Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

Gotta say too, even though the honey tastes like honey (maybe even a touch of floral in there though that’s very vague at the moment) and the milk is good with no weirdness or off-notes, I still dunno if I could say the milk is SUPER milky - I mean I can taste it fine, it’s great, but I always want MORE milky taste anytime there’s milk in a juice - even commercial juices.

I know also there’s plenty of creamy shit to layer-up any basic dairy so it’s richer/thicker/numnum but milk just seems to be one those flavours that’s more a mouthfeel/texture than an actual taste.

But then again, real milk itself isn’t exactly making taste-buds collapse under the weight of it’s flavour - much as I love milk, it’s a pretty mild flavour generally.

And I certainly DO love milk: I’ve heard of people who can’t or don’t drink it except in their coffee/tea and breakfast cereal… not me: I can drink myself sick on the shit and still love it as soon as there’s room in my stomach for more :+1:


Anyone tried their Black Tea?

I’ve still got a bottle of VG with Chai Tea II (TFA) I’ve never used because it was far too strong, though I could dilute it further: it’s been steeping for over two years now so if it was ever going to be smooth enough to use, it’s at that point and not gettin’ any smoother.

Another ancient mix that’s been in a bottle for a long time, but unlike the Tiramisu (TFA), which is very much like a very good coffee flavouring after a long time steeping, the Chai Tea always had a really sharp note that kinda irritated my throat a bit though I could imagine it being pretty damn nice if I dilute it considerably and throw enough cream, milk and dairy flavours at it.

Another experimental and small-scale mix to try when I get bored with the other flavours :smirk:

Anyway, browsing the flavours I noticed Black Tea (VTA) and remembered how harsh the Chai was, which I’d assume could only mean that standard black tea would only be harsher still since Chai has all those spices in it and is generally yeah lovely I love chai tea - make it with powdered milk so I can increase the creaminess to more than fresh milk provides (I’m talking about actual food here, not flavourings).

And I don’t know whether Americans drink it or not, but over here - thanks to the English colonization of course - we like a decent cup of hot tea and I was thinking how Black Tea, plenty of milk/diary and some brown sugar could potentially create a nice rendition of the real thing - provided the black tea flavouring isn’t too blugh to work in a mix.



Matter of fact I might have a go fixing the Chai Tea II (TFA) and Tiramisu (TFA) mixes tonight, once I’ve slapped some noodles together and eaten: just so I can find out whether there’s any point keeping the Chai and, well the Tiramisu is already very nice after a near half a year of steeping - as I’ve said in some other post recently.

I’m also curious to find out whether I’ve finally got a real coffee flavoured recipe I’m only a few steps away from creating, since NO coffee juice or flavour I’ve ever tasted has tasted like coffee that’s remotely close to something you’d ever wanna drink, as a drink.

That’s right - the Tiramisu thread it was, which wasn’t a thread requesting recipes but a statement that The Flavor Apprentice Tiramisu isn’t unusable like I’ve read a thousand times, it’s just no good as Tiramisu: re-consider it as a coffee flavour and it’s perfect - once you’ve set it aside to steep for a million years, anyhow.

So if it’s perfect now as a coffee without dairy, how good will it be with it added?

Best of all, that Tiramisu isn’t some piss-weak no-name flavour I’ve run out of or almost used-up: I’ve still got enough of the flavour itself left to make another half-litre of the shit…

Which I was supposed to do the other day, but forgot the VG while shopping :roll_eyes:



Today I’ve been giving Vapetrain English Toffee a go and I’m afraid to say it doesn’t impress me at all.
I mixed it @4% and it’s been steeping for 15 days.

Perhaps I’m being a bit harsh in my statement above as it’s not absolutely terrible but it’s not particularly nice either. Basically it’s nothing…
What I do taste is an extremely light toffee…ish type flavour that’s bordering on being burnt that is almost tasteless. Truly not my idea of what a toffee should taste like that I can probably use but it will not jump into my mind one bit when thinking of trying to create a juice with anything toffee related in its flavour.

I don’t believe that mixing it any stronger will help as the almost burnt taste could strengthen into a true burnt taste, and I’m sure the taste I associate with toffee will not emerge. I’ve been using it all day in the hope I might find something else to describe it as but enough is enough as I don’t believe my opinions are going to change.

I would rate it as 2/10 and most definitely would not buy it again.


I would write him an email, or give the flavour a public review.

Email might be more productive: you could literally just copy/paste your above post in an email and send that.

Maybe they don’t know that flavour is so weak, or don’t know that customers don’t want weak flavours - regardless the spiel in the description.

In every instance they should sell us full strength concentrate and WARN us it’s super strong or meant to be used as a background accent or whatever.


Here’s this week’s order… if the formatting works…

  • Bottle Size:: 30ml 1
    Butter Base Flavour Concentrate DIY for e-Liquid Recipe - 30ml

  • Bottle Size:: 30ml 1
    Macadamia Nut Flavour Concentrate DIY for e-Liquid Recipe - 30ml

  • Bottle Size:: 30ml 1
    Raw Sugar Flavour Concentrate DIY for e-Liquid Recipe - 30ml

  • Bottle Size:: 30ml 1
    Cheesecake DIY Flavour Concentrate for e-Juice Making - 30ml

  • Bottle Size:: 30ml 1
    Glazed Strawberries Flavour Concentrate DIY for e-Juice Recipe - 30ml

  • Bottle Size:: 30ml 1
    Butterscotch Flavour Concentrate DIY for e-Liquid Recipe - 30ml

  • Bottle Size:: 30ml 1
    Croissant Flavour Concentrate DIY for e-Juice Recipe - 30ml

  • Bottle Size:: 30ml 1
    Warm Custard Concentrate DIY for e-liquid Recipe - 100ml

  • Bottle Size:: 100ml 1
    Vanilla Cream Flavour Concentrate DIY for e-Juice Recipe - 100ml

  • Bottle Size:: 100ml 1
    Red Dates Flavour Concentrate DIY for e-Juice Recipe - 30ml

  • Bottle Size:: 30ml 1
    Blueberry Flavour Concentrate DIY for e-Juice Recipe - 30ml

Butterscotch Custard here we come, if the Butterscotch doesn’t taste like shit anyway.

