Vape Mail 2021

That’s exactly what I thought. I see Shane has a LOT of newer flavors, and v.2’s which I haven’t tried, but the Blueberry was one that ALMOST gave Medicine Flower a run for their money.

Spoken like a true flavor connoisseur.


Hi Robin, I got them used for a $6 each. Sometimes you can grab the on Reddit.


@SquirrelSmash My thanks :+1:


Check your PM’s


Blasphemy…Shame on you lmao…I love Shane and he knows my admiration for MF and that I enjoy his flavors. Almost is still far from close imo. VSO BB is good though


I know, I know hehe. I thought about it long and hard …


Blueberry (MF) 1% (1-25-20) – Having heard ALL the rave reviews about this one, for some reason I held off getting it. Maybe I was too content with my current Flavor West Blueberry / TPA Blueberry Wild combo, but that has now changed. With Medicine Flower price reducing all of the originals I was able to score a 30ml of this one, and now, I’m GLAD I did. In a word WOW. Smelling it on the bottle it seemed kind of odd almost, leaving me hesitant during it’s sleep/steep. But as always, Medicine Flower proved they DO know what they’re doing. This one, IS now the BEST Blueberry I have ever tried, made, and/or mixed. You looking online for it yet ?? Blueberry isn’t the easiest one to get right, or everyone would be doing it (well). I have tried more than most, and some have even had a funky muskiness to them. This one is literally the definition of a complex single flavor. Utterly full, rich, and delicious to start, and it finishes, exactly the way it starts. Now there IS a kind of earthy/musky-ness to this, but it absolutely works. Hands down, it just plain works. It’s hard to convey how rich and full this is, as many fruits can come across as thinner, hollower than say a bakery or custard, but this one, is right up there with the full-est of them, AND, as a fruit flavor !!! Continued vaping, continues (LOL) to reveal it’s multi-dimensional makeup. The center body is some dark, more mid, and some high notes, with this fascination almost fermented high end kicker, which just sets it apart from the crowd. Sweetness is mid level, total absence of anything floral or soapy, and NO funky musky-ness. One of my first (and there were a lot) thoughts was, “How could you NOT use this in a blueberry muffin” ? May have to get on that, but quite frankly, will not be doing ANYTHING, until this entire tester bottle runs dry. I now see why there was so much hype on this one, and claims of “the Best”, and I agree. At times I thought I picked up a somewhat jammy quality, other times not. IMO, it’s that complex. Wish I could give an 11/10, but 10/10 will have to do. If you can FIND IT, you should BUY IT !!!


Blueberry (VSO) 5% (8-28-20) – Alright, alright, ALRIGHT, let’s kick this OFF !!! First one on deck from Shane over at VSO. Brand new MFG for me, and not seeing a ton of info on them, felt it was right to look into them. Huge Medicine Flower fan, so when I saw natural extracts, I signed up. OUT of the gate, the very FIRST impression I got was it was very similar TO MF. No surprise right, natural extracts, right ? It wasn’t a MF BB clone, but a VERY good Blueberry. At 5% it felt pretty good, even, and strong, and it presented as a fairly COMPLEX BB. Absent were any off putting musky notes that some BB’s have, and it did a good job of capturing the ENTIRE BB experience, top to bottom. It had low notes, plenty of mid notes, and just enough of the high end, which included some bright punch, that you could almost get from the skin. Wow, let’s vape some more of this one… Yeah, that’s a good one. It’s complex in so much that every time you vape it, it presents just a bit different, which makes it a great vape, even solo. It didn’t seem to ride ONE line, i.e. pure natural, candied, jammed, etc. but had elements of all, which again, added to the complexity of it. Sweetness was about mid level, and despite CHAIN vaping this one, I just couldn’t find any take offs. An interesting thing I noticed, was when vaping, the initial vape leaned sweeter, but as you continued and exhaled, the tart picked up a smidge. For my FIRST VSO flavor, color me impressed. For a beautiful well rounded BB, that is fairly complex with just the right amount of sweetness, and tart, you might just be surprised with this one, and glad you picked it up. Finishing the tester on this one. Due to my complete inability to find anything I didn’t like with this one, placing it at 10/10 .

“Better” is soo subjective, to the individual, but I kinda KNEW that MF BB was going to be a life altering flavor, but what I didn’t expect, was how good Shane’s was.

Can you ever have TOO many BOOberry ?


Yes agreed …I keep a 4oz bottle


Well shit, no better time, for another shameless plug ehh ??


Coil Clout 40% off sale:

I can’t seem to stay away from Armageddon :grin:. I cashed in my points and got a free matte black Apocalypse 25. The other one is 28mm and a V2 of something. Elite? I forget.

