What do you really hate? (II)

Hate that as well brother. I’ve found that a small squirt of dishwashing liquid helps loosen things up. In extreme cases, I’ll use a piece of rubber belt (vacuum cleaner belts work well) to apply some non-slip tension and that usually works.


I’ll try to remember the dishwashing liquid tip. I thought about WD-40 then remembered I had tried that once and it took forever to get rid of the smell. I had some rubber I had used before but it got lost in the move and by this point I was just pissed off so…crack, lol.


LOL I think a few of us have made the WD40 mistake. The trick is to only make that mistake ONCE.


Disposable tourniquets work great for this as well! The next time you’re at a lab for bloodwork, ask your phlebotomist if you can have one or two. They’re great for opening up stubborn jars and attys!


That’s a great tip! Those would be much easier than using a vacuum belt. Now I can’t wait until my next blood draw.


Reading the words “in transit arriving late.” @muth


Yeah, that’s the expected USPS updates these days. It’ll get here. Still makes me feel good about the extra couple bucks insurance.


Dish soap is also great for clogged toilets :laughing: Try it, you’ll like it!


I already have something that works great on the toilets…a skinny 15 year old boy with long arms.


I hate when my wife goes on a cleaning rage. I had two bottles of MF, the only two I’ve bought, in the fridge for the last three months. I told her a couple of times what they were and to leave them be. I looked for them a couple of days ago and they’re gone. I asked the wife and kids who threw them away and all I get is the same answer I always get. Not me. If I ever catch this Not me, I’m going to kill him. That son-of-a-bitch has been making my life miserable for years.


Oh that’s terrible! My sympathies. Next time (if there is a next time) attach the receipt to the bottles.


The skinny from the inside. Since about Dec 8 mail went into a black hole. I saw one of my packages headed to the next state North head to a distribution center 5 states South. Since many people stayed home it was a major Christmas by Mail (3 Billion packages!) …then the snow storm came and F’ed the middle an Eastern US. I think they were routing stuff around the snowed-in airports and it got out of hand …waaay out of hand.

I had packages shipped on the 8th arriving yesterday (28th!) I had a new package shipping First Class on the 24th arrive also on the 28th. Somewhere there are airport hangars packed to the rafters with late (your?) Xmas packages and they’re still digging out. The icing on the cake is that Tracking is ghosted. So after an analysis, for the middle two weeks of Dec it’s about 10-20 days for Priority. One customer who knew he was buying too close to the “old” cutoff paid $50+ for Express (1-2 days) …took 5 days.

Moral of the story? No worries it’s coming. Maybe add 20 days to that first Tracking “accepted at PO”


Make dinner the next few nights. Tomorrow night it’s Ramen with sliced hotdogs. Next night it’s bologna sammiches “sorry you guys couldn’t afford cheese …or mayo”. Step 3: After sufficiently trimming the food budget notify the fam “we can now afford to reorder the $40+ bottles of flavorings that got ghosted.”

Hit 'em where it hurts …the tongue. :sunglasses: because you know they didn’t toss 'em, they added drops-at-a-time to their sodas “Oh Man! We used it all up! …better get rid of the evidence!” Maybe give in and buy some of the flavor drop products made for their guilty desires (what like Mio is it? don’t make me Google)

Guilty party? Who’s walking around (over-consuming?) with a delicious beverage all the time?
That creative little f’er “This Chocolate coke is delicious!” …you know who it is …put noticeably fewer slices of hotdog in their Ramen. Time to turn on the Charm tho if you get a Confessor. That driveway will need shoveling soon. :hugs: :grinning: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


After that, the wife found out about the prices of all the “cheap vape stuff” you keep buying… :grin:


They don’t use it and it wouldn’t be so bad if they did. I’m thinking of hiding some of their stuff, like phones, for awhile. Just so I can answer their questions with Not Me.


WhatsApp, or to be precise, people using WhatsApp :face_vomiting:

Don’t get me wrong, I use it myself but…
I remember before this “free” service came about and people had to pay to sent a message, they would just sent a message.

Now you have some people sending you shit and that phone is beeping like there’s no tomorrow and you’re thinking that at least half your family is wiped out in some natural disaster that has also killed half the planet and you have to grab your stuff and flee as fast as your legs can carry you. (panting here, forgot to breath).

So you run to your phone and see you have 10 messages… :scream:

I went to the shop today.

The courgettes are on sale.

Only 99 cents.

You should grab some.

Better be fast.

They might be gone later.

I would go now.

People are really going for them.

You could make soup.

Do you want a recipe?

FFS! :exploding_head: :scream: :exploding_head:


And that is why I don’t use WhatsApp… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Very hard to get around it, I rather didn’t myself but those pesky kids. My sister is the worst offender :signal_strength:

I put everything in one message, just like before.
I’ve been thinking of getting them a taste of their own medicine and send a barrage of one word messages, see how they fucking like that :laughing:

If that doesn’t work I can still go letter by letter :woman_shrugging:


Can you schedule messages on that app?
That would be fun… one every 30 mins for 24 hours!
:rofl: :rofl:


I don’t think so :rofl:
Letter by letter though, leaving out any capital letters and punctuation would really fuck em up.
Where does a word end? WTF am I looking at? :thinking:

Since I never pick up my phone when people all of a sudden decide to switch media, they cannot ask for an explanation.

I hate that even more, people switching on you.
You send me a fucking text, stick to it.
Don’t phone me up after!