What do you really hate? (II)

As it was to do with your recent dealings with them, maybe it is to evaluate whether people of all races feel they are getting the same level of service/care/satisfaction? The question may not be as insidious as it seems?


I see your point. My issue with the ā€œraceā€ thing is that we are all one raceā€¦Human. I would prefer if they asked about culture or ethnicity, of which there are many.

This is from the old days, but questionnaires usually asked ā€œSex?ā€. Rather than put ā€œMā€ or ā€œFā€, I always wanted to answer ā€œYESā€.


Whilst my country isnā€™t perfect, I guess being a Kiwi we probably view things through a different lens


Pretty soon weā€™ll all be one homogenized glob of single, fully-mixed race species anyway now everyoneā€™s so globalized, so thereā€™ll be nothing to argue about in a couple generations when everybodyā€™s composed of 5% of every race.

Maybe more than just a couple generations, but itā€™s inevitable.


Reminds me of the Blue Mink songā€¦

"ā€¦what we need is a great big melting pot
big enough to take the world and all itā€™s got
and keep it stirring for a hundred years or more
and turn out coffee colored people by the scoreā€¦"



Amphibian Curious?

Time to re-watch The Fifth Element a great Quarantine movie (!) To your point, a prediction of the future (races) you see many of the supporting parts being played by Freckled Lattes (Oh hot Stewardesses on the ship!)


They drop so much rock salt on our roads that everything growing along the sides croaks and stays dusty white looking forever. My only pair of really good boots (Gortex hiking boots) finally fell apart from the salt. Took 20 years but I couldā€™ve got another 20 out of those boots, lol. I cried.


I need to rewatch that. Think I saw that before the turn of the century (Jeebus, I sound old saying that).


Hear hear! I also canā€™t stand the choices they give you, theyā€™re so limited:

  1. American Indian or Alaska Native. ā€¦
  2. Asian. ā€¦
  3. Black or African American. ā€¦
  4. Hispanic or Latino. ā€¦
  5. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. ā€¦
  6. White.

I am none of the above. My blood is Mediterranean of the sub-caucasoid race. So, under White I write in Sub-caucasoid :rofl:

Get a load of this. They all look like the same man wearing different makeup.
Image result for caucasoid race

Image result for caucasoid race

Or you can make these gingerbread men to teach your children about raceā€¦no donā€™t.
Image result for caucasoid race


Mila Jovovich is my definition of a physically flawless female specimen.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


i couldnā€™t narrow it down to one, or even 10. imo there are stunning women of all races. and not just actors/models, iā€™m talking every day women.


What do you really hate?

cheap assā€™s. well, i guess i hate myself sometimes then :rofl:

i am selling a few things on FB. i have a $150 microwave on there for $25, its nearly like new. and i just got an offer for $15 :angry:


I hate all the uncertainty, angst, and dread over PTMA, Shipping Bans, etc., and the possible impact. Because I mix for more than myself and co-workers, I feel I have a heavier than solo burden to prep up. That is all.

OH, and the fact that we went from ā€œJust do THIS, to Flatten the Curveā€ has turned into ā€¦


I so much sympathize with you. Iā€™m so sorry for your extra burden and wish somehow that our government could be convinced of its unscientific absurdity and exposed for its greedy connection to the Big Tobacco Settlement. My only hope is that this new administration which is supposed to put people before money and care about our health, will get its head turned around by some good common sense lawyers and advocates. Big T and Big P are our main opponents. We have to find a way to bring them down or circumvent their influence. Heck, at this point Iā€™m willing to be a vape mule and run through underground tunnels to keep people from returning to cigarettes.

Image result for ooh rah gif


I hate ear hair.


Iā€™m sure some will go cross eyed thinking of this burden LOL. Itā€™s not crippling @muth, but I get orders via text not every day, but about every other day now. I kept using the VC Vape-Opcalypse calculator to see how long my gallons of NIC would last, and it was 17 years !!! Sounds great right ?? We all know it wonā€™t last that long, but add in increasing friend of a friend sales, next thing you know, ā€œWait, whatā€ ?? !!!

Weā€™re in the FINAL stages of getting our house repaired from the August Hurricane of LAST year, so thereā€™s payments to sort out and all that, recovering depreciations, code upgrades, all that crap, so itā€™s a lot, JUST at the same time.

Running the numbers muth.


Hehe, thanks @natbone, I needed that.


Absolutelyā€¦overwhelming. It is to me just hearing about it. When I get hammered with everything all at once I sort out the most urgent first and try to stay focused on thatā€¦until urgent #2 :grinning:


Oh yeah. As Iā€™ve gotten older, I have more hair growing out of places it shouldnā€™t than where it should. Aging can be so much ā€œfunā€.