What do you really hate? (II)

This like a confession booth or some shit.

Today, I do not hate anything.

Sorry :thinking:

I un-hate that Iā€™mma squirt some shortbread biscuit juice into being between now and - whenever I get to it - and I guess I dislike the fact that biscuit will take weeks to steep decently, though thatā€™s still not cominā€™ close to ā€˜hatredā€™ :thinking:

I will come back when Iā€™ve got something - something I really despite and loathe, because right now I got nothing.

I am slightly concerned by the thought Iā€™ll have to persistently get-on well with a dozen people and bite my tongue so many times in an average day I really donā€™t know how long I can keep myself from slicing at someone.

Thatā€™s still not hate though.


Welcome to my everyday work life too.


Yeah Iā€™m used to working alone with the whole place to myself.

Having to maintain a pleasant demeanor to a range of different people like, constantly is a new thing :grimacing:


well then thaw it out !

sorry, thats all i got :upside_down_face:


Iā€™ve found something I will kinda hate.

Well I only dislike it at the moment, but thatā€™ll intensify.

The old woman Iā€™ve been paired with for training is obviously an alcoholic and as someone who has tried every drug on earth and knows thereā€™s way better shit than that, Iā€™ve always held a muted disdain for alcoholics.

Why not drink window cleaner right?

Sheā€™s got the beetroot red skin, sheā€™s scattered as shit and you shouldā€™ve seen her face light-up when I mentioned a guest left a full bottle of wine in their fridge on Sunday phew - bitch nearly gave herself whiplash running to bag it with her name then rush it to the staff fridgeā€¦

Just saying yā€™know: I donā€™t need to see her slamming-down drinks to know sheā€™s obviously a pretty heavy drinker and I donā€™t hate alcoholics either, just mm pity them - for a bit more money they could be taking drugs that make them feel good instead of turning them into red-skinned morlocks shaking their day away just waiting to get home and make their livers wanna jump out their bodies and flee.

Sheā€™s nice enough: that old, grandmother type gently reminding me to check the drawers ā€¦or whatever, but while sheā€™s doing these little mini-inspections of what Iā€™ve done in each room, she is herself forgetting to empty bins thatā€™re chock full of shit though if Iā€™m honest, I find any woman who isnā€™t physically attractive to me just like moving wallpaper and quickly shove them to the periphery of my attention.

What the fuck though: you cannot help the core configuration of your nature, and though I donā€™t consider ugly people any less people, I just find thereā€™s so much ugliness in the world Iā€™ll do anything I can to focus on the more attractive things and dismiss the, less attractive.

So that whole having-someone-more-scattered-than-I-am, reminding me every four rooms something Iā€™ve forgot while I could already be pointing out so many things sheā€™s forgotten - in every room: thatā€™ll get annoying soon if I donā€™t dump her and start working unsupervised.

I donā€™t hate it yet, but itā€™s slowly creeping up each day.

And none of this wouldā€™ve happened had I not threatened to toilet-brush a certain teachers desk if they didnā€™t shuddup whining at the principal about my vacuuming not being perfect.

Next day, my supervisor is at the school at 6:00AM with the ipad having me sign a formal complaint, and though they didnā€™t fire me Iā€™ve only got random shifts since like Iā€™m the volatile ā€œlast resortā€ casual sheā€™ll ring if thereā€™s no other cleaner available.

So I have to be nice to these coworkers fuckit.

Teachers have fucking no sense of humour at all.


Maybe donā€™t look at it as having to be nice and just, you knowā€¦be nice.
I deal with drug-addicts, mentally challenged, alcoholics, you name it and will say that when you put a real and genuine smile on anyoneā€™s face, that feels good to me. I canā€™t control their lives, I can only control my interactions with them.
Just a thought. No offense or presumption to lecture meant.


How, could I possibly take offense with that dog avatar going on.

Itā€™s not that I canā€™t be nice though: I can charm the birds right down outta the trees when Iā€™m in the mood, but have a thin layer of patience that wears a bit quickly.

Seals back over quickly too, but for the duration itā€™s torn I cannot summon any charm to save myself.


When you discover your husband raunchy farted beside you by sucking the thing through your vape and there he is smiling thinking itā€™s funny. My biggest pet peeves bathroom things mixing with my vape. Gagging lots of gagging and smacking shit out of him. This happens far too often.


That is aerosol fecal matter now all in your mouthpiece.

Divorce him and find a human being with a little bit of class.


Hereā€™s two things I really, genuinely hate while Iā€™m here actually:

  • Public Toilets: though I only ever use them to wash my face if Iā€™m sweating or redo my hair, the smells and shit you gotta put up with - I donā€™t know how anybody can bring themselves to actually use the toilet itself and even when Iā€™ve gotta piss, Iā€™ll use the disabled toilet for that thanks: hard pass on standing in a dozen other peoples stale piss for me thanks, and I have argued with cleaners many times who try to direct me to the male toilet - telling me the disabled toilets are for disabled people - call that a disability if you like: a personal aversion to standing there in other peoples stale piss.

