What books do you like to read?

Wow, Rocky, what do you see?


Me, I’ve just seen orbs. But seems like everyone else has seemed to catch the action… my wife sees alot including a ghost cat that roams the dining room… :cat2:. We’ll be sitting there watching tv in the next room and she’ll say “did you see that” !!


You see orbs? Wow! Is the energy nice or scary?


We see orbs too, they are never scary though. My wife has seen some evil apparitions but I don’t.


I have a client and his dog that we recently moved into a 1 bedroom and we were sitting down chit-chatting, and I asked him if everything was working ok. He said he loved it but his dog was still getting used to it and refused to go into the bedroom. As we’re talking, the dog starts growling at the bedroom door. I opened it to see what was up and he stood up on the bed and was barking with ape-shit vigor at the pillows. Moved the pillows, and he goes off on the headboard.
What my client didn’t know was that a former tenant had died in the unit and his favorite thing to do was lie in bed, and smoke cigarettes while watching TV. He often told me that the bedroom was the only place he liked to be.
We’ve had others in the apartment since his death, but none with dogs. I guess the little guy was more sensitive to such things than humans. The whole thing kinda freaked me out a little.


I rented a room when I was very young. It was right on the top of the building. Every time I went up those stairs, I got scared. The higher I got, the worse it got.
I was too afraid to turn off the light in that room.
Never saw anything, just felt really bad and scared. I did not live there very long.

Oh, and I’m reading Patrick Rothfuss, the Name of the Wind. Great story. I’ve read it before, but that was years ago.
I just got my hands on the third book, but have to reread the other two first. It’s been a long time.


Continuing with the derail…
Saw my grandma enter my bedroom through my sisters half of the room.
I hid under the covers. Eventually got out of bed, walked through my sisters half of the room. She was crying. Asked her why “I saw grandma walk into your room”.
Grandma had passed away prior.
When I saw here she was wearing her blue dressing gown, she died in that.
I was about 8/9 my sister is younger than me.

I’ve never seen her again but my sister used to have visits from her after that. They were closer.
My mum also has a visit.

Back to the topic - just finished Echo Burning by Lee Child - good easy read.


I started on the second book of the Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss, The Wise Man’s Fear.
I forgot what a riveting story it is. Also just found out I didn’t get my hands on book 3.
It’s a stand alone story, and I’m sure it will be brilliant but…
Where’s the Doors of Stone?
The guy’s turning out to be another George R.R. bloody Martin. I’m waiting forever for that 6th and 7th book of the Game of Thrones series to come out.
They better not die before they come up with those books, or I kill them.


I owned that book and I loved it! I loaned it out to friends so it got lost somehow, grrr! I was a Science major so reading about the Ebola and the Marburg Virus was right up my alley. What a great non fictional thriller!


Yup. One of the most frightening books I’ve ever read.


A few months back I met the author of The Soul Survivor, and he gave me the back story. So far so good …



I stopped doing that a long time ago. If I would get all the books back that people ‘borrowed’ over the years, I would need another bookshelf.
A book is like a loved one, you want to look at it again, and again. If it’s a good one.
People usually want to borrow the good ones.
A ‘friend’ told me once, after I asked about my book that he borrowed, that he had sold it to a second hand bookshop.
He was a little surprised when I got annoyed. “I always sell my books to the second hand bookshop after I’ve finished them.”
Great, good on you, but we’re not talking about your book here, are we?
I think there’s a saying going something like, if you want to keep a friend, never borrow, never lend.
I think I read that in the Name of the Wind.


And he hates smoking in the house :rofl:


Yep, I lent my old Spanish guitar to a friend once. It wasn’t expensive but I worked hard as a young teen making a lousy $1.25 hr at a concession stand at Miami Speedway so I could make weekly payments on that guitar and call it my own. It has great sentimental value and stories attached to it. I still have it today. When I finally got it back it had two cracks running the length of the lower body to the sound hole. She left it leaning against a radiator. Sheer stupidity. But I was young and stupid for assuming that anyone would know how to care for an instrument. Never again. It can’t be repaired so it hangs on my wall as a decoration. There it is behind my modified lizard skin Aegis.


This isn’t a book but an interesting read if you like hearing from the astronauts themselves about exploring around the moon, collecting things and performing experiments. I was searching about the gong sound that the moon makes when something heavy is dropped on it and came across this.



:100: to both of those!


Ahhh, I had something similar. It was just an old guitar, hanging together with duct tape.
It was given to me by Anton Heyboer. I could have picked a better, newer one, but I wanted that one, because he played it until it started to fall to pieces. Small wonder the way he played. He played like he painted, sloppy :laughing: It had a lot of sentimental value.
That guy could tell stories, he’d seen a lot. He was quite mad, but we got along like a house on fire.
I never got that guitar back. One of my daughters ex boyfriends was just learning to play and asked if he could borrow it.
Stupid me said yes.
Never again. Books and musical instruments are out of bounds.
Pets have a category of their own. I would kill anybody who would try to leave my house with one of those.


I started reading Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time. I didn’t know I had it on my reader.
Apparently they’ve made a series out of it.
It’s a good read. I’m at book 2, there are 15 of them, so it’ll take some time to finish them all.


I read five of them and then just kinda gave up.
I had an author friend who knew Robert Jordan. I remember talking about the Wheel of Time series and he leaned over and said: “Robert wrote quite a few of those. He finally stopped, thank God. Do you know why?”
I said I didn’t know, and he replied: “He died.”


About halfway through Sue Grafton’s “X”. I enjoy her writing style, and her detective Kinsey Millhone is outstanding. I’ve read all of her books from A through X. Will read “Y” and I think she passed away while writing “Z”. I think it remains unfinished and published.