It’s not the creepy crawlies you need to worry about. It’s the smart arse Aussie that will trick you into picking up the wrong one.
Watch out for those drop bears!
It’s not the creepy crawlies you need to worry about. It’s the smart arse Aussie that will trick you into picking up the wrong one.
Watch out for those drop bears!
I was going to post more nightmarish pix but didn’t want to hijack the thread. If interested, do a google fu on the Wolf spider’s mating habits and females carrying their young. Live Science is one of the websites. Don’t do it, though, if spiders give you the willies.
Hmm, I’ve never thought of flavoring my coffee with fruits. I don’t even know if I can imagine it. I’ll have to give it a go for curiosity’s sake.
Yeah, not sure where I got the idea from, was more messing around than anything else. But it really surprised me.
Not easy to describe either. Maybe the easiest way is like if you dunked a jam covered biscuit in coffee
No sir. I don’t have the peppermint. For the same reason as you. Has that spider only got six legs? Is it dangerous? Not sure I fancy watching the documentary on creepy crawlies. Not a big fan of insects and arachnids. Even if they are ecologically sound. Evolution should have found a different way.
Is that a huntsman? Wifes cousin lives in Perth and posts videos of huntsman in the house. She’s also against killing spiders for whatever reason so they’re always catch and release videos accompanied by screams lol
That old gal in the pic has 8…
She’s just keeping her two front legs together like all ladies should.
Teehee, what is it then, Phil? Your right, those 8 legs are there. I saw them move.
They double up on their front legs when they’re about to punch you. Bwa ha ha. It’s a double body; my shot is blurry.
Sounds like my house. Spiders do a good job of killing all those bugs you don’t want around I.e., mosquitos, flies, gnats, fleas and the Wolf Spider (above) kills the Brown Recluse. So I’m letting this baby stay.
Anyone try the VSO Pineapple?
Not yet but I ordered some. Couldn’t pass up 33% off because SD reviews I had to get more.
Anyone try the lychee?
Not a lychee fan but with all the good reviews of VSO I’d say it would be worth a try.
Has anyone tried the raspberry doughnut one shot from vso? If so what do you think and at what %
@Mike162 just emptied the tank on the SB doughnut.
Strawberry Donut (VSO) 16% (9-7-20) – This one took the entire 10ml bottle to try and get a grasp on it. For starters, it was very good, but I couldn’t decide if it was more of a SB Donut, or SB Cookie/Donut. It was missing any telltale yeast notes that often times accompanies “Doughnuts”, and there was no (YAY) Playdoh, so what it did have was a great bakery element that teetered between somewhat of a donut and yet, a cookie. Sweetness was mid level, and the overall mix tasted really good at this level. I deliberated as to missing out on some of the Donut, vs. the absence of heavy yeast or Playdoh, for rating this one. After finishing the entire tester, it continued to be obvious that this WAS indeed a great flavor/one shot, despite it not being overtly donut-y-ish. Finalizing this interesting one at 8/10.
I will definitely try that one its sounds like a winner. The one I have on the way is raspberry white chocolate doughnut. Think I should mix it at 16% or maybe lower?
33% Off? Where’s that? Is there a code I missed?