The ELR Pay It Foward Thread

Hit export here on your page


You could email them but from my experience they won’t answer. At least they didn’t return any I’ve sent and that’s when the site was active.
As I remember someone here has managed to contact them and if memory serves Nomnoms are going to continue stocking their products, so perhaps things aren’t that bad for your recipe. Perhaps they’ll continue to trade but only exporting? I suppose it depends if that’s financially viable or not.
Good luck anyway and I hope I’m wrong.


I am so grateful to have received some of those… There’s a lot in there I hadn’t tried, but I’m glad this thread came up because I’d like to pay it forward to someone who might need the flavors I already had :slight_smile:


That’s awesome Lynda, I’m glad there were some flavors that you needed.


Vape Train used to respond to me fairly quickly. Though after the shutdown for maintenance, I haven’t heard anything from them. I just realized that DIYejuice in Canada has all of the flavors I need to restock.


Friday afternoon, walking up to the house and I see this package sitting on my stoop… I could immediately tell it wasn’t from Amazon, or some Big Box store, it had a kinda personal touch to it…

I look at the return address- and it’s from one of our oldest members. I’ve been in contact with this fella over the years picking his brain- about any and everything vape related- and he has never once not responded with SOLID information.

We were talking about Medicine Flower a little bit ago- and what do you know… ALL THESE GOODIES show up at the house today!!

Blueberrbery MF, Vanilla MF, Banana MF and so on!!

@Ken_O_Where this is such an amazing gift sir. I had my fingers crossed for a smidgen of Van MF- and maybe possibly one other flavor.

Thank You Thank You Thank You!!

FAR above and beyond with this care package bud. I GREATLY appreciate it!!! :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:


That is a HOME MADE jam straight from his own kitchen! It’s going to be amazing on my toast tomorrow morning! :blush:


That is absolutely awesome :clap: good job.


Dont worry about the seeds, unlike the other berries in that family these are completely and easily edible. We drive all over the Keweenaw to pick Thimbleberries and those we picked last year, then prepared them for freezing. Toast is great BUT Vanilla Ice Cream is what i use it for the most, lol. The jam has two ingredients, Thimbleberries and sugar.

If you like the cotton let me know and ill send the amazon link. Also keep in mind that the Lemon and Blueberry are from their Silver line, so so very potent. I thought maybe that little magnifier would come in handy for building, i have to keep them in my wallet cuz my eyes are shit and every year the writing on packages get smaller and smaller, hehe.

Thanks again for the Elder Dragon and i hope you enjoy!


Wait a minute. You got JAM, MEDICINE FLOWER, and AMISH CRACK ??? !!!

That is ONE helluva mail bomb right there. Very well played @Ken_O_Where, VERY well played Sir.

@D.Sims, I’m not going to fanboy over the Amish Crack (there’l be time for that later), but have you ever had MF Blueberry before ?


This will be my first time with MF anything!! And don’t worry a single bit SD… PM’s will be inbound!! Ha!

This Amish Crack… Oh my!!! :heart: :heart::heart::heart:


Hehe, roger on the PM’s. Many of the MF flavors are very strong, required a bit of steeping time, AND, can often times UP-steep (get stronger after steeping).

The BB is def. one of their BEST flavors.


Uh Oh @Ken_O_Where, you may have created a monster.

@D.Sims I’ll save you some time …


Dont forget the Silver line!

I now have Blueberry, Banana and of course Lemon Silver, i wont be buying much from the premium line anymore unless an extract isnt available.


I have blueberry and wild raspberry. They are great concentrates. I’m looking forward to getting a couple more. Do you have any thoughts on vanilla?


How is the Wild Rasp Silver? Ive been told that not all of the Silver’s are as good as their premium counterparts, i believe it was peach that was specifically mentioned. Im still going to ask for a sample of the Peach Silver just in case i love it. Both White Peach and regular Peach are absolutely worth buying.

I only have the original Vanilla, before the three different lines, and it is truly wonderful. When they announced having two new lines i ordered 4 15ml bottles which i thought i would have for life but i use it for cooking too. Ive had a lot of vanilla flavorings and nothing comes close to it. I am now nearly out of it or i would send you some but ill be making an order for the Premium in the next couple days, gonna grab the French and Dark vans too, in Silver tho.

About the only one i wouldnt order again is White Chocolate as there are others that are nearly as good.


The Dark Vanilla is OK at 1%. The French Vanilla is one you don’t want to miss.


So a 15ml of Dark and a 30ml of French, gotcha, hehe. Ive wanted to try and find a replacement to French Van (BL)(RF) which in my unhumble opinion is one of the best flavors ive vaped. I still have around 14ml of it, that was stored in glass, and it is just as good now as when i first got it.

I just tested Banana Silver at .4%, i dripped it on top of Two Apples Plus (EF), 4%, that i was vaping and from the very first rip i cannot taste the anise at all. Seems it is on the same level of potency as BB and Lemon Silver. I wasnyt until the coil started to get dry that i finally tasted some anise.

PS: Thank you for the tip.


I really really enjoy it. I only have 2 MF as of right now. It’s a bright punchy authentic raspberry minus the seeds. I don’t get earthy from it. It’s tart with a natural sweetness. It doesn’t get buried with my desserts. It’s definitely going to be in my rotation. No off notes. I hope that helps.


@Ken_O_Where, @Lynda_Marie I know that at least I am still partially “confused” by the new Premium, and Silver lineups.

It SEEMS like it you can, choosing the Premium, SHOULD be a close to the OG as possible …

I know that the Lemon (one of my FAVS), is ONLY available in the Silver, but it makes me wonder on the compare/contrast of the Premium to the Silver with the SAME flavor …

What WAS simple, is now, … confusing …


I can explain it how Alysia explained it to me but you will have to call me. I think writing it will only be more confusing lol