Vape Mail 2023

Thanks @SquirrelSmash!! I’m looking forward to this! :pray::pray::pray:


I’ll go through wrapping for a Hellvape Hellbeast, an Asgard Mini, a Digiflavor Drop 2 and a Ragnar with a velocity deck. I think that’ll cover all of the common deck varieties. Coiling on a mesh deck like the Vandy Vape Lit etc is not core knowledge and only for eccentrics.


Haven’t gotten to mix a whole lot lately…, just some…, Well… Quite a few SFT’s & I’ve picked up some cheap-ass disposables lately…, But now I’ll be mixing more for the new non- disposable pod mod I won from @HealthCabin …, Pretty damn good mod! And I actually won it thru the giveaway! The new Vaporesso ECO NANO…, Sooo far it’s pretty damn nice!! Planning on ordering more if the bank will ever f*in allow me to order thru healthcabin…, IDK, but this MAY just be the LAST & ONLY device I’ll be using from here on out, other than testing…


Wrap, wrap, wrap
The call me the wrapper.


I used to borrow my wife’s hairdryer but even though it had plenty of power and different heat settings it seemed to take ages for the wrappers to shrink properly whilst the battery would be getting uncomfortably hot so I bought a small heat gun and it has made one hell of a difference. It takes next to no time now and it get the seams nice and tight without building up too much heat on the battery. I wouldn’t advise people reading this to buy anything too powerful or fierce but something with a low setting is ideal especially if you buy the thicker wraps like I do.


I’m hoping the different colors will help me keep my singles away from my couples.


After some trial and error, I’ve found the correct size o rings for my Elder Dragons. I use them a lot and some of the o rings where the drip tip goes, are getting pretty “Beat up” looking. I probably over did it but they’re cheap at AliExpress. Wotofo didn’t supply spares which is a bit abnormal.

I’m not sure if it’s inner or outer diameter they go by but the specs are 15 x 1.5. The “1.5” is the thickness. I ordered a bunch of different ones in 1mm thick, and 2mm thick. Those obviously didn’t work so I got 1.5 this time. I didn’t even know they did in-between measurements. Anyway, I have 130 spares now :laughing:.


This is my absolute favorite single coil rda! I was lucky I found 2 on Fast Tech a couple of years ago. Good to know about the o-rings, thanks for that!


I wholeheartedly agree with this @Lynda_Marie, @INOIROC.


@SessionDrummer @Lynda_Marie @INOIROC STOP making me want one! :face_with_diagonal_mouth:




If you can find one, grab it. You won’t be disappointed!


Another fantastic single coil rda is the mongrel and at moment there £4 something at ecigone
, put a 3mm I’d coil in it and the flavour will surprise you.


Me too! I can enjoy plenty of others but none are better. I’ve always thought that Wotofo dropped the ball on making a V1.5. They could’ve kept the deck the same, but gave the outside a different appearance. Digiflavor did it with the Drop & Drop Solo 1.5. It would’ve gave plenty of newer people a chance to get one (Or two, or three…). I’ve had lots of requests to sell some of mine. The demand is definitely there.


I have one sitting downstairs I’m will to part with… Just sayin!!


I managed to get two Elder Dragons, one in Stainless Steel and another in gold but I’d love to get my hands on a blue one. Great little flavour banger RDA that I have to thank @SessionDrummer for recommending to me.


I’m more than happy to hear that @Lucas_James_Holden. I think often times (not always) reviewers are accused of just “making people spend money”, but that’s NOT the case. Nothing makes me happier, than to hear that you picked up (fill in the blank), and it worked out for you as well.


I for one have never felt that reviewers like yourself make people spend money. For me reviews are about making informed choices about flavors and or hardware. Having good informed opinions on items helps the consumer to have ideas on how a flavor may taste or how a piece of hardware may perform. It isn’t full proof I’ve bought many flavors and many pieces of hardware that just didn’t work for me, but that isn’t the fault of anyones review of that product. The fact is that a lot of folks have different tastes in flavor and how a product may work. Keep up the good work!!!


Thank you @McDuckie.