Vape Mail 2024

Im just gonna wait until they come out with a Ripe SB Ultimate, that way i can combine all three for the Super Ultra Premium Ultimate SB.


@Lynda it looks like the SB Sweet, and Coconut Milk ā€¦


Thanks! I wonder how ultimate they are :grin: I wish there was a 10 ml option.


You and me both.


I Love Vape Mail I picked up a few VT and others to get me by. I could have sworn I bought the 30 of Vanilla Classic and Vanilla Ice Cream. Then I remembered Iā€™ve got 120s of each coming from Diyejuice. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: apparently Nomz doesnā€™t check their reviews they sent a freebie of Bonzo Black Edition one shot even though my review said I didnā€™t like it. I guess thatā€™s going into the donation box.:package:


So this is kind of related. Ive got 4 packages going out but the post office closed early today for undisclosed reasons, just said closed early. Small town living!

Just wanted to let the folks who are receiving them that ill run back in tomorrow.


They just have the 1ā€¦So nreest are Coconut Milk and Sweet SB ā€¦


The Sweet SB is the best Smelling Sweet SB ive ever smelled but who knows until its tested. This seems to be Cap and FJ on steroids. Just mixed this yesterday for fun


You get the Coconut Milk too? Wondering how it compares to LBā€™s.


Yes sirā€¦I have both , Pm me what ultimates you have . I have a bunch of the 10ml samples so ill send those to you


I miss getting new flavours, donā€™t even have any bottles to do testing with anymore. Mix myself a 60ml a week of something and thatā€™s about it now.

That one Iā€™d like to try, mixed ultimate sb today into a cheesecake, forgot how much I like strawberry. :drooling_face:


I know the feeling Iā€™m down to my last 5 mini bottles (3ml for testing). Iā€™m saving those for special flavors. I had to grab a few empty 15ml @diyvapor for mixing up my favorite recipes.


I get 10ml bottles for testing off amazon. They are like 7.99 for 50 bottles


I usually get the same kind of deal from Amazon. Iā€™ve been lazy lately and rather than washing out my used bottles Iā€™ve just been tossing them out. My bad.


Wow, kinda pissed at diyvaporsupply. I made a order over the weekend. When checking out it said there was a error with my card and it looked like it didnt go through. I went and put everything back in my cart and checked out again and this time no error and the order number came up with completed checkout. I then go look at my order on the order page and turns out the first one sonehow did go through.

I tried calling them the same day , no answer. I also emailed them to cancel my first order as it was placed twice. Called them again the next day no answer. Woke up the next day and have emails with tracking for both orders. They never even responded to my emails.

Just received both orders today and to make matter even worse it looks like the flavors were labeled by a little kid in his basement with a 10 dollar label maker. The stickers are not even waterproof, just cheap paper. Can they not afford bottle labels anymore. Last time i order there.


Hey bud, lemme get that link for those bottles. Id like to take a gander at them.

Also, what the fuck. I have ordered from DIYVS a bunch of times and never once got a bottle that looked like that. Honestly i would find that unacceptable without explanation.


Thatā€™s strange with no explanation. I have gotten 120ā€™s from them with labels like that. I bought every drop of the original Mr Good Stuff (DIYFS) they had, and they came like this, but I had also spoken with them on the phone. Plus, I noticed their prices went way up. I noticed that and havenā€™t ordered since, been over a year since Iā€™ve ordered.


Interesting, i reckon i should expect it in the future then. I generally only buy 10ml bottles from them and its mostly NF.

BTW, yer up next. Ive been getting packages out in the order in which i made the promise. Ive got White Peach MF on the way, i just ordered it, so when it comes in ill be shipping you a package. Ill let you know right before just in case you wont be home. Trying to get this all done before the weather turns too warm or something else tarded happens to me.


Yea iv ordered from them before and they always had labels


What bottles you need?