Vape Mail 2021

I’ve emailed them twice so far.

Edit: I just found another email address to contact them. Going to try that one and see if there’s a response.


Oh yes, it is possible and I will help if I can. I have some videos on tik tok and youtube that talk about that very thing. If you have any specific questions DM me. Anyone here can and will help though so you have a big selection of folk.


Didn’t order one, didn’t know about it as well. Looks interesting but not sure if I will order it. I think I still have the original pandemic RDA I haven’t even used yet …sigh


I just talked to Trevor on Reddit. He said he’s expecting them on November 1st. Hopefully they come then or sooner so we can try it soon.


That’s awesome. Thank you for the heads up. I appreciate it.


Refilling, and testing new…


Are they ribbed for the fishes’ pleasure?



@AnnaJohnson I’m not sure if I understand exactly what you are asking. Is what healthy ?? What would you like me to describe ?


I’ve been wanting a SBS and considered the Brunhilde, but a review I saw mentioned the German 103 team had nothing to do w/ it, so wondered if it wasn’t as solidly made as the Brunhilde RDTA, which I love.


It’s pretty solid. Don’t know how much of a drop it’ll take, and not gonna find out anytime soon. Over the past few years, I’ve done my best to never drop one. As far as battery life and performance so far, I’ve got zero complaints - but it hasn’t been too long, so we’ll see. With a 21700, the Pico Squeeze 2 (solid and heavy) is 253g in weight and the Brunhilde is 208g, so it has some heft to it.


She’s a solid mod in my opinion. Never heard of German 103 before and really IDGAF for any youtuber collab. Here’s mine, naked.


Eek! Warn a person next time, or add a NSFW tag! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I do the same thing. I love that German 103 team.

I’m with ya bro but these guys are no YouTubers. They are; 103 individual Germans with engineering and other backgrounds (smart people) that get together and come up with some really nice vape gear.


No one wants to see down another man’s tube without fair warning!


First I’ve heard of them, thanks. :+1: So if they’re not 'tubers how did they become known, like a website or what? (True story, the 'tuber that turned me off all collabs was SMM). IMHO every atty with his name that I’ve tried was pure garbage)

Big Rhonda is a cisgender female mod. Pronouns she/her. She feels great in hand, and even came with a bag of Rhinestones to bling her up, but I like her all nekked.




That makes two of us @big_vape.

What is German 103 Team?

The Origin of German 103 Team
German 103 team is a cross-border charity team jointly founded by Vapefly, famous Youtuber Dampf Wolke and many German-speaking vapers in April 2018. It aims to help smokers stay away from cigarettes, advocate healthy lifestyle, design and develop healthier and more innovative vape products to replace cigarettes. In order to attract more people to join our team, we continued to find public spirited vaping enthusiasts in Germany. Finally, we gathered 101 members, together with Vapefly, we formed the German 103 team.

We hope to change the lifestyle of smokers, get more attention on the lung diseases caused by smoking, help smokers quit smoking, and support more people in need through charitable donations.

!( is 103 team/103 and vapefly logo.jpg)

German 103 H ot P roducts
So far, Vapefly and German 103 team have jointly developed several hot products, such as Core RTA, Brunhilde Top Coiler RTA, Brunhilde MTL RTA and Kriemhild Sub Ohm Tank, among which Brunhilde RTA, German 103 first charity project, became the most popular RTA in the German market in 2019 with its unique appearance and exquisite technology. As soon as it was released in February 2019, it was sought after by numerous vapers. In order to rush to buy the Brunhilde RTA on the first day of sale, many vapers had already lined up in the cold wind in the early morning, waiting for the launch of Brunhilde RTA.

In addition, since the beginning of 2019, we have been working on the new product with our German 103 team, the Kriemhild Sub Ohm Tank, and finally it will first be released in Germany in February 2020. After countless times of careful polishing and modification by our team members, many customers have pre-ordered it before the release, making it another sub ohm tank that leads the German vaping market after Brunhilde RTA.


An awesome friend sent these inners to me, didn’t tell me what he was sending, only that I might need another billet. Then put a little devil icon. These are so cute but yep, gonna need a white BB now. He’s an angel and a devil all at the same time LOL. He did also send a matching button to that drip tip but I need to do a tiny bit of sanding to get it to fit, I also haven’t decided yet on which sticker to use. I am having SO much fun with this device


Fascinating piece there @Deb50.