What do you really hate? (II)

When you forget one of the flavors in your BCF order and they offer to throw it in with everything else but you have to place a new order. An extra $2 bottle would cost me $3.70 more in shipping. Screw it, maybe next time. I guess they don’t have the ability to change the payment system. I get it.


You think that’s bad?
I bought a Stormbreaker and a Rulebreaker 2 months ago for $179 each.
Now they’re only $100 .


Wooee, you must like a hot vape! Just kiddin’ but that really does blow about the price. I only have one 2x18650 series mech mod. The others are parallel. A triple series 21700 must be something, wow.


Not necessarily. I prefer the form factor myself of say the Triade and rarely vape at over 60 watts. They’re less tippy than others. Plus, they put less strain overall on batteries.

I’m not sure why, but many more gals approach me to chat when it’s in the front pocket of my Jeans (it’s just too heavy for a shirt pocket) :blush:


Won’t fit in my front pocket with a 40mm Valhalla on it. Good idea though!


Usually only a 1 second pull with it is plenty


Yes, I remember the first time I used the series mech. I was stunned.


Microsoft: they create an update which removes all Bluetooth drivers. I’m doing a system recovery of all from last month and ordering a new portal Linux based laptop as I am sick off them (Sadly my ThinkStation is in China and I’m in the UK).


Having countless requests for guidance on how to write an essay on Torres Strait Islanders. I hope that it gets dropped as a compulsary in Australia, as enforcing the study of minority issues has only served to annoy all sides and introdced a new barrier to acceptence.


Students trying to write in present perfect passive continuous in order to impress. If you are not a native speaker who has been trained to write in this style, well - you’ll end up with meaningless drivel very fast.


A new thermostat with factory presets which default in favor of people who work 9-5. Simply changing it to manual doesn’t phase it. Now I have to go deep into the menu to change everything. PIMA, who has time for that? The manual is 65 pages long :rage:


What’s even better is when you replace the factory-provided backup batteries that are absolute garbage, then have to reprogram the damn thing because nobody thought that maybe, just MAYBE, there should be an internal battery for JUST SUCH A SITUATION.

Damn penny-pinching BUMPASES!!! In this day of internal lipos on damn near everything, why the hell do I have to swap craptastic batteries!!!


Oh, this company insists that you use only alkaline Duracell batteries. Sounds like mutual backscratching to me.

I have a cheapo mini flashlight that uses 3 AAA batteries in a round trio cage. I removed the cage and with one of my battery adapters from a mod I was able to fit an 18650 in it. Works like a charm and SO much brighter. :tada:


Joe Biden

“What happened to Jussie Smollett must never be tolerated in this country.”

Kamala Harris

“This was an attempted modern day lynching.”

Nancy Pelosi

“The racist, homophobic attack on Jussie Smollett is an affront to our humanity.”

Elizabeth Warren

“The fight for equality isn’t over—no one should have to live in fear of being beaten on the street because of who they are.”

Bernie Sanders

“The racist and homophobic attack on Jussie Smollett is a horrific instance of the surging hostility toward minorities around the country.”

Cory Booker

“The vicious attack on actor Jussie Smollett was an attempted modern-day lynching. I’m glad he’s safe.”

Kirsten Gillibrand

“This is a sickening and outrageous attack, and horribly, it’s the latest of too many hate crimes against LGBTQ people and people of color. We are all responsible for condemning this behavior and every person who enables or normalizes it.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

“There is no such thing as ‘racially charged.’ This attack was not ‘possibly’ homophobic. It was a racist and homophobic attack.”

Eric Swalwell

“What happened to Jussie Smollett is vile and tragic; thankfully, he will recover. But hate crimes like this are happening more frequently, egged on by careless hate-filled rhetoric.”

Al Sharpton

The notorious anti-Semite compared the Smollett incident to the 2015 mass shooting at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C. “We can’t make people love each other, but we can sure hold them accountable if they harm each other.”

Nikole Hannah-Jones

Promoted tweet that asserted Smollett “was attacked because he is both black and gay at the same time.”

Brian Stelter

“We may never know what really happened.”

Human Rights Campaign

Cited Smollett’s allegations as evidence for why “we must address the epidemic of violence that disproportionately targets Black LGBTQ people.”

American Civil Liberties Union

“This isn’t the America we want to live in. Our thoughts are with Jussie Smollett and all survivors.”

John Legend

“Sending love to Jussie and the Smollett family after this horrific attack. We support you and pray that you find peace and justice.”

Andy Cohen


Shonda Rhimes

“We ALL have a responsibility to rise up against the ignorance and hate out there. If you know who did this, REPORT THEM TO THE POLICE.”

DeRay McKesson

“I was just in Chicago with Jussie a few days ago & we talked about the threats. Today feels surreal. I’m speechless.”

Reese Witherspoon

“This is beyond upsetting. What happened to Jussie Smollett is a truly horribly racist, homophobic hate crime. I hope we can find an end to the hate and fear that plagues this country.”

Kevin Bacon

“Jussie you are in our thoughts and we are hoping for a speedy recovery. Hate will not win.”

Billy Jean King

“The racist, homophobic attack on Jussie Smollett reminds us that crimes targeting people for the color of their skin and who they love still happen.”

Kerry Washington

“DEAR GOD! Prayers and justice for Jussie Smollett.”

Viola Davis

“We ALL have to take this racist and homophobic act of violence very personally! My arms are around you Jussie Smollett. You are loved!”

Mindy Kaling

“I am disgusted and horrified to hear of the homophobic and racial attack on Jussie Smollett last night. Unfortunately, these hateful attacks happen way too often.”

Olivia Munn

“Jussie Smollett was violently attacked by two white men who poured bleach on him and put a noose around his neck. He was targeted for being black and for being gay.”

Guy Branum

“The attack on Jussie Smollett, like all hate crimes, is an attempt to silence and intimidate marginalized people so we won’t demand equality.”

New York Times , Washington Post , NBC News, ABC News, BuzzFeed, Vox

These media outlets, among others, credulously reported Smollett’s allegations as fact.


And the part that pisses me off about this is the money that was spent and the manpower used.
And the fuckhead will probably pay a small fine and get probation.


Probably will walk. All charges were misdemeanors. Now let’s see if Illinois goes after the only felony charge they can go after. Purgery in his first trial.


Price increases came from familiar culprits.

Energy prices have risen 33.3% since November 2020, including a 3.5% surge in November. Gasoline alone is up 58.1%

Food prices have jumped 6.1% over the year, while used car and truck prices, a major contributor to the inflation burst, are up 31.4%, following a 2.5% increase last month.


For that kinda money, the tail feathers better come with it and be fanned, dryed, and mounted for wall display!


Experiencing the first ever shipping delay from BCF with no blame on BCF. USPS really screwed it up this time, sending my package back and forth between the same 2 or 3 towns and cities up and down the east coast. Normally I get my order from BCF in no more than 3 days from NC to Boston, MA. Nothing like taking DeJoy out of vape mail :unamused: