Vape Mail! 2015-2016

Yes, Alisa’s Bust-a-Nut is AMAZING! It has become an ADV for me.

My secret santa sent me this and it arrived today! Gearbest came through for a last minute before Christmas shipment. It doesn’t need an intro, a review or explanation. Most know what it is.
Tracy, (tbt127) thank you so much for such a wonderful gift. I truly wish you and your family the most Merry Christmas!
(geek alert)
I’m not a fan of glass drip tips, so I turned one out of Delrin on my lathe in the garage. No o-rings, just a snug slip fit. :wink:


Going on a FA emotions binge had joy now to get the rest im having a tobacco crave these days time to get my hands on some flavors!


I’m ready to get a scale now. Want to save me some time/researching and let me know which brand you would recommend. Which one would you wish you had? I had a pocket scale, but it didn’t seem to register anything different when I added a few drops of liquid. I used to use it to measure tobacco when I rolled cigarettes. I did get a becker this week to measure out my nicotine. I got a 100 ml size from MyFreedomSmokes in Glass for about $9. I did my first crock pot soak with this mixing session (my 3rd ever) and I made a boo boo. I didn’t see the "warm’ setting and I put it on “low”. My juice got too warm and my plastic bottles melted. Luckily no leaks and luckily most of my bottles were glass. But the rubber tops on the droppers suffered some permanent damage. What a mess! I’m wondering… Did too much heat kill the nicotine? What do you think? Thanks.

The Etikcity

or the

are good ones. I have the Etidcity and it works just fine. It isn’t the fastest to respond, but it is fairly accurate in comparison to my $300.00 gun powder scale.

I haven’t done any crock pot steeps for fear of exactly that happening. I tend to get distracted with other tasks in the house and I would have had a very well scented kitchen with melted plastic on the bottom of my crock pot. LOL
I have a heated ultrasonic cleaner coming and I am very curious as to how well it works. It is a lab grade that my boss ordered 3 of for the lab I work in and for one of the practices we are associated with.


How do you like the Crius tank? My day to day is my TFV4.

The Crius is an amazing RTA. <<< note the period at the end of the sentence.
It hits like a dripper. That and the Mutation MT RTA are in the same class IMHO. They both hit like drippers and can really perform. The flavor in both is just as amazing. The Mutation can leak a bit at fill and you have to do the turn it upside down while screwing the top cap on while sucking your eyeballs through your nostrils and sticking your tongue out like a first grader writing with a fat pencil. The Bellus shares that characteristic as well but is still a great vape and is to me, the best looking of the lot. The Goblin is just FUN FUN FUN. The Aromamizer… I started out running a dual vertical coil 24ga Ti build on it but switched to a horizontal dual 26 ga build on it and I much prefer the flavor from the horizontal build. I think my wicking on the vertical build was a bit tight on the bottom and not letting enough juice flow for optimal flavor. It’s wicking like a dream now and the flavor is as everybody has stated. AMAZING…that was a lot of typing. I’m tired now. LOL

EDIT: I can see purchasing another Goblin Mini in black just because it is the coolest little RTA. Another Crius in silver because I really want to trim what I take to work to a 2 tank system. And another Mutation X because it HITS LIKE A BUS! All that being said, I still prefer dripping while I’m at home. :smiley:


I’m the same way about doing too many things at once and getting distracted. One day I put tea on the stove, took a nap and woke up thinking the neighbors were burning trash again. I called them up to complain, then I realized it was my tea pot on the stove that had run out of water. Oh well. Pretty bad - ha. I also had to tell myself never to go outside to feed the chickens if I ever have anything on the stove. I might end up out there much longer. I looked at the box for the pocket scale I have and it says 'accurate to .1mg. I’m wondering if I need one that is more accurate. I’ll do a search here and see what I find. I hope your new mixing device works great for ya. I’m vaping some of the Apple ejuice that I over-cooked. It seems okay. Have a great day.

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I’m guessing it is accurate to 0.1 g and not 0.1 mg. If so, you really need one that is accurate to 0.01 g. They’re usually labeled as a jewelry scale and go up to 500mg.

The two @bradslinux listead are the most popular ones around here. I have the Etekcity one as well and it works for my needs. I like that it is small and light. As he said though, it takes a second for it to register every drop so you have to go a little slow and stop when you’re slightly shy of your target.

My best Vape Mail yet!

This thing lists for close to $500 new. This one is like new aside from some light staining on the top. Can’t beat it for $180.


SWEET LV! I really enjoy my stir plate. For mixing large batches and doing some heated steeping it works a charm. Just be careful, that plate can get damned hot. The kind of hot where you leave your fingerprint permanently attached to the plate hot.

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Yeah, I think it said like 1200 degrees if I remember correctly.

Edit: 1022 degrees.


Because of the viscosity of VG at 70% do you have to spin this slow? My stirrer goes to 1100 rpm I believe and I can’t get it much past 6.5 on the dial before the bar loses its hold on the magnets. I am just now using the heat though so I assume that will help a bunch. I couldn’t find my themometer lol.

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As the mix gets warmer, the viscosity is reduced quite a bit and you can crank the RPM’s. Use a kitchen meat thermometer to monitor temp. I have a digital one that gives an alarm when the target temp is reached. Keep it under 125 deg F to keep from evaporating the more volatile flavors.


Thanks to @LordVapor for being crazy awesome, I’m getting an Aromamizer! I am stupid excited. :grinning:


You are welcome. I hope you love it.


It’s really frustrating when you have stuff out for delivery. And the mail ran already. And it still says out for delivery. And my box is empty. Ugggggg lol

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Now I have been a naughty boy😏
Just ordered 3 rx200, an Efest LUC Blue charger, 2 griffin rta and 12 Samsung 25r batteries.

The problem is that it probably won’t ship before new year and I can’t wait lol :fearful:


I had two packages say they were at my local post office Wednesday morning. They didn’t get delivered. Thursday morning another package showed up at my post office. It came with a knock on the door. I asked the mailman about the two packages that showed up at the post office the day before that still hadn’t arrived. He said the post office they were at was the larger one in town here. He said they had two very large crates of packages there they have been working out of. And he told me that he may end up making a second round. Two hours later he came back with my other two packages.


Never hurts to ask! :wink:

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Well at least you got them lol. I keep waiting for them to run by the house ,saying sorry. But i bet it will be Monday before i see it. But thats ok i guess. I have another one to be here then. My RX200 and the steam crave with the viscosity deck :slight_smile:

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