What do you really hate? (II)

Jo! Where ya’ been, I missed you. Sorry to hear about your election. Maybe you can fill me in about it, I’m clueless about the Netherlands and too caught up in our own crap.

But…happy to hear about Cigabuy. A US vendor called Misthub sent out an announcement that they are not going down and have future plans to move forward and take care of their customers.


So am I. This is not my country anymore.
We’ve had 34 parties participating in the elections. Yes, you read that correctly, 34 parties.
17 parties managed to get their hands on a portion of the 150 seats there are to divide.
A complete fucking mess.
The big winner is the party that has been ruling for 10 years.

They had to step down 2 months ago because of gross misconduct which resulted in the utter destruction of 30.000 families.
A total fuck up and the bastard just goes for re-election and he’s back with more seats than before.
Utterly unbelievable. :lying_face:

Been a bit low on energy lately so that’s why I haven’t been really active, apart from lurking that is.


Just a crazy thought here @Josephine_van_Rijn (and sorry, maybe this should be in the other thread) but it “might” have something to do with the COVID* BS we’re all going through. Example … we had a State election last weekend and there were 59 seats up for grabs and the current party who protected us so very well (lockdowns, forced mask mandates, mandatory tracing still to this day, closed border to the rest of the Australian states etc and yes, I’m being sarcastic here) have won 53 of those 59 seats. Theoretically, they could pass any law they feel like and there’s no opposition parties to stop them. Seems the masses react to this so predictably :disappointed:.

And yeah, good news with Cigabuy. Maybe a lot more people will start using them now. Not sure it’ll be much use given the problems our American family have with getting stuff delivered though :worried:.


You can leave out the word ‘might’ bro. This is the biggest fraud ever!


34 parties?!!! Is that more than Germany? And look at us with 2 major parties, we’re divided more than ever. I’m so sorry for the damage done to all those families.

Sorry you’re not feeling up to snuff (pun intended), I’ve been down for the count myself. I came out of remission of Graves Disease recently and just started back on medication. It worked last time so hoping it will kick in soon. Muscle weakness, fatigue, hand tremors (a bitch when rewicking :rofl: ) and a host of other wonderful side effects.


I misspoke, there were 37 parties and yes, that’s more than Germany.

This is Germany

Screen Shot 2021-03-20 at 18.04.44


34 is excessive. We have 2 in the States. We need more party’s but we have been legislated to two. Causes gridlock or or a super highway to legislation.


Yes, 2 major parties that will inevitably remain in power but don’t forget the all the “Third” parties. Not all of them are represented in Congress, state legislatures or territorial legislatures. My favorite is the Rent Is Too Damn High Party. Yup, it’s true:


Although we have 37 of them, the same bunch is usually holding the fort.
Some coalition of the same 3 or 4 bigger ones in different formations.
When a newer party became the second biggest party at the previous election, they simply refused to work with them.

I’m no fan of that party but if a large number of people vote for them, they should not be ignored.

It is called democracy, ignoring the choice people made and just continue with a few smaller parties to get the needed majority.

Damn girl, you still have a prohibition party? :face_with_head_bandage:


I reeeeally hate how online stores always email to offer you a gift as soon as you’ve just placed an order.


I hate thinking about all the bonus dollar’s sitting on vape sites from sale’s and think I probably have at least $100 on a hand full of store’s.


Coffee carafes dribbling liquid on the counter when you pour!


Me too! Any container that dribbles for that matter. Enough to make me rethink Anger Management classes…


Agreed. I’ve always thought that if we spend good money on a coffee machine, the carafe shouldn’t drip. Surprisingly, when I spent bigger bucks on a brand like Krupps, it dripped. But my current $25 Mr. Coffee Coffeemaker seldom drips, unless I try to pour too quickly.


There is some science to the dribble…" It is evident that the dribbling is caused by capillary action of the coffee adhering to the pot . It is a simple mater of breaking the bond between the coffee and the pot ."

You would think, however, that someone could figure out an inexpensive solution to this problem. It is 2021 right?


Rub some RainX onto the outside of the pot by the pour spout? :wink: lol

(kidding folks)


My laptop crashed last night after posting and I’m using an older chromebook right now but I don’t believe it’s as secure. If I’m not around I’m trying to get it fixed so I can do my taxes, grrr.


well tell your laptop to stop drinking and driving.


Ha ha, jinx. Thx I REALLY needed a laugh.


Ya really gonnay have to make me laugh now. My second laptop froze. I’m on my phone but it’s not great.