Vape Mail 2024

That why when I’m working a clone I try to vape my target eliquid in a few different types of unit. Different units and wattages will reveal subtle differences in overall flavor. When I was working on a clone of Don Juan Reserve and vaping it in a low watt mtl, I kept getting some chocolate and a slight toasted marshmallow note which led me to think they used FW S’mores or a combo of chocolate and toasted marshmallow really low.
I did pick up some nutty toffee notes from Cream Team Buttercream also. I’m still thinking that they may have used a toffee or buttered toffee with FW and or Cap Butter cream.


I’ll be hitting you up to see what you think. I had plans to buy this. Did you buy from DIYVS or Apex?


Where did you find it Lynda?


I bought from Apex


Ohm City! Via your recommendation, thank you. I never would have known they shipped to Ma.


Oh yea i oredered from their before. They ship to ny too


I do the same thing and when I ordered the Butter Cream I made the mistake of ordering the 6mg. I could vape that in an MTL but the sweetener was killing me. When I switched to DL in an RDA the 6mg nic was killing me but the sweetness was less defined and more palatable. Bottom line, behind all that sweetness was a wonderful flavor profile. I wish I could order it w/o sweetener and add my own. I still have the option of ordering 3mg and using a DL setup. Such a waste though of good juice. Do you know someone who would want the 6mg?


You tasted BP in the Butter Cream?!!! Weird, I never picked up on that but their other flavors (Kings Crest) use it a lot, I noticed. Ha, maybe a new hire got their labels confused :crazy_face:


I would buy it from you. I need to get more for research purposes. Working on a remix and I’m close but it’s missing something or just needs to be tweaked.


I also got a bit of pecan as a back note from CM Buttercream and being a buttery that could cause a butter pecan flavor. I did also get a bit of butter toffee from it. I personally think they did some flavor bending. I believe they used Vanilla butternut which has a slight pecan and maple note to it. Now since it’s a butter cream when you mix butter and maple it can create a butter toffee type flavor. I also have read where Kings Crest use saline quite a bit that would also bring out any nutty notes.


Nah, no buying is necessary. I want to offer it up to the cause. Cloning is hard work. All I ask in return is to be your guinea pig and let me try your results :smiling_face: as soon as you get close. PM me your address.


Yes and I’m pretty bummed about it. It doesn’t taste like it used to. So I wicked up a Profile mesh rta because that’s all I used to use prior to diy, and it’s the same, It’s not gross, but just not like I remember it to be. I actually put the bottle in a drawer and went back to my holy vanilla custard. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Have you seen Developed’s remix of it? They took it down off ATF, but I had copied it over to ELR prior to me using ATF… I’ll send you a message!


I didn’t know that developed did a version CT Buttercream. I’ll have to ask around discord and see if any of the OG premium members have it. Or I’ll just shoot Folkart a message to see if he has anything.


Yep that was from DIY mixers crew on YT.


Why did they do that?


No sacrifice in that :wink: Which keeps reminding me I need to use mine before I lose it. I still have a 30 ml original HV. Would you be able to help me use it up by pointing me to HV recipes with your stamp of approval? When you have the time of course.


I just copied the recipe off the video, I have all the flavors 'cept the FW Sweetener. Funny, when I do a lick test of the commercial juice I don’t get much Butter Pecan, not even on the vape. I wonder if there’s just a batch disparity between mine and what @Lynda_Marie got? Anyway, I really liked his narrow cone caps for the PG/VG . Do you know where to get them? Never seen them.


Nope those are strange. Almost reminds me of those old plastic ketchup and mustard bottles my grandmother had. Lol


Is this the CT Buttercream recipe you’re looking for?

(I’m not sure if it’s cool to link to there from here so gambled on the screenshot)