Watch your debit at gas pumps

Skimmer’s have been around a long time. If you want to get the attention of the gas station download an app called gas buddy. The app reports gas prices. It has a rating system and comments section for each station. That should get the station’s attention.
Most gas station’s around me have gotten smart to skimmer’s. They place tape seals over the seams of the credit card receiver. If the seals are broken beware.


For the lingest time i refused to use my bank card or any card online I even mention it here on elr years ago that until recently I used Pre Paid cards for my online shopping this is why …

I have never heard of a skimmer until today


Welcome to 2021 @fidalgo_vapes, fucking skimmers, gotta love’m. We’ve had bouts of that out here, BUT, if you’re lucky, most times you can spot one. I see many people (out here) that grip and tug on the card port on gas pumps, ATM machines, to make sure there is not a skimmer stuck on top of the original card reader/port.

Glad your bank hooked you up.

Let the buyer (card inserter) beware…


Yeah they’re just little magnetic strips too so can be pretty much shoved in anywhere they wanna farm people’s cards.

There’s also RFID gadgets that can rip card details from several feet away too so there’s no need to even be swiping a card against anything.

Can’t recall what they’re called, but they’re the reason for those anti-magnetic and RF ‘shielded’ wallets they have now.


That to me is the worst part of this story. They should care about their customers and their reputation, and they should have responded differently to you. Would have been nice to hear that they were sorry and maybe get a blurb about looking into better security protocols, etc. That would have been better than a shoulder shrug and rolled eyes; such an attitude doesn’t tend to dissuade the skimmers from continuing to ply their trade. Shame. Nice to hear that the fraud department was ready and able to nip it in the bud and you’re not out any damages other then time and inconvenience.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Guido’s Scrapbook

Yep, I keep my card in one as does everybody in my immediate family.


It sucks when this happens, but it is now a part of life. I’ve had my identity stolen and bank account drained 3 times. Fortunately, my bank alerted me and gave me a temporary line of credit until they straightened it out. And each time, they got it straightened out. Very grateful and, now, even more careful how and where I use my cards.


Yes my friend, you have been skimmed! We don’t use our cards at any gas stations anymore… Thank God the bank was there to help… Because the law doesn’t care about petty thieves … BUT…on the other end… They’ll stop mail deliveries from the postal service and delivery services… Because we choose to vape instead smoke… Unbelievable times we live in… :v:


i pay cash for nearly everything.


If you look in my wallet right now I don’t think you would find $10.00. I live in the cashless society. If I go out to eat I pay with my debit card (Unprotected). If I need something at the store I use my credit card (Protected). Keep all my receipts. Checks are direct deposit or I make deposit by taking a picture of front and back of check and deposit electronically. Haven’t been in a bank in for years.
We live in a cashless society. Only thing that the government has done right in years.


how do you pay for hookers ? :laughing:


They pay me. And I take credit cards.


I am debated right now bc I have things I want to order…I have to wait 7 to 10 dsys hopefully one of my cards will come soonner


:rofl: nice


Very much agreed @Guido_Possum. Dockers for the win…


Ooorah @deb_laing.


Heya Fidalgo , dam brother I’m sorry this happened to you first off . Just a word to go along with the gas pumps. When you drive up to an ATM reach out the window and grab the card reader& try to pull it off the atm. Seriously ATM machines are pretty indestructible so don’t worry that your gonna break it. If it’s a bogus skimmer/reader it’ll come of in your hand without a whole lot of effort. I’ve got 4 of them somewhere in a box . I’ve pulled them all left handed (I’m a righty) hope you never find one , but … now you know :v:t3::facepunch:t3::v:t3:


The good part is I havent ordered in a few days from anywhere…The bad part is im having withdrawals lmao…Ty for the advice such a crazy thing that people are doing this. I would have never known , i guess I need to start paying more attention to current fraud activities


Yeah I figured I better say something cuz it made the news here too :slightly_frowning_face: