What do you really hate? (II)

Well, when you’ve experienced a 110°F or more in 70-80% relative humidity… You quickly appreciate the difference!!

I’ll take a dry heat anytime over the alternative. lol


That’s what the Adelaidiens say! :slight_smile:

Queensland is ment to be that way with it’s stinking hot days and tropical wetness aand humidity, which has left me with no desire to even visit on a short-term basis.

I understand logically the difference: wet heat causing the air to be so humid your skin cannot sweat properly because the air is already full of moisture so none can evap off your skin to cool you, while dry heat allows that top happen.

But still, if it’s 45°C it’s way too hot thank you very much - the Brown Snakes can have it all to 'emselves :confounded:


Loved the pictures!


Is there a third option? I hate both of those, and yeah, I’ve experienced both. Why the hell do I live here???


They’re nasty little fuckers that like to kill people’s chickens.


Adelaidians have it easy… it’s always 3 to 8 degrees warmer here.

I grew up in Mildura, top of Victoria. It was regularly 48 and hotter for weeks during summer. Desert heat, no problem for me. Worked out in the sun all day, harvesting grapes for sultanas, hard work but have done worse since. No aircon, not something that was needed by most who lived there.

Have seen the thermometer get to above 55 in the shade of a tree, that was a bit warm and toasty, sort of like being in a fan forced oven… :rofl:


The hottest I’ve experienced was 114 F in Phoenix while living there in the late 70’s. If you stood on the asphalt too long in sneakers, when you went to step away, you could hear it “squitch” because it started attaching to the street. Ahhh…fond memories.
The coldest was in Madison WI my freshman year in 72 or early 73. If I remember correctly, it was about 15 below with high winds. They advised not going outside because of frostbite. So what do a bunch of drunk college freshman do…we went outside. I remember breaking off a piece of my mustache. Also, not blinking and watching the colors and sparklies as my eyes froze over. Being drunk, I didn’t realize how dangerous that was and how badly it could have turned out. After about 20 minutes, it was time for us to go back inside and warm up with some brandy and/or schnapps.


We had two days last year which were 122F each. If I remember correctly, we had triple digits from April to the end of September every day except for 26 sporadic days when it dipped to just below 100. Lot’s of high wind warning days and smoky skies. August is always humid and it was hard to breathe. What a f—ing year, it was miserable!


its snowing here, again.


oh. leaking juice bottles. when dripping, i know how to make them not leak, but it doesn’t always work.


Hey!? I’m gettin’ this train back on the tracks~! You folks from Down Under are so nice …I mean noice. All these pictures of reptiles and rodents are so adorbs. :laughing_hate_face: (looking up at Thread Subject) I did like the part about hating cats tho …f’ing CaTs!

While it’s easy to understand how many folks adore their Kitties, Cats are my Kryptonite …super-allergic. Of course any time I go to a CatHouse, 100% of the little furballs gravitate right to my lap first-off …clever assassins < squint >



Freaking snow… Nuff said…:stuck_out_tongue:


Ahh…the stupidity of youth. I miss those days. :rofl:


I’ll never forget leaving a Casino in August in Las Vegas when it was 120 F~! My little group of 4 stepped out the huge doors at about the same instant, headed for the parked car, and everybody let out a reflexive gasping first intake of superheated air. We made a mad swearing dash for our vehicle like it was the Mars lander and our helmets had just cracked …deeerrrp, once inside the car we discovered it could be worse. Hated that.


I just spent 21 years in Al Ain, UAE. It’s about 70 miles inland and it’s pretty damn dry most of the time. In July and August 120F days are pretty much standard. The nights go down to about 105-110. It’s just unrelenting. When I first arrived there in August I was astounded that people could live there. Our first 6 years there we lived in an older building that had window A/C units that were close to useless. We would go out walking and biking in 100F all the time. Then we moved into a new house with split A/Cs and for the first time we were able to be comfortable. By the time I left I was so acclimated that I could be in a room with no A/C at 90 F. Now I’m freezing my ass off in Georgia and I’ve had just about enough of this weather.


Yesterday I received an email from the VA asking me to take a survey due to my recent dealings with them. I have a military disability for my hearing which the Air Force caused and acknowledged so shortly after coming home I went to get hearing aids. My interactions with the VA in Atlanta have been nothing short of stellar. My last dealings with the VA were in Boston in 97 and they were ok. Here I dealt with two audiologists and an intern. They were absolutely a pleasure to deal with and their professionalism rivals that of any doctor I’ve ever seen. Truly, they go to 11.

Back to the survey. After answering about 14 questions about my care, a question pops asking asking for my race. WTF? What does my race have to do with my ears? Didn’t the Feds make it illegal to ask people about race in certain situations…such as dealing with the fucking government? Did this change? I shut the survey down then sent a reply to the email letting them know that I’m sick of this shit.

I’ve spent 29 years living in six countries in the Near East, Middle East and the Far East. I’ve been to over 85 countries. Nowhere in the world are people obsessed with race like the US. My wife’s family is Jamaican of African, Chinese and Indian heritage. They’re sick of this shit as well. My kids spent their years in schools with kids from all over the world and race was never an issue with them. Nationality is how everyone defines themselves, not by their race. This country is locked into a sickness right now and I hope for my children’s sake it corrects itself.

I think all surveys need a new response option…“None of your damned business!”


How 'bout this? “Mind you own Melanin~!”


I get these surveys now and the first question is with which gender I identify?
I’m getting sick and tired of that too.
I have female parts but I think my brain is more like that of a frog so what does that make me?
I’ve just joined the abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz movement because I feel so bloody discriminated. :expressionless:


A girl with the brains of a boy? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Man that’s pretty funny, in a good way. I’m Jamaican born. Father’s side is Irish and Portuguese. Mother’s side is Jewish and about 10 African countries according to Ancestry DNA. I’m like coffee with a double shot of cream.

When people ask where I’m from I always ask them to guess. Guesses have been Spanish, Italian, South American, Pakistan, Tonga (seriously) and native Canadian. Never once any country in my actual blood line. All my Jamaican friends have no time for this shit. :+1: