What do you really hate? (II)

That’s a toughie. My friend and I are hoping to return to a non-profit here in Denver to play for their Friday lunches. But at present, masks are required. We’re hoping that we can start in September if the mask requirement is lifted at their agency. What’s cook is they understand how challenging it can be to sing and play harmonica with a mask and are looking forward to us returning. My friend has played Friday lunch there for more than 10 years. Now that I am semi-retired and off on Fridays, I can join him again.



At 6am (BST) I found out that my cards were cancelled due to possible fraud without asking me (no phone call, text or email first).
Made me unable to make concentrate orders and had to get Amazon gift cards to complete basics.


Bummer. I’ve had my checking account drained 3 times, but the bank always caught it and contacted me via text and asked me to call them. Each time, my cards have to be cancelled, but they took care of it each time. Sorry for your situation.



Last week, PayPal announced a partnership with the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center to “investigate” the role of “white supremacists” and propagators of “anti-government” rhetoric, subjective labels that potentially could impact a large number of groups or people using their service. PayPal says the collected information will be shared with other financial firms and politicians. Facebook is taking similar measures, recently introducing messages that ask users to snitch on their potentially “extremist” friends, which considering the platform’s bias seems mainly to target the political right. At the same time, Facebook and Microsoft are working with several other web giants and the United Nations on a database to block potential extremist content.


I mainly shop at Bull City, VSO n Jungle flavs.Just got 23 more flavs so I’m getting up there but nothing like some people lol.150 thereabouts…I see in FB DIY groups people bragging the have 4-500 flavs etc, meanwhile their still asking how to make a basic custard or Watermelon ice or what’s the best strawberry lol…ya know,like beginner level stuff which u soon realize they’ve never made 1 recipe up but been copying n cloning recipies which there’s obviously nothing wrong with but u get a sense that they have over 400 flavors but have no clue what works with what.One kid said he’s been mixing for 3 years and he’s finally making up his first original recipe and man his flavors n percentages were all over the place and couldn’t tell what profile he was even going for.Just way too complex for someone who either learned the wrong way or just wanted to brag how many more flavs than he had than me.At the time I had like 60 flavors and could’ve Made about 25 recipes with the flavors that I had.Its not a contest dude but if you got 400 flavs and can’t make one recipe on your own ? I wouldn’t go putting someone else down cause they only have 100 flavors.I told the kid well I’ve never copied anyones recipes or cloned a recipe since the day I started( kind of a fact I’m quite proud of lol) and I’ve been mixing since NY flavor ban bout 2 yrs ago.So I think a lot of it’s from partially being able to cook or work your way around the kitchen a little bit.Or I just think some folks have no clue what works with what flavorwise.Like why would u mix 6% Graham cracker with 1% ice with root beer n energy drink​:joy: I’m no mixologist genius my no means nor am I boasting but don’t put me down about my inventory after a federal mail ban on vape gear was sprung on us and having to go spend my funds wisely on rebuildables, mods, wire, nicotine ,DIY etc while your bragging about your sub ohm tank etc and all your flavors and u can’t even make a strawberry cream or fruit medley from scratch, Idk it justs perks me there’s all these know if all attitudes in these FB groups lol.I hope in not coming off wrong guys but you know the type.Plus some poor people are still ordering ejuice thru the mail who had no idea these bans were even coming so I’m just saying…i help everyone i can ,weather its about what coils,ohms law, wire, mesh , diff atomizers n mods etc…we were all there at one time too so stop talkin smack n help people especially if u can’t even make a oneshot or even know how to use an ejuice calculator while ranking on other people.I got bills n rent etc and I can’t buy every mod or concentrate under the Sun.Im guessing their either young n live with their mom or their really short men with a gigantic truck :joy:maybe their tryna make up for something their lacking in other places lmao…Anyway god bless sorry to ramble on


You lost me buddy. Did I say something that offended anyone?


No. Nothing to do with you, other than it appears he pressed the wrong “Reply” button.

It was difficult to read, but he was talking about some knob on FB.


ah, ok then. I wasn’t sure.


Yep he’s right, I was trying start a general topic but wound up directing it you as a reply :joy: Sorry bud in still getting used to these forums, fotally want directed at you bud lol


No harm, no foul brother.



(redirected from duped )
Also found in: Thesaurus, Idioms.

Related to duped: obstinate, inadvertently


(do͞op, dyo͞op)


A person who is easily deceived or is used to carry out the designs of another.

tr.v. duped , dup·ing , dupes

To deceive (an unwary person). See Synonyms at deceive.


Pointlessly long meetings where mundane whinging hijacks the agenda: They make my lines verge on canyons.



Smoke. So. Much. Smoke.

When the missus and I were deciding whether or not to rebuild in CA or move elsewhere, we joked that at least we wouldn’t have to run from another conflagration like the Camp Fire. What we didn’t plan on was half the damn state catching fire at once and making everything smell like burnt marshmallows. Can’t even get work done outside simply because within 5 seconds of stepping out the door my eyes start burning and my sinuses go into Niagara Mode trying to flush all of the crap out.

Such is another lovely day in Red Sky, CA…


Been monitoring all the activity up in your area. How far away are you from the fire? Last I heard it was about 45 miles from you. Had a good friend of mine travel from Grant’s Pass OR to Redbluff and she said the smoke was horrible. In some spots she couldn’t make out the stoplights. You be careful with all that smoke. Hope you and yours are safe.


Again… /sigh


I’m sorry to hear that @paingawd, as you’ve already had MORE than your fair share of sh!t. I’m going to keep you guys and yours in our prayers.


For newer members, …


We’re doing well-Only good thing about rebuilding in the burn scar is that there’s not much left to burn! :crazy_face:

The Dixie Fire is about 50-60 miles up the road, with the Monument and McFarland fires being about 100-150. The problem is that the M&M fires are west of us, with a strong wind blowing in off the coast which is pushing all of the smoke up against the Sierra and Cascade ranges. As it piles up against the mountains, all of that smoke has filled up the valley and has created a miasma of misery and PTS triggers. I’ve got family that has been actively battling the Dixie for three weeks and some that are getting threatened by the Caldor Fire.

Can someone PLEASE start up a raindance?!?!?!?!?

Thanks, brother. Big hugs to you and yours! Also to everyone else-We need more hugs, dammit.


Much love, my brother. Big hugs from smoky Paradise!