VSO flavors / Best Before buy dates/ Flavrz strength etc

Roger that @Psycho_316.


Consistency across brands, of course but will never happen. These do appear to be consistently weak. Yup, based on your reviews, damn accurate.

In/for my stash I have a handful of dilutions but even less straight flavors that require >5% usage. It’s when using those 2 extremes together that makes it tough. (liking slicing a bell curve ⅓ of the way horizontal and they’re below that line).

No one has mentioned the NIC. Better be buying VG nic if you’re following his vendor recipes. :crazy_face: or be able to get your hands super high nic.

While I agree with the ‘extremes’ portion, we the DIY community has never been the majority user of any vendor. (I’ve heard/read this many times over the years.) So I don’t know, but I agree with you.

I hope you’re wrong Psycho. While disposables are all the rage right now, government clampdowns and laws are also taking effect. IMHO we are moving to lower volume, higher nic. Even here in Canada we have a new federal excise tax based on volume. $10 on a 60ml, plus provincial(state) tax on top. This China shitstorm of disposables will kill us all.


Im not interested in nic in vg. I tried it once and realized it wasnt for me its easier to agitate nic in pg. i had a issue when i tried it in vg i didnt shake it enough after it sat i screwed the 100ml bottle of nic i had. I want ease of use. And highest nic i can get is 72mg


So lemme ask you guys straight up. With that vendor, with so many super high reviews, clean and DAAP free, but on the other side of the world … do you foresee yourself purchasing any? Will you even answer this @SessionDrummer ?

For me, NONE, not a one. I’ve kept it real, will you?


Personally i wouldnt as everything you want to mix will be over 20%. As i have learned weak flavors even at high %’s are going to be quicker vapor tongue. And you wont taste it. Plus even if it was available in the uk i wouldnt buy it based off the %’s. Ill stick with what i use. Easier to work with it. Eventually ill be down to just wf flv ssa fa and some tpa and cap. The custard cake and grape candy solos i did kind of pointed me in the direction of where these companies are going weak as can be


@big_vape, so far, I’ve got probably 5 or 6 that are already on the, “Yeah, I’m going to get a big bottle of that one” list.


@Jetz actually turned me onto a really good Custard recipe early on, and although somewhat higher percentages, it was great, and, I’ve already got another 120 steeping.


I’ll finalize my list at the end of the reviews, and just get bigger bottles to defray some of the cost.


I’ll wait to see your pics in the vapemail thread. Now Rocky’s the dude that lives by ‘go big or go home’. Somehow I can’t imagine you with 1L of each AND a dedicated safe. :yum:


That safe is where he keeps his top secret recipes. I bet he has some bangers all locked up.


LOL, not sure if I’ll be picking up 1L’s hehe.


They might come in handy if you have people with pods you cater too. All i know though and this is the bad thing about over diluted items and here it is.
I buy stuff from a place here in the uk that sells big bottle of concentrate. They are manufactured for companies that sell commercial juice so the you need 20-25% of it. The problem is this over diluted concentrates dont have the shelf life as others concentrates do as they degrade faster. And i know this from the 3 500ml bottles i bought only 1 is still useable but its barely hanging on because i added another 3 concentrates to it. And that was only bought 6 months ago. And as the flavor started to weaken i had no choice. So i wouldnt recommend a litre unless you would be using it all quickly


The largest I’ve ever bought is 120ml, about 5 or 6 of them. Add in another 5 or 6 Flavorah @120 ml cuz the price was $3.99 for 30ml or $5.99 for 120ml.


Which one was that mate, we have so many recipes in our system and have been developing a few custards as winter approaches here for various clients. Can not remember the one I gave you


Yeah @SessionDrummer put it on here no Dm ing sharing is caring :flushed: :innocent:

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Not correct for all Flavrz flavour concentrates 1) they have a best before date of 2 years from manufacturer, 2) Flavrz concentrates are not diluted, 3) without actually trying our concentrates it is not accurate to compare them to others that are made for ingesting only.
Whilst I understand what you are saying, most resellers buy in bulk supply aka 1 gallon unit and rebottle back down to other sizes. This is generally not done so using labs, and leave open the possibility for dilution on the original flavour concentrates.

Again with Flavrz flavours this would not be the case


I have gotten those before from a vendor here. Rebottled but weak as f***. Claimed they were brands but since found out that may not have been the case either. Apparently rebottled in a uncontrolled warehouse with no thought to clean room or environment control…


VSO flavors are just great blenders, I like working with them as much as Flavorah. I don’t get any floral from them, there is a slight alcohol note from some but not all off the shake, probably because they are ethanol extracted but my adv (Cappuccino SC) is alcohol based so I’m quite used to it. A little steep and good to go, (I do not steep anything “cap off “). The only one that was a little rough for me, alcohol taste wise, was the Butter Rum Raw. But mostly I’ve been sticking to the Non Raws as I find them easier to mix with even if I have to mix higher %, but I have so many OG non Raws it’s just easier for me and the steep time is less. I did pick up enough Milk and Toony in raw form to dilute enough for probably 600ml though…


And we could tell you EXACTLY who that is … but we don’t need to. It is ashame as most new or even older diy mixers getting the concentrates from that source will never know the difference.