Vape Mail! 2015-2016

Count your blessings! I’m with @NewDrip.


It’s really slick I think …very handy to slip in your pocket

Easy for you guys to say while your sitting over there wicking up your Cthulhus …all this juice and I only have like 8 tanks to chose from …vaper problems @NewDrip


I gots the batteries :grin::grin::battery::battery::battery::battery::battery::battery::battery::battery::battery::battery:


Yes you can. As long as the hybrid drip top that comes with the hells gate fit good into the rda it should be fine.

But these Yep atties are really awesome though.

So today believe it or not I lost my B&M virginity.

I ventured into a newish shop in my town called CLOUD CHASERS.

Had a good 30minute conversation with the owner about vaping and that I’m a DIY guy.

I asked if he had any high VG juices and brought up a line called CASTLE VAPE.

Out of about 7 different flavours I settled on 2 I wanted to try.



To my surprise these liquids are pretty good.

The COFFEE WALNUT CAKE, if you’ve tried the actual cake tastes exactly as the cake does. There’s a very nice coffee inhale with hints of walnut and then on the exhale a great walnut flavour with an undeniable sponge flavour. Great mouth feel and good vapor.

The CHOC ORANGE on the nose smells exactly like TERRY’s CHOCOLATE ORANGE confectionary. On the inhale I’m getting a more citrus taste opposed to orange and really nice chocolate on the exhale.

My biggest bug bare though was £10 per 20ml bottle.

And for a premium cost juice I thought they would have been better.
Don’t get me wrong they’re very good liquids but £10 when we DIY’ers know exactly how much these types of juices cost to produce I feel is a little steep.

But then at least I can recycle the glass dropper bottles when I’m done lol.

The B&M store seems to mainly cater for Subtank users and standard Vapers and when I asked about kanthal they didn’t have any in stock (awaiting delivery)
Asking for Nichrome was like I’d just swore at the guy lol.

But overall for my first ever B&M visit I was pleasantly surprised at the owners ability to help.

He even let me have a drip of some juices on his box mod with a Clapton installed.

When I opened the cap of his dripper I said to him, “nice you’ve got a Clapton installed” and offered him some advice about a parallel with twisted wire next time for increased flavour.


Edit with cloud pic of the coffee walnut cake on a single coil 28/32 Clapton with parallel twisted 28g. .41ohms.


Nice! Yeah, as soon as I learned how little it costs to make juice I got pretty disillusioned with the premium stuff. Not saying it isn’t great, but I just can’t justify the price anymore. :smirk:

P.S. Is your nick Jon da Mon or Jon Damon…? I’ve been meaning to ask and just never got around to it. LoL

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It stems from my days as a DJ

Originally it was Jon The Mon, Then came Jon Da Mon. Then came Jon DaMon. To be honest I don’t care how anyone pronounces it.

I generally go by “J” anyway lol.

But officially it would be said as “Jon Da Mon”.

With the space between the Da and Mon.

My name is actually Jonathan Williams. But only my mother calls me Jonathan. Lol.


LoL cool. I figured that was it, but thought maybe you could be Matt Damon’s long lost brother or something. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Finally ordered the IPV4 and a Crown Tank Combo for a pretty good deal. From what I’ve seen in reviews this tank should be a good one. I surely hope so. I’ll be the Guinea Pig on this one. 2 week delivery sucks though. I’ll be waiting like @MixedUp1. :man:

IPV4 + Crown Tank Combo $95


I’m so close to pulling the trigger on an IPV4.

I just know that the other half would go balistic at me though so I may have to hold off until next month.

(Or get it shipped to work lol)



My other half is buying it for my birthday. :birthday::confetti_ball:


My birthday isn’t until January lol.

I may just get one shipped to work this week. Lol.


I’ve gotta say I’ve had mine for about a week… it can be finicky at times coils gotta b just right I mean just right but it’s the balls when you find that sweet spot… flavor from start to finish it seems batteries last quite a while to


Same thing with the vapor flask.


I think that’s true to all these temp control devices …maybe I should have stuck to my flask and got a sig 150


You can always use kanthal and no temp control. It does better in normal mode.


I usually don’t experience dry cotton even with kanthal anyway so it’s really not an issue… but I do notice a difference between tc and kanthal builds


I use kanthal a lot on the flask . Sometimes I just get tired of fiddling with the temp control. To be perfectly honestl I’ve got more dry hits from vaping with temp control from the coil not being set properly than I have from just reg old kanthal


Happy birthday!! :wink: