What Do You Really Hate? (III)

Cracking a cold one, and going to see what happens. :slight_smile:


I was just able to read that. Idk a lot about the topic legally but is 16yrs old considered legal age in Switzerland? She has legal stay in this case? It’s crazy.


The weather forecast tends to over exaggerate. Last storm here had called for flooding and tornadoes. The fire house warning siren even went off. .03 inches of rain fell and the tornado’s were 30 miles away. I ignore them now.


Thise storms were bad. Lightning hit right across the street from me. What a crackle and boom.


No, it’s 18 and they took her at 15.



They are using every opportunity to ring the alarm bells about climate change. According to the news we’ve had the hottest spring and summer in a long time.
I’ve been wearing a coat for the most part because it was cold and rainy most of the time.
The weather maps of Europe now look like the whole place is on fire. People who frequently go to these holiday destinations say it’s nothing new.
Finally we get some decent weather and it immediately it’s a health hazard. :nauseated_face:


I think it’s more the weather forecasters are over doing a safety warning. For a tornado warning coming from the siren to go off at the local fire station they just follow the weather people’s instructions. You can cry wolf too many times though. When you have too much area to cover with the city and suburbs it’s going to a shot in the dark to cover a area the size that covers corn fields to the third largest city in the US.
Climate change is a fact. Not for the reasons you are being told. CO2 is not the culprit. We are transitioning from a ice age to normal temperatures of the earth at latitude’s you live in till something disruptive happens like volcano eruption blocks the sunlight and we go into another ice age.


Even the weather channels fight for high ratings :nauseated_face: the whole thing makes me sick. Not to mention playing with our heads and causing concern where there is none. It’s good that you’ve learned to ignore it. You’ll probably live longer.


You’ve got a point there. They’ve been sued in the past for damages because they didn’t predict heavy weather.

I know that.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: For those who want to talk ! (Politics)

@rcleven they’re at it again …




Fuck ALL of that. Also why I’ll never use one of those “drive safe and save!” doohickeys that Progressive started marketing. Yes, I speed. I speed when it is SAFE to do so-When the road is empty, when I’m whinging through a mountain road and have nothing in front of me, or when traffic around me is going 15-20 over the posted speed suggestion. My mother in law would toodle down the highway in her 66 Mustang, doing 55 MPH when everyone else was screaming past her at 70-75 MPH. I rode with her once, told her she was going to cause a wreck because she wasn’t keeping up with the flow of the traffic around her. Besides-She really needed to romp on the go-stick and let that 289 breathe a little!


cryptogon.com » Microsoft’s AI Speech Generator Achieves