Vape Train closed?

Vape Train Aus website been down for a long time looks as though there closed up shop


From what i heard from a few retailers is they are moving to wholesale only.


Oh wow ok. Not such a bad thing always found them pretty ordinary but a couple pieces of gold in the rough so to speak


@Dave84Aust I know that @Jetz has more information on VTAā€™s demise due to the recent changes in the laws in AU/NZ.


I know thereā€™s none at Bull City in the states anymore, sux i liked a lot of VT flavs


Nomnomz still carries VT and a site in Canada, canā€™t recall the name. I live in the US and shipping from Nomnomz wasnā€™t bad.


Right on, Nomz is where ive been shopping VT flavors,as bull city in the States no longer carries it but its all good.Nomz has been pretty good to me :blush:


From a DIY Flavours emailā€¦


Thatā€™s excellent news @robrrt1 and confirms what I had already heard. Thanks for letting us know mate.


Anyone have any updates on VTA in Australia
Iā€™m about to make my last 350mls of my favourite (mango magic ice) and need to order more but website still down
Iā€™ve tried the contact me page a few times but not had a response

Alternatively, does anyone know other concentrates (available in Australia) I could substitute for the 3 ingredients used
Shisha Mango
Ice Mango
Fairy Floss


How about NZ ?


Just an FYI for you.

They have different flavor names, but there are at least 2 other Australian flavor retailers, reviewed here already by @SessionDrummer . IMHO Iā€™d buy from them in this orderā€¦


@big_vape Flavrz are slimy creeps who slide into peoples dmā€™s without invitation or warning , they also ship in clear packaging ( which is bizarre by itself but given whatā€™s now happening in my garbage corrupt homeland . . . . ) , then thereā€™s all the atrocious reviews & the fact they are being wound up by ASIC ( unclear whether receivers have been appointed or what the actual reason is but itā€™s public info , go check their ABN / ACN & see for yourself ).
I wouldnā€™t touch them with a 30ā€™ barge pole before I heard about the wind up. Certainly wouldnā€™t trust those clowns with my $$ now.


Welcome back :pray:

:joy: :rofl:
I have never and will never deal with them.

Oooh, they got very very glowing reviews here, even with their abnormally high usage rates. Hell, the reviewer was even on a first name basis with the dude.

That doesnā€™t sound good, but Iā€™m not in Aus, so I donā€™t understand the abbreviations.

The last I checked, other than themselves and the reviewer there were less than a handful of public recipe authors so the world will not come to an end. I donā€™t wish for anyones ill will (or their business), and I wonā€™t be losing any sleep tonight.
Have a great Tuesday.


@Liquid_lothario where were FLVRZ reps sliding into DMā€™s ??

What is the ASIC, ABH, and ACN for those of us not in Australia ?

Hehe @big_vape looks like @Liquid_lothario triggered you. I donā€™t know about glowing reviews, but the flavors came out about on average with what I typically test score wise, and the strength issue, that is a seperate issue. Just because flavors are weak, or weaker, doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re bad.

Everyone can check the three month running review ā€¦

As far as ā€œfirst name basisā€, yeah, thatā€™s common for me, as whenever I am approached to do reviews, Iā€™m talking to SOMEONE at the other end of the line, and with a 3 month review, yes, 3 months, obviously there were conversations over that timespan, most were questions/answers from people about the flavors. I started getting so many questions, it was getting rediculous to relay messages back and forth, and I tagged Darren so he could answer directly. I had thought this was a PLUS for everyone interested, but that in turn caused more issues LOL.

Iā€™m going to have to go back and pick out all of the 10/10ā€™s in the series.


Personally, that was turn off for me and I stopped following that thread, hope your independent flavor reviews never go in that direction againā€¦


Well the good news it @Rocky02852 theyā€™re just as independent as theyā€™ve always been. Believe it or not @Rocky02852.

As far as the poster above, I donā€™t know who he is, and heā€™s got two posts on ELR, so I canā€™t speak to that, or the DM/PM stalking or whatever, but about the only real criticism of the FLAVRZā€™s that seemed legit, was the strength, or relative strength. Now, as I stated, just because a flavor is STRONG, doesnā€™t make it good, and the same with WEAK flavors, doesnā€™t make them bad. Bad FLAVORS makes them bad LOL.

I can think of some HELLA strong flavors that are terrible.


OBVIOUSLY only 1 person triggered here, and it sure as hell not me. Lame try. I didnā€™t even call you out by name, but look at you still defending the coziness. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

See, even Rocky noticed AND STOPPED FOLLOWING :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Tension was raised, 3 people suspended and left. You know I stopped reading that thread also. Maybe you can go buy that ā€˜gas spectrometerā€™ on the cheap (or whatever it was) :+1:


I think you just outed yourself.

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