NO electronics to break or go bad. Good luck!
I’ve been toying around with that idea, too. I’m not sure I’m comfortable using a mech mod yet, but I’ve found some for ridiculously cheap prices. So I think it would be worth getting a couple to have on hand for after I do a bit more studying up.
You just don’t want to run the voltage down too low, 3.2 approx. But you will find the lack of vapor output will tell you it’s time to charge the batteries. The folks that get in trouble are usually running super low ohm coils, and never bothered to read an ohm/voltage chart. Just make sure the mech mod has vent holes as 98% of all lithium battery mods have.
Personally, I think you’re making a very wise decision in making the switch to replaceable battery devices.
Big difference in quality in the batteries alone, which affects almost every other aspect of performance. Good luck in the hunt.
(for whatever it’s worth I love my Sigelei Spark 90 in temp mode, only con is having to change the battery every 6-8hrs. but I vape around 40-50w, if you use 30 or less, you might get near a full day on a single LG HG2)
I would just make sure it is firmware upgradable.
That’s something that I know nothing about. Can you explain what that does?
basically updating the software that runs your device. keeps your device on the cutting edge and not outdated,
Or maybe not cutting edge, but Atleast when the manufacturer says…wopsie daisy the programing isnt right they can push out an update. Which means you can have the problem fixed without buying a new mod.
As for cutting edge. Well I guess that is correct if you look at the last year. All the implementation of different wires to be used in tc mode. Not long ago mods didn’t even have tc…or not common at the entry level point of the market. Not that long ago mods didn’t come with ti settings and so on. So yeah, what’s the next type of wire…not sure, but I’m sure there will be something new around the bend
Gotcha. Thanks!
Firmware upgradable also means firmware hackable. Not that I’d be very likely to install 3rd party firmware unless it was really cool. Just sayin.
But yeah, I would not be as enthusiastic about my VTC Mini if it still had original firmware. Pretty much all I vape is SS in TC mode, and that was added in an update.
I’m almost 62. I’ve been on the cutting edge of outdated for quite some time!
I kinda said that backwards … Upgradable firmware … I have a few mods but the one I use the most is my fuchai. You can not update the firmware . So I can only run nickel and titanium in TC. A lot of people have suggested the EVIC mini and I agree. Joyetech Is really good about keeping it up to date. You can pick one up fairly cheap. Or you could consider the RX200s. Also as others have said you will need a charger . Even if the mod has a charging port. It’s better to take them out to charge and to rotate them.The batteries will live longer.