What do you really hate? (II)

@muth I feel for you. Seems like there are a lot of shipping issues right now, whether it be USPS or other carriers and vendors. I hope this does not become the new norm. Getting packages in 3-5 days is what I’ve gotten used to.


Breaking a molar on a cold day. After meditation didn’t work to make me not give a shit (dental nerves can be bitches like that and unnecessarily disracting), I decided downing infused Spiritus and grabbing a vape blend which is very wizardly would do the job. A 95% spirit dripping in herbal additions and a vape bursting active extras did the job.


Think you know what Astroturf means ? Think Wikipedia is up front and legit ?

Think again…

> “If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you’re misinformed.” -Mark Twain


Sorry to hear about your broken molar. Toothaches can be so painful. Hope you get it fixed. Take care and sending you healing thoughts.


Thanks, they can be fantastic at ruining concentration.


Just saw your post. Hope it gets better soon for you


Cheers Deb. As it’s a nightmare getting an appointment his time of year so just a tad tiring to keep my concentration, though luckily work’s quiet and I now have an excuse not to talk.


The fact that IGNORING serious issues, seems to becoming MORE common in 2021.

And, well, then there’s the REALITY…

And, hehe, the callout, and then retraction…

Defund the Police worked out great, thanks guys.



Seriously, who in their right mind would wanna sit down to a hot Christmas Day lunch of roast chicken/turkey, roast veggies and gravy etc on a day when it’s 40C (104F)? If that wasn’t bad enough, the day after Christmas was 43C (109F) :hot_face:. Thank god for AC and swimming pools eh? Oh that’s right, I have neither :tired_face:.



@Dardy I remember a Christmas in Phoenix that felt so strange because I came from Wisconsin. It didn’t feel like a usual Christmas. Then I moved to Los Angeles and it took a few years for warmer Christmas’ to feel normal, but none were above 100F. I’ve lived in Denver since 93 and this year it felt strange again because we’ve had no snow and weather has been in the 50’sF.


Same here. Normally here in the Chicago suburbs we would have had a couple of 2"-3" snow falls. Yesterday reached the low 50’s.


Yep. I talked to my niece in Chicago Heights about the warmer weather, both in Denver and Chicago. I grew up in a southern suburb and don’t ever remember 50 degree days on Christmas. This season in Denver we have only had one snowfall that was about 1/2 inch. Very strange. Thankfully the mountains are being pounded which is good because that is our water supply (and the water supply for parts of about 5 other states). But we need snow or moisture in Denver…badly. We are officially in a drought and Denver Water is telling folks to remember to hand water their lawns, trees and bushes because they don’t go completely dormant like they do in Chicago, Wisconsin and other northern states.


I can but dream of temperatures such as you have @Cary1 and @rcleven. You don’t know how lucky you are. I’ve always maintained it’s easier to get warm than it is to get cool. Could be wrong but then again…

You couldn’t make this up … the Western Power spokesman’s name is Zane Christmas :rofl:. Seriously, his surname is “Christmas”. Thanks for the apology Mr Christmas :santa:.


AARGH !!! I transport special needs young adults to their programs. This morning, unbeknownst to me, the group home boarded a person who was supposed to be in quarantine. Then I pick up another individual, ride in the van for about a half hour with only 2 ventilating windows and don’t find out until I get to the program. The staff at the program were freaking out and she had to be transported back home. That program is now closed until next week and that group home needs to get their shit together. I’m pissed and sitting here with fingers and toes crossed. :rage:


I won’t click like because there’s nothing to like about that experience.
How in the hell can that even happen!

Sincerely hope all is well with you @muth and I too shall have everything crossed for you.


@muth I hope you are okay and negative. I’ve had 3 exposures in the last couple of months. Fortunately, I’ve tested negative each time, but having to isolate until getting test results really screwed up some fun plans.


Well I hope you’re OK @muth. I had a similar situation at work, but much stranger. I’m not vaxed, but support everyone’s right to do whatever’s best for them. So, working out on a client site, and had some co-workers from another office show up, and we were shooting the shit, milling around, etc. Maybe a couple of hours later, they left. One of them was tripple vaxxed (i.e. two shots, and booster), and a religious mask wearer, the other was double vaxxed. I get an email the next day informing me, that BOTH of them (the double and tripple vaxxed co-workers) tested positive, and had symptoms. This happened TWO days before Christmas, and I feared the worst. No symptoms, no issues, no problems, so I hope you fare the same.


Thx all of you. I tried to schedule a test but the phone was tied up busy all day.

I also tried to get my thyroid medication for the 3rd time and my Walgreen’s was yet again closed. The retail store was open but no managers (out sick). I transferred my other medication to Osco across the street and asked my thyroid doctor to do the same. I can’t wait forever and Walgreen’s robo caller is down, too. The pharmacist at Osco mentioned that a patient came in who had been waiting 2 weeks for his Rx. Poor guy. I think maybe it’s time for the Board of Pharmacies to pay them a visit. They need help! Ya think?


@SessionDrummer I’ve read some articles about his death and his life. He could do family humor, “blue” adult humor and was well respected (and loved) by many in the comedy community. He’ll be missed and this one came as a surprise to me. I’m a few years older than he was and it reminds me of my own mortality. Hopefully I remember to live each day as fully as possible, be kind to others (and myself) and try to have some fun while living as an “old guy”.