And though I don’t give a fuck about blueberry OR strawberry, since I’ve got the cheesecake I figure one or both might give me a different accent as a change from the endless custard and creams I’ve been mixing


The Butter Base, Macadamia and Red Date are because I heard @jinx_d going on about some Butter Pecan flavour that sounded alright.

Also because @HVPGH talking about Tripoli, which made me thing date + nut + honey might be nice, thoug macadamia is a pretty heavy nut.

Also thoug, it’s not REAL macadamia, but flavored air.

The red date can also double as a sweetener if it doesn’t work with the macadamia, though there’s also Brown Sugar for that and to stop me having to use-up all the Sweet Honey.

Obviously I like the Warm Custard and Vanilla Cream since I’ve ordered 100mL bottles of those.


I emailed them once before and did not receive a reply and quite honestly it is what it is. I’m not upset or anything.
I’m not going to like every concentrate I try as taste is subjective and every manufacturer has winners and losers.

Each to their own as such.


I got 1 reply outta two so far: from some chick called Tamara who said thanks for telling gingerb how awesome their … whichever flavours I said ai liked.

But no reply to the second, where I asked whether I could get priority over everybody else who orders :smirk:


No I didn’t really ask for priority customer status.

I DID ask if I could check whether what’s in my cart is in-stock before ordering so my order doesn’t sit on hold for weeks waiting for a restock of one flavour.

No reply to that either :angry:

/spit @ tamara


Really though, there’s no stock-count on their site, so that’s their fault.

And I would rather they just swap one flavour for one that’s out of stock and send me my shit: nno custard left? Fine: Creme Brulee will do.


I sent a polite email questioning the price of postage at the time, which may be lower now. I honestly thought it was a mistake of some sort.
As I didn’t receive a reply I thought sod them as there’s plenty others out there but was repeatedly drawn back to the website by reviews given and the array of flavours.

Eventually I ordered as temptation was too great and once I used the discount code on ELR it reduced the overall price to about average.
Overall I’m glad I did but a little surprised as I’m a stubborn git!


$15 Express Post for me, and I live less then an hour from the suburb they’re located.

I reckon DHL would get it to me same day that close, but last week’s order was overnight - at the post office first thing in the morning.

I’m okay with overnight.


I mixed Vapetrains Croissant and Strawberry Jam today, along with a DIY NET all @4%.
I’ve read reviews on the Strawberry Jam saying it’s a little underwhelming, tasting not of actual jam.
To me it smells of jam but I won’t know until at least two weeks time personally.
I’ll post my thoughts then.


Even JAM needs to steep??

Gawd - I figured that’d be a shake n vape flavour, given it’s fruit without any dairy.

EVERYTHING needs steeping - only the nasty, tangy shitty fruits seem to work without prolongued periods of sitting in a cupboard :smirk:


I guess the actual sticky, glutinous jammy puckery taste is more complicated than just simple fruit though, so it makes sense from that perspective.


@Gazza7 gawd, you writing a novel?


However I can comment on Vapetrain Light Rum and I like it a lot. It was mixed @4% and steeped for 21 days.
Personally I find it far superior to their whiskey which I enjoyed enough but not as much as FA Rum. Vapetrain Light Rum has surpassed FA Rum and has now become my favourite alcohol type concentrate which is a recommendation in itself.
I think it does have traits of the whiskey but has a much better taste. I’m certainly not a big rum drinker but from what I remember this does remind me of it.

Basically it’s a “boozy” type flavour with a very enjoyable sweet tinge to it. I think I can taste a very slight caramel too. It also leaves an extremely enjoyable aftertaste in the mouth after a vape which I like. I think it was when reading Taste Of Concrete that he mentioned it would pair very well with FA Rum which is a combination I’m definitely going to try. I believe another winning combination would be a tobacco which I first hoped when I done the same with their whiskey.

All in all I’m very impressed with this one,would definitely buy it again and rate it at 9.5 out of 10. I would give it a 10 but think that it might become a bit much as an ADV but that’s just my individual tastes and thoughts and not the fault of the concentrate.
In saying that it’s possible I may think differently when used in a recipe so I rate it as a very solid 9.5 out of 10.


No, just trying to choose my thoughts carefully and honestly.

I almost always leave every mix for at least 14 days, probably unnecessary some of the time but it’s become automatic now.


Yeah I have only the Barrel Oak concentrate, which is very mild and slightly sweet the way vanilla beans are though without the vanilla flavour - and I have considered that a nice base could be created with some Oak, Brandy or Rum, maybe some Red Date for that rum & Raisin tint and honey.

After that, a single good flavour could turn that base into a rich, sweet, Boss Reserve style juice with very little extra flavours since the alcoholic flavours with the sweet honey/date and woodiness of the oak would set-up the juice for, well it could be vaped just like that I suppose.

Sure seems like a great start.