What day is today?

Marijuana can stay in a person’s system for weeks and is usually detectable in bodily fluids for between one and 30 days after use. The test of whether you have THC in your system is unrelated to whether you’re impaired at the time. It shows positive even if you used marijuana a week, two weeks ago. It’s basically like a morality test.
Doesn’t seem right that someone can come to work hungover from drinking alcohol the night before and test fine but someone not high can lose their job days or weeks after consuming THC.
So has testing changed in the last few years or even taking this into consideration?


Nope…, it still pops up like tht e.g.- 3+ weeks later… This is fucking bullshit…, I hate all these fucking bullshit laws having to do with weed. Since it’s becoming legal in more places, some companies don’t worry if THC pops up on a test, but there are still some tht won’t allow it… Man… I just lost a job opportunity for failing for marijuana…, I knew it’d be in my system, as I smoke all day every day & I use the delta disposables all the time., But here for a couple of years or so, companies have been using these swab tests…, the one I took was negative for THC, but positive for Amphetamines…, I’m not very savvy with what drugs pop up as, so I ask the woman what tht was & she was like u haven’t been smoking meth have u? I told her hell naw & I went to a lab right down the road to prove tht shit… A few days later they contacted me to inform me tht I failed for THC…, so after tht I contacted the temp service, gave them the results & asked them if we proceed from here… They said the company I applied to screened for thc & a couple other things…, Like WTF? It’s ok if u’ve got some other shit in ur system??.. Pure fucking BS… The temp service told me of 2 companies tht don’t test for THC & I googled them & they had some pretty bad reviews so I guess I’ll be looking else where…


But I’ll tell anyone, any branch of government… It doesn’t matter…, I smoke pot every day & I’ll never stop…ok … Well…, I will in order to get another job, but after tht, I’ll be right back at it… I’ll smoke weed until the day I die, I don’t give a fuck!.., it helps me with multiple problems and has ever since I tried it over the fuckin med they wanted to give me as a kid…, There r many stupid motherfucker’s in the world…, but our government is at the head of them all! They have known for decades tht marijuana helps all kinds of ailments, but they’re too fuckin money hungry to release any of tht!!! I’ll quit ranting already, as I could go on & on… Sry for all the BS & thanks for listening if anybody reads this at all…


and there it is.


It’s 4 week birthday, tomorrow.



Yes indeed lmfao :joy::joy::joy:


OK, that was a good one.



After 7 weeks.


8 1/2 weeks. The main cola has turned into a go-f***in’-rilla. Will start flushing with water, today. Harvest, drying, & curing, is right around the corner.


Looks great! What strain is it? I’ll take some new pics soon.


It’s Alaskan Diesel Auto. It’s an autoflower. First auto I’ve ever grown. It’s the first anything I’ve grown, in 35 years…lol. I can’t say enough good stuff about autos. Super easy to grow, and it grew like mad. It sprouted from the dirt, on June 22nd. So, 2 months only, and it looks like this. It’s been all organic. Fox Farm soil & Fox Farm organic nutrients. Feeding / watering, every other day. It’s been a lot of fun!


That’s just insane and I’m sorry you had to go thru all that bullshit. If I test positive for opioids but can produce an Rx from my doctor, I’m good. If you had a script for weed would you be good in your state?


As Bob Dylan sang it… The times, they are a changin’. It’s been a very long and slow process, but things are starting to change. At least on the State levels. Still a ways to go, on the Fed & employment levels. But it’s a start. I’m not a naive fool, they’re not in it to be nice. I’m sure they’re making money hand over fist on it.

40 - 50 years ago, I wouldn’t have imagined, in my wildest dreams, that I’d ever see this level of decriminalization that we see today. I’m fortunate, that I live in a state that decriminalized use, and growing for personal use, to a certain degree. Also fortunate that I’m retired, and don’t have to worry about passing a whiz quiz to get, or keep a job.

Norml has been in the game a long long time, supporting marijuana use and decriminalization. You can check your state laws here:


I’m not sure…, some companies care if it pops up, some don’t…



Beautiful!!! :blush:


What strain is yours? Are they started from seed or clones? They’ve filled in nicely, since your last pic!


The strain is white Tahoe cookies x with either itself or the purple Romulan x tutt that was beside it. The seeds came from one of my indoor grows.