  • The little bits of snipped wire Iā€™m getting stuck in my socks, that fly off my coils and lodge in the carpet waiting to stick me. Hate them little fuckers.


I hate when I snip the wire and it some how goes the opposite way science says it should lands in my damn eye. And for the husband, I moved his car seat, we are even. He is a big man. He gets stuck. I will one day pee in his coffee or shave my bikini line with his face trimmer after 4 days of no showers! No I wonā€™t. Lol

I hate when my friends want free vape liquid. Assholes. Nope.

I hate when my neighbor wakes me up to fix her phone, 4 times an afternoon. I go to work at 4am, donā€™t eff with my nap. Barbarian sadist!


Thatā€™s a pretty broad range of hates - you just go right ahead and get it all out :smirk:


I hate when a site says "Hurry! only 12 in stock at this price!" so you quickly chuck 2 in your cart then process the order only to get an email two days later from the useless dickheads telling you theyā€™re out of stock.

Even while their shitty site still shows ā€˜10 items leftā€™

Specifically, these two cute little MTL RDAs, because Iā€™ve never seen an RDA thatā€™s only 22mm and designed specifically for MTL yetā€¦

Course they havenā€™t emailed me yet to say theyā€™re outta stock, but they also havenā€™t shipped the order yet so you can fuckinā€™ bet your shit they will: then Iā€™ll have to arse around with a shitty refund for two items thatā€™ll take another two days because theyā€™re stupid-slow replying to any emails, then another week after that Iā€™ll have that pissy $40 back in my account and no fucking RDAs to show for all that bullshit.

HATE that.

Theyā€™d be perfect: full of 50mg/mL salt nic - for stealth vaping at work.


I once took a train from Cairo to Aswan. It was a very long and uncomfortable ride. The toilet in our first class car was the most disgusting Iā€™ve ever seen and Iā€™ve been around the world. I had to put my face as close to the window as possible while pissing. Holding my breath as long as possible, Iā€™d gasp for air from the window but it didnā€™t work so well. The stench stayed on my clothes until I was able to wash them. The upside of it is that whenever I go into a toilet that is dirty now, I just think, well itā€™s no where close to the one on that train and it just doesnā€™t bother me.


Well if it ever starts bothering you, just turn and use the disabled one: theyā€™re almost always clean and Iā€™ve only come out 2-3 times in the last few years to find someone in a wheelchair giving me a reproachful look.

Thatā€™ll make you feel a little bad, but youā€™ll get over it fast enough and so will they :smirk:

Usually as soon as Iā€™ve stepped around the wheelchair and walked away, often a bit annoyed with the way theyā€™ve passive aggressively parked their wheelchair outside forcing me to notice them thereā€¦

They should feel bad for blocking the door.


Oh but while on the subject of public toilets and disabled toilets specifically: I really hate when people donā€™t bother to lock the f$#%king door - my logic automatically goes to ā€œFuckinā€™ pervertā€ because I cannot see any reason anyone would forget theyā€™re in a public shopping center and not their own home.

Itā€™s usually old men and all you get is a glimpse as you swing open the door, mutter ā€œUghā€ then back out but even thenā€¦ how does anyone forget to lock a toilet door when theyā€™re surrounded by the general public right?

They canā€™t all me senile.


My mother.

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That is something to hate right there.
Iā€™m in the privileged position that I never have to do taxes for the simple reason that I donā€™t own a bloody thing :sweat_smile:
Makes life easy, apart from the turning over every cent 100 times before actually spending it on some necessity.

I have met some really beautiful people in my life that had such tremendously ugly characters that all that beauty just simply vanished.
Likewise Iā€™ve met ugly people with such inner beauty that made it impossible for me to regard them as ugly.
They shine with that inner beauty.

Iā€™m afraid I can relate to that. Looking sideways at some guy standing on a street corner with a beer at 1 in the afternoon and thereā€™s me shaking my head whilst sucking on a joint. :sunglasses:

That is actually something I really hate about myself for the simple reason that although my choice of drug might be less destructive than alcohol, it is still a habit that is in controle of me and not the other way around.

Then again, nobody can expect me to live on this mad planet and not self medicate. :woman_shrugging:

Ugh, donā€™t even get me started :nauseated_face:
My sister didnā€™t agree to my suggestion to cremate first and then bury, just to be on safe side.
All I could do was make sure the lid was screwed on tight.

I hate having to plow through snow and hail storms after we had a few nice days of spring.


Sure but theyā€™re still not as nice to look at :sunglasses:


Iā€™m asleep really - busy got up momentarily because I forgot my usually vitamin taking befor bed.

But for being judgemental towards alcoholics: itā€™s okay far as Iā€™m concerned because alcohol is classless aand turns people into inhibition-lacking morons.

Cannabis doesnā€™t - that promotes introspection and even points out when youā€™re not on track with that depressing paranoia we all know.

Alcohol deludes people into thinking theyā€™re far better than they are while drunk.

THC does the opposite and only lets you have a really good time when youā€™re doing the right thing generally in your life.

Alcoholics are fair game.