Vape Mail 2024

I just want to clone it like Folkart did with Holy Grail. The Developed premium group had a in-depth discussion about Holy Vanilla on zoom once. We narrowed down a few possible flavors that could have been used in Holy Vanilla. OOO vanilla custard cheesecake was one. The OG TPA Vanilla Bourbon was 2nd. We never did crack it though. I like the V2 of Holy Grail but apparently it isn’t quite as good as the OG.


Thats something i want to work on. I also have the v2 but its not really that great. Just judging from the smell so far the og smells far heavier


I wish i can get the og diyfs pound cake. It was so good. I used it all the time. It was just so perfect . i tried the one she has up now but its nothing even close to the old one


Do you know how old that bottle is? They closed down her manufacturing facility years ago for not being a certified clean room about the same time she was only selling her Holy Resurrection when Walt sold his RF license to the Canadian maker and seller. If that is OG it’s 8/9 years old. She was originally selling a bottle
with a brown label .


I have no idea but id assume at least 8 years old. I know he bought it when the talks about it being discontined started


I bought out of last batch out of Holy Resurrection she made up about 4/5 years ago. There was a Holy Vanilla V2 that lasted about 9 months before Resurrection came out and that flopped.
This is the label she was selling under.


Wow that ressurection looks dark


Na! It’s a black/brown bottle.

Here it is in a LD 15ml bottle.after licking my fingers it’s alcohol based.


Ah ok. Looks about the sMe as the one i have


I asked and he said he got it around the end of 2018 or early 2019

Wow i just mixed up a sft and it already lives up to the hype. Its delicious. Right off the shake im getting a decadent deep dark cakey frosting vanilla with a brighter still heavy french vanilla on the exhale. Mid vape you get a real natural vanilla bean note, almost minty but blend so nice I cant wait for this to steep. I could vape this solo as a snv its that good. Very rich in flavor. It really smells up a room with vanilla too.


Put a drop on your finger. What is the base?


Man, a 120, wow. I’m running down on the last I have.


It smells kinda like alcohol but tasting it on my finger i just taste cake frosting. So good


It used to be sold everywhere huh. I know bcf used to have it too


That was back in the days before Walt sold it. It was a Real Flavors product back then.


Now that iv been vaping this flavor i honestly dont think theres any other flavors available that can be used to replicate this . You would def need to do some kind of extracted high end vanilla bean

If i had to even think of a way to get it done maybe something like the powdered note on wf powdered donut mixed with cap french vanilla and a homemade vanilla bean extract that would need to be made more concentrated


Try mixing INW Shisha Vanilla and add some French Vanilla it will be close.


I just tried this. I cant say its really close. I get the hint of the right notes but still missing everything that makes this holy vanilla really different. I think its just missing that potent natural earthyness and some of that upfrom deep frosting. Adding a concentrated natural vanilla extract to this i think could get pretty damn close. I remember a juice maker back in the day that made vanilla juices with high quality vanilla bean extracts that were very similar to what holy tastes like so its def possible to do. The problem is you would need to find a concentated extract online(i havent really looked for one) . I dont think you would be able to extract it yourself because you need special equipment to get vanilla bean extracted properly. The key is def extract though, im not sure what bean though as im not a vanilla bean afficionado. Id prob think madigascar but theres so many types. My guess would be that its a harder to obtain vanilla bean strain with high vanillin content because i dont think diyfs would have had a hard time sourcing regular madigacar extract

Btw i just tried some holy vanilla with ssa ice cream vanilla and Holy shit does it make a great vbic


The difference you are tasting is today’s synthetic vanilla vs the old school alcohol extraction. Not too many natural vanillas left today. That’s why MF gets the ratings it does.


Stocking up for the Soap Apocalypse…