Vape Mail 2024

There’s another in a similar boat, Flavour World that is closing up shop due to customs crap. They’re definitely allowed to stay open and trade just can’t get anymore flavours because customs officers steal them. Because they’re scum!
I did go back for seconds at the Yellow Mango too but there was only 10ml bottles left. I’m pretty topped up with mango anyway so I’ll leave those to the new mixers coming in :grinning:


@Ken_O_Where , my bottle is almost 2 years old and it looks a hell of a lot better than yours.
You can even see my watch band through it


Pretty sure FW just melted a stick of butter in the bottle, its all that my nose can pick out, hehe.

I told Nomz not to send me another bottle nor refund the money, it was 3 bucks. Just wanted to let them know it was bad.

For anyone interested it is Nomz batch 22/05/24.


It looks like the bottle where some people dump their bad recipes.


New pickups, i added the Silver Cloud so that i could show yall the disclaimer they send ya, its LOL.

I dropped my Strawberry Filling FLV in the dern sink so i had to grab another. Many of the others flavorings are for mixing other peoples recipes and the Eggnog LA is for my coffee tho i used to vape it back in the day. Still the best of the Eggnogs, IMO. BTW, @rcleven, the Custard 2 smells horrible, lol. Straight up baby puke breath, still gonna try it…


Last but not least, a little something from @Rocky02852. The wife and i almost threw down over the soap!


Yea something def wrong with that lol. How did they not catch that


@Ken_O_Where that looks a lil’ funky …


I wonder if the hot summer weather has anything to do with it. I’ve seen people talk about taking there chances with shipments sitting in hot transports. Just a thought.


I can’t say ours is that bad that looks pretty extreme but that’s how it looks now we asked FW about it and they confirmed. Ours has had sediment in it since at least the beginning of the year we had to put a warning in the description.


Looks like they are trying to cover their own butts. That statement is not entirely true as we have tested it and found it to work amazing as part of a e-liquid. As well as being really delicious :drooling_face:.


Did they change the formula recently or something? Whats causing the sediment when there was none prior?


Wasn’t it you that agreed with Wayne that the taste had changed? Pretty recently i remember him saying it wasn’t as good.


Yes. It has changed imo although still same color. I cant make up my mind if one is better then the other they are just a bit different. The real old one imo was much more vanilla heavy where as the newer bottles i got the vanilla is tamed down and the actual cake is more prominant. I do still love them both.


That’s what I love about it, the actual cake-I-ness of it.


The old bottle i have is also cakey too with the more prominant vanilla. I was vaping them side by side and what i think it is is that just newer ones come off as more cakey only because theres less vanilla. On the old one i get that poweful cake frosting type note thats in holy vanilla


First let me say thank you for popping in to reply and providing this information, pretty cool of you!

Im pretty sure i must have gotten the last pour from their transfers as i got ALL the sediment, hehe. Here is an image just a couple days later:

Im not looking forward to vaping this stuff!

Right? Hehe, cant really blame them at all. The other side of that card is quite nice, many thank you’s and well wishes. I will definitely check out more of their offerings!


Is that from Nomz? I’d send Richard an email. That definitely looks like it wasn’t shaken/stirred/mix before bottling. I’ll have to get a new bottle from BCF to see what it looks like.


Just run it through a coffee filter?


It is, i sent an email a couple days ago but nothing yet. I just wanted to alert them to a possible issue, no refund or anything and definitely not another bottle sent, hehe.

Im not ALL that particular about what goes in my lungs but this certainly isnt, lol.


@Ken_O_Where, man something about that just doesn’t look right. Now ok, MAYBE some separation, crystalization, and you COULD try to heat and disperse it, but I just checked my (old and new) jugs of YC, and none look like that.

If by chance, you DO, heat and disperse it, post back.