Vape Mail 2023

OK last piece of the puzzle came from Central Vapors, 250MG/ML nic salt. We mix tonight :scientist: :lotion_bottle: :baby_bottle: :baby_bottle: :baby_bottle: :baby_bottle:


@Pastorfuzz that is apparently just how she is.



Yes sir! Looking forward to trying it out. Never used this brand before


Shhh, keep me under the radar… :shushing_face:
I don’t even know how you knew it was me, there is no reference to me on the shipping box, right?
Mail was slow to get it to you, but I am happy it got to you.
@Pastorfuzz You were much too generous with your gifts to me, I really appreciate that.
BTW, @Psycho_316 was responsible for giving me your address because I couldn’t decipher it off the original package you sent me, LOL. Thank you @Psycho_316 for helping me.


I figured it was you because you told me to be on the lookout for mail a couple of weeks ago.
Thanks again


Talk about running me over with the bus and backing over me :man_facepalming:t2::rofl::rofl:


You will get your sweet revenge on me someday… :grin:


I truly appreciate you helping me. You wouldn’t let me pay you or reciprocate with flavors, so I wanted to thank you by giving you something I knew you could use somehow, someday.


I did rewick my Profile RDA with it this morning before I left for work and so far it’s working great


Hope it works well for you! I was told that Ken Gen Do was among some of the best to use for those that wick their own.


I used Koh Gen Do for a while. Maybe it was just me but that stuff took a couple of tanks just to break it in sometimes. The taste during break-in didn’t agree with me. :nauseated_face:


That is useful info to know. I wonder if @Pastorfuzz would have preferred something else?? When I asked him which cotton he uses, KGD was among them. I’ve heard KGD from @SessionDrummer and a few others how much they liked it. I can’t send it back now, but knowing which cotton is “generally preferred” is good info for me to know since I don’t wick my own. What is your preferred choice? As someone that is ignorant about cotton as a vape tool, why does some have a long break in time? I’ve heard similar things about factory coils, too. I have so much to learn and I would love to know more because I have quite a few questions about some of the factory coils I use. For example, I get no flavor whatsoever when I used the M+ Mesh coil in my Falcon King, but tons of flavor with the M dual Mesh coil. How the heck am I to know which coils are the best because the reviews varies so greatly among each coils and it feels like I am just draining my wallet to find “the one”.
Why does some of my Innokin coils for my Zenith and Kroma-Z sometimes takes a couple tanks to break in?
Why does my Horizon Sakerz Master spits back so much if I vape it in a supine position? It is a top air flow but because of the spit back, I’ve resorted to using that tank while I am upright instead of using that in the bedroom while I watch t.v.

Ugh, I am a question box that sometimes gets tired of asking so many questions, lol.


It’s working great in my Profile today.
I’m not getting any funky taste.
I’ll definitely use it. Thank you again!


Good to know! If you ever truck out to my area on the West Coast, I would love a puff or two off your tank so I can see what the big deal is. I don’t know of any other vapers in my area, much less know of anyone that wicks their own.


It was just a passing comment. It’s good cotton make no mistake, quite absorbent and lasts a while, once it’s broken and bent to your will (sound of whip cracking). But like I said, that initial period the flavor is just off to me. Like licking an old chalkboard eraser.

Myself, I prefer Cotton Bacon Prime. A bit pricey but there’s no break-in period to speak of, much easier to fluff/comb out and you don’t have to fiddle fuck with peeling layers, Scottish rolls and such, like with KGD. YMMV


Is there a second variation of Cotton Bacon Prime that is upgraded, or is that just the Cotton Bacon and the Cotton Bacon Prime is the upgraded version?


Prime is the :arrow_heading_up: version


Don’t get out west anymore and have no desire to do so with all the bullshit going on out there.
Used to love it but as of 10 years ago my truck didn’t know how to get there anymore.
I stay local now and won’t do anything else.
But who knows, I haven’t been on a road trip on the bike for a while


You are smart to avoid the West, it is so California-ized now, so heartbreaking!


Yep! But it’s a lot warmer there than it is in the Chicago area during the winter.