The bag of Mavaton X was from Coil Clout. I wasn’t a believer at first but that stuff is fo real. It’s not the most convenient wicking material since it’s just like a big lump. It gives me fantastic flavor though. Jay Haze was right all along.

Also got these 28mm caps for my Armageddon RDAs. It fits a few of their decks

I’ve made one order from Vapeyaya in my life. It was over 7 months ago. I ordered and forgot about it. Two months later they emailed me saying the RDAs were out of stock, but they could send the drip tips. I told them to send me ALL of what I ordered, or cancel it and give me a refund. I didn’t hear back, and forgot again. Today the package showed up! These Goon clones were were $5.99, and the drip tips were $0.99.

The Goons are great quality RDAs. I’m still kind of shocked they came through with them. The posts are stainless steel (not gold plated), which I really like. Great bargains but that delivery time was crazy. I went looked and now the Goon Styled RDAs are $16.99 and the drip tips are $2.99. Not sure if I caught a sale or what.

Round 2 of the Saga/Valhalla V2 Mini came today! I friggin love my first one. It makes @SquirrelSmash think of dicks but I don’t see it :joy: lol.

Power for days, and great battery life. It makes my single cell mechs seem like they die out quick now. I posted this in another thread but the Saga is basically half a HOG (XL). Not sure if I wanna get the bigger one yet.


Wow @INOIROC that is one HELL of a story, AND, a haul !!!


Yeah, weird wild stuff lol. I’m guessing they ran out of the Goon clones and finally got more. Can’t believe they came through. After I ordered, people warned me to stay away from Vapeyaya. One guy said I’ll get my stuff but it might be a year later. He said to think of it as a surprise (which it was,). I didn’t even remember what I ordered until it showed up lol. I love Goons. These aren’t super cheapo Goons either.



Jay Haze… I guess to each their own eh? I did use to watch him but It would drive me crazy that every RDA or Tank or anything really would be dirty AF. EVERY TIME. How is that even possible?

Anywho, I went and purchased the Mavoton X from the vendor and I was really very excited. I tried everything he had and let me tell ya, most of it was ok. The flavor was great but the break-in was HORRIBLE. So bad in fact that I couldn’t use it anymore.

I am very curious to know how it goes for you. I did a review on it but very few people have even heard of it.


The first time I used it, I treated it like Native Wicks or Cotton Bacon. The flavor was nothing special. It’s really fluffy stuff so I twisted it a bit to get through my coil.

The next time I tried, I didn’t roll it or twist it at all. I just let it’s natural fluffiness fill my coil. Boom. That was the ticket. My best advice would be, try less. That’s what worked for me.

I do think that some cottons are better for certain flavors than others. I use a liquid called The One by Beard Vape. It’s Strawberry, Cereal, Donut, and Milk. I usually don’t get any donut flavor. It just tastes like strawberry cereal milk. I tried it with Native Wicks Platinum Plus one day. All I could taste was Donut. It’s was the weirdest thing. Next re-wick I used Muji and the donut was gone. I couldn’t figure out why. I just thought my taste buds changed or started perceiving it differently. Later on down the road, I went back to Native Wicks and the donut came back. Mavaton X gives me a bit of everything. Deep really saturated flavor. Like I said, I’m a big believer now.

I’m not a big Jay Haze fan. I’ve watched his videos and I’m aware he uses that cotton almost always. That’s about it though lol. I’m far from being in his “Hazer Army” lol :joy:. He screws up so bad sometimes. So does Ambitions Vaper. They won’t change or adapt for anything. It’s they’re way or the product is shit. Both can be really stubborn.


Received some freebase nic from (Delosi Labs) last Friday…

It was nice of them to include about 14 of those shipping peanuts in the crushed box wit my order,
No response to email w/pics,


That sucks Rocky, hope they get it sorted for you.


@Rocky02852 WTF ?? !!!

The ones I got (first order) were fine…

Have you tried calling them ?


Also since Delosi directs people TO NicBase, maybe THEY can make some shit happen for you.

Just checked, Delosi’s phone number is the same.


@Dan_the_Man Holy Moly, you sent some INTERESTING flavors there brother. You also packed them MUCH better than a shipping company !!!

And thanks to the PEER pressure …


Check these babies out:

I whipped up something special for one of those Goon clones I got the other day. N80 SFC: 6x31/42ga, .11ohm. They fire instantly on my Sui-Side mech. (I’m gonna toot my own horn here :joy:) I’m guessing that nobody has ever created these particular coils before. It’s a weird combination of numbers first. Second, It also takes a good execution of staggering skills to pull them off. Flavor country has been invaded :grin:.


Man, that’s pretty. Excellent work!