What day is today?

Not a year ago my wife and I attended the service of a very good friend of mine who was actually the best man at our wedding. Cancer caught him… f@@@ing disease.
I was a blubbering wreck as he truly meant a lot to me and needless to say I was very upset. I was one of the four who carried his coffin through for the service and I found that particularly hard.
His was going to be a cremation which surprised me as I know he was a catholic and I didn’t think that religion allowed cremations but as is mentioned that’s what he must have wanted.

The world is a worse place without him that’s for sure.


You have a service with a coffin then after the service the body is sent out to be cremated in the US. Depending on how busy they are you get the ashes a couple of weeks later. I was shocked when i heard about the service for my partners grandmother. I thought it sounded like fast food drive thru :grimacing::grimacing::joy::joy:


My cousin’s wife died about 9 months ago. Her wishes were to be cremated. Took about 3 weeks to hold the service. No coffin. Her ashes were in a urn during the visitation at a funeral home. I have been to funerals all over the country. Their all different. Some were in church’s some in private homes some in funeral homes some at the cemetery.


Yeah the few i have been too they had a chuch service then went to the crematorium. Only one was with a urn because the body wasnt found for 5 days after they died. So the urn was at the church.


Here in the U.K. some people have a church service before cremation but most have the service in the crematorium chapel which to me doesn’t feel right as it’s just a modern building. I am not overly religious (Church of England) but I am traditional and want my service in a proper church and follow in my forefathers footsteps.


My ancestors would take your dead ass out to the desert, throw you up on a platform on stilts and set you on fire.
After that the buzzards take care of the rest.
Didn’t have to pay for shit that way


Or my ancestors.

Viking Funeral

Although they did have to sacrifice a boat.


And their wife if it was the king that died, correct?


Nah, she ran off with Thor. She liked his hammer :wink:


I’m sure I watched a documentary about this :thinking: What part of the world are your ancestors from?


Just eavesdropping but it sounds like a certain Native American tribe that performs that funeral ritual. If it’s the desert then most likely some SW nations like the Apache tribes, Navajo, Pueblo…hopefully @Pastorfuzz will come along and set us straight on that.


Maybe you can tell me which ones you use cause the ones I tried did nothing for me.


I use a brand called Frootz. They’re 10mg and don’t completely eliminate the pain, but it sure helps. My ex uses some other brand that has some infusions that she swears by. I’ll ask her what the brand is in case you need something stronger.


Does it help all kinds of pain and inflammation?


dunno. I use it mainly for the nerve pain in my hand and arm. What I noticed is the fingers don’t lock up as often when I take the edibles. As for the pain, it’s still there but its more of a nag than a pain. At 10mg, I don’t get much of a “head high” which is fine by me. My stoner days are long past. IMO it works a tad bit better than hydrocodone, but mainly because I don’t get that disconnect feeling in my head.


Thank you @muth for enlightening me, your eavesdropping is always welcome.


You’re correct.
We also grow the best mushrooms.


The North American Continent


My parents and I aren’t religious (although there is not a thing wrong with it) my grandmother was very religious and I remember asking her is she was scared to die. And she looked at me and replied "Oh no! Not at all, (Bags packed ready to go) and when my dad died he was afraid his lungs collapsed from smoking. But when it happened you could see the fear in his eyes. Also my mom died 6 years later from stage 4
C.O.P.D and I was a caregiver for her until about 30 days before her death then she had to be moved to a nursing home after she had a stroke.
Point is , they never wanted or had a service. I had them both cremated and their ashes I buried at a property in Ontario. But you want to talk about a tough hard to swallow thing to do. Not many can say they literally dug their parents graves. That was probably the hardest thing Iv’e ever done. …


I think I will try to take after my grandma, in the end. Cuz I dont want to be afraid like my parents were. I am already afraid of death. I think I may be slightly very traumatized after watching mine go. My whole family is gone now. And I am only 36 years old. I dont even have kids, my appendix burst and infected my bowels I had a foot of my small bowel removed and been told I will never concieve. And havent been able to…so I will admit I am very afraid of the future…scares the hell out of me.
I remember when I was little my dad trying to tell me “One day I wont be here” and I would cry and scream and not let him speak and here I am 30 years later. And he was right.