What do you really hate? (II)

i just looked it up, beautiful place. i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to visit, and maybe even move, there.

where i live is so damn bland and lame its not even funny. well, downtown Shitcago is very interesting. but watch out for some of the people, it could get dangerous. i almost never go there.


Hereā€™s some random pics google spat out of how winters have been the last few years - though itā€™s not like it snows all winter: just hits in blocks of a week or so at a time, but it actually gets colder when itā€™s not snowing for some reasonā€¦




if that is a typical amount, that isnā€™t much. and that is normal for around here the last 10-15 years. right now though, we just got a 12" snow, then more on top of that. and they say more is coming. and yes, here it is colder when it is not snowing.


Yeah thatā€™s about typical, and not constant.

Last year I donā€™t think it snowed at allā€¦ year before it snowed half a dozen time.

Some days itā€™ll just start to snow then stop.

Itā€™s the wind though - the snow is just a pretty visual compared to the constant ice-cold torrent of air because the Mt Victoria wind never calms down: all day, all night itā€™s just howling through town and I think that wind actually stops the snow because I never remember feeling the wind when itā€™s snowing.

But summer is pretty much done here now: started getting 17oC rainy days - which is, I dunno what that is in farenheit but itā€™s getting about Autumn and starting to feel about Autumn.

Iā€™d rather the cold though: I lived in Adelaide for 10 years and the summers are just too much: itā€™d still be 35oC at 3:00AM, and by 9:00AM itā€™d be back to 40oC again alreadyā€¦

You go outside at 10AM and all the seedlings you brought home and planted the day before are all dead - laying flat on the hot soil - and Adelaide locals would be like, "Yeaaaah, itā€™s a bit warm hey?"

45oC is ā€˜A bit warmā€™ to Adelaide localsā€¦

And all anyone did on those days - which really went on for WEEKS at a time - is make your way from one air-con to another, so the power grid goes down like three times in one day because it canā€™t handle a million air-conditioners running around the clock.

At least in winter, you can layer-up against the cold: you canā€™t do anything to stay cool naturally on a 45oC day though - even if you take everything off but your underwear, without clothes to wick sweat off you your skin ends up sticky and nasty anyway.

Yeah heat is not for me.


Must have something to do with the clouds holding a little bit of the suns heat trapped or something.

I know youā€™ve gotta have clouds since theyā€™re where the snow comes from, so I spose if thereā€™s not enough cloud to create snow at low temps the sun heated air just gets blown away.

Doesnā€™t rain much in winter here eitherā€¦ some rain, but weā€™re having out rainy season now, then in mid winter you might get the off day or two here and there but usually thereā€™s no rain, no snow, just freezing wind and the sun seems like someoneā€™s turned the fucker down to run at 10% strength.


Weā€™ve also got this to make up for the winters and a huge part of why most locals decide to move/stay/live in the Blue Mountainsā€¦

I dunno how many million acres of national park there is, but it dwarfs all the towns up here on every side and the Jamison Valley (pictured above) is only a 5 minute walk from my place.

Thatā€™s where I was camping when I met Guido Possum: I used to eat dinner with 6 or 7 possums every night and since theyā€™re territorial and the same ones came every night, I learnt to tell em apart so gave names to all of them :slight_smile:

Really grabby little fuckers Possums: theyā€™re not shy at all once they get used to you.

Daisy (one of the younger possums) used to climb up my arm, sit her rump on my collar-bone and eat biscuits on me - to get away from Guido, whoā€™d chase her around and kick the snot out of her anytime she got a biscuit too.

I bet Iā€™ve got one of the photos here somewhereā€¦


iā€™ve felt 115f , 46c ? was in Vegas in summer 2000. was a dry heat. kinda felt like being in an oven. and i like warm/hotā€™ish weather, thins my blood, i feel better, and the women wear less cloths :joy: :+1:

that is a beautiful place there !

do they use salt on the roads for snow ? they do here, it kills cars.


Nah those ones are on my phone.

But hereā€™s the Lace Monitor that used to hang out with me in the daytime - only in summer though, and only for a few months theyā€™re actively stomping aroundā€¦

HUGE motherfucks and the only animal out there I wouldnā€™t pat - regardless how comfortable HE seemed to be getting close to me: theyā€™ve got tiny serrated teeth that would probably have caused me to bleed-out and being over an hour out in the middle of nowhere that would be bad, plus venom glands and enough bacteria to guarantee infection.

Same family as the Komodo Dragon.

Broeski I called him, was 2 meters (6 feet) from nose to tail tip with a body about 1.5 feet long and a head as big as my fist.


Nah, I donā€™t think they even need to plough or anything: a few inches get dumped, then it starts melting, then a bit more, then meltā€¦ it never gets thick enough to not be able to drive.

Thatā€™s what the Adelaide born-and-bred locals would say, like that made it any less hot or something :slight_smile:


shit, around here, there are people that bitch when the road isnā€™t plowed, with 1/4" snow on it. i have seen the plows going down the street, when there is no snow on it, for real = sad.

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Still didnā€™t find the photo of Daisy on my shoulderā€¦ but thereā€™s too many, I took thousands of photos while I was out in the valleyā€¦

Thatā€™s why itā€™s okay for me to hate cats see - I get along fine with good animalsā€¦

And hereā€™s Daisyā€¦ she was a bubba why she was so in love with meā€¦


Thatā€™s pretty bitchy :slight_smile:

Itā€™s not like they wouldnā€™t be used to driving on snow either.

Maybe a little slippery here when itā€™s covered in the stuff but itā€™s never too much to get the car out .


some people canā€™t drive on a sunny 70deg day, let alone in snow. when i started driving, 82ā€™ish, the things we used to do in the snow, fun times.


Here she is: Daisy, my bummy of all the possums - she was young enough to fully adopt me without any of the cautious-of-the-human 'tude that Guido and the others always had a bit of, like if Iā€™d move suddenly and make a noise all the rest would dart up the closest tree for a moment before realizing and coming back down.

Daisy just stayed where she was and watched them - more biscuits for her right?



nice pic.
we have opossums here, i rarely see them. skunks also. neither cause problems and i will feed them when i can. raccons, yep, we have those, they cause problems. i donā€™t feed them, then they come around more = not good.


Iā€™ve only heard about raccoons: nasty aggressive little arseholes theyā€™re meant to be once they start hanging around :slight_smile:


That got a bit off topic there for a momentā€¦




they are made for survival = why they do what they do. but they run away when confronted.


we might get sued , lol.


Okay right well I really hate, cats.

Their smug faces, the way they walk around like they own the fuckin joint and Iā€™ve never cared at all for having anyonesā€™ arsehole two inches from my face so Iā€™m not about to start now.

Back on topic smooth as silk :smirk:

Football too - hate that.

And crack-heads.

And all my ex girlfriends.

Also peaches & cream flavoured juice, I hate that and I hate staff expecting me to let em look in my bag anytime I leave their podunk little stores like I would even want to steal the kind of shit they stock.

I also hate the realization that Iā€™m actually not immortal.

I also really hate my supervisor.