VSO flavors / Best Before buy dates/ Flavrz strength etc

Yeah i dont know honestly as the chocolate after a week was real good but did fade but it was only at 3.5%. Cake caramel and blue razz where the culprits for me. I do understand they are not a strong concentrate and need to be pushed. But yeah those 3 at 6% where just meh. Chocolate is still far and a way the winner for me. But yes shane took care of the problem


Sorry about that, didnā€™t know he was already on it, looks like I got to this party a little late. :slight_smile:


The Blueberry is a lot weaker than the Blueberry I purchased a few years ago.
Iā€™ve got the new tester at 12% now and Iā€™ll check it next week to see if the flavor improves.
At 6% there is hardly any flavor.
I mixed the others @ 10% last week and will check them soon. Hopefully they will improve.
Also gave some of the flavors to my daughter to test also. Weā€™ll see what happens


Roger that @Pastorfuzz.


Iā€™m going to mix some VSO testers up today and also some recipes that I would like to try and we shall see what mine are like after a steep although I doubt they will be any different to yours @Psycho_316 because we bought them from the same place at roughly the same time.


Id solo them at 8-12%


Iā€™m looking forward to your opinion (although testing them solo would be a much better info than in recipes), because so far i am completely on the band wagon with @Psycho_316 and @Pastorfuzz.

Bought 10 top-rated flavors and iā€™m really disappointed (Nomnomz). Fruits (i had most hopes on these) are totally bland; it seems i will really have to try them at 12% (LOL) as Psycho suggested; so far i doubt i will be frequently using them; not impressed. BB V2, SB, Black, Huckle, Apricot, Raisin, all thumb down, they feel like they are natural, but not screaming iā€™m natural (more like 80% natural / 20% artificial, but bland taste and not on the top), some are overly sweet (not natural sweetness, but artificial; donā€™t know, maybe this is the reason why they donā€™t scream iā€™m 100% natural or maybe itā€™s just that they are not top heavy and recognizable as iā€™d wish they would be).

Espresso is good on its own and it seems itā€™s a great mixer with other coffee flavors, i donā€™t regret buying this one (but even this one iā€™d wish to be more on the top). For White Chocolate iā€™m not impressed, but it seems itā€™s playing well with FLV WC, so i donā€™t regret buying it (but i wouldnā€™t buy it again). Barbarian Cream and especially Cheesecake have a potential and it seems like i might like or even love them, but i need more testing. Cheesecake and Espresso are the only one iā€™d buy again so far (maybe thatā€™s because these two donā€™t require those ridiculous percents, so there is a chance some of the rest will eventually be workable at least when i find their sweet spot).

My recommendation to new mixers would be, donā€™t rush, wait for RAW series; if you really have to, then buy 2-3 of these originals and donā€™t have too high expectations. Maybe that was my fault after all the hype.
One more (personal) thing - imho any DIY flavor that needs 5%+ should be banned.


lol im there with you


I mixed this up all vso. I havent tried it yet going to wait till the 2 week mark to see what it does


This might be the case here (since noone had these problems before it seems) or it has something to do with fruit flavors (they all are totally bland for me/us, while this is not the case with dessert flavors (for me at least).


Now Iā€™m pissed been trying to get this brand for ages got my order last week everybody raving about them their in every recipe Iā€™d like to mix now I got to get back next week and test them :rage:


They need to be done at high %ā€™s thats the issue. I have used the chocolate in a mix at 5% with 2.5% chocolate ssa and it does get overpowered by the ssa. Im trying to find uses for them but its not working out. I will figure something out. The blue razz i can use as a sweetener in my fruit recipes as there is no blue razz note that will take it over.


The chocolate was the best out of my 5. You can solo it once you find the right % where it dorsnt fade after a week. That chocolate was really good after a week


I just started vaping the ones I mixed at 10% 2 weeks ago and they are still weak as hell.
Very disappointed as I spent over $800 on 2 orders for me and a few more mixers that live near me and they arenā€™t too happy either.
They arenā€™t even close to the older flavors I have from them.
A lot of hype from Noted about VSO and we swallowed and made a large purchase.
Lesson learned.
My daughter suggested I get a bunch of the Rawā€™s to bump them up but there is no way Iā€™m sending any more money to VSO.
Weā€™ll try and fix them another way.


I think the problem is they have been just over diluted. Probably someone just mis read the info wrong. Ill compare the raw to what i have done so far. Shane is sending the three worst ones i had. So im gonna compare how undiluted compares. That will tell me how over diluted they are. But im assuming its way too much. I already know that im probably gonna be shocked that the undiluted and diluted are related.


Good luck with that.
30% off sale must have meant 30% less flavoring is the way I look at it.
Iā€™m done with them and donā€™t need to comment anymore about it.
Iā€™ll stick to buying flavorings that I know work well


The undiluted ones say the mix .15-.5% so if we look at it its been 10-15% which is needed with these so if my math is correct these are diluted 2000-3000% based on the .5% ratio and high end needed. But i could be wrong as im tired. I will give a honest straight forward take on the undiluted and ill test them the way i always do. Dual coils single coil then on the mesh deck. So i am lokking forward to trying them and see what they present. But yes this line was a disappointment. Hopefully i can get another perspective and see what those where trying to be.


(If not too late) ask him to send you 3 of their original flavors too so youā€™ll be able to directly compare them. That would be good info for you and for him (and Nomnomz).

As Lucas mentioned, Iā€™d also believe there has been some wrong doings during the process; i donā€™t think VSO sent some overly diluted flavors or Nomnomz diluted them wrongly; but iā€™m inclined to believe that these naturally extracted flavors simply need more shaking than some artificial flavorings/brands and that wasnā€™t done properly before bottling. (similarly as youā€™d need to shake bottle of natural juice for drinking - thereā€™s often a huge difference when drinking unshaken top vs bottom with all the meat/sediments, while you donā€™t have to shake artificially flavored juices). As we know flavors separate, fruits sometimes do, lemons/spices often do because of essential oils, so itā€™s advisable to shake them well before mixing as we are told (and for naturally extracted flavors i am wild guessing they are in this category; that would explain why dessert flavors are generally better and not so bland as fruits are in my case).

I can imagine Nomnomz had received 10L canisters and maybe they didnā€™t shake them properly/enough before bottling and we had a bad luck to get that bland unflavorful top. Those buying the bottom will probably be happy.

This is just wild guessing; letā€™s wait for Shane or someone with more insider info to give a better explanation.


@Mikser, one of my favorites.


Yeah its too late as they are already on the move i did ask nomnomz if any of them had sft any of them to see what they thought. I have ? Nomz on a couple of concentrates as they had off notes that i didnt have from a prior batch. So who knows whats going on. And yes those who get the final run of that batch will be flying to the moon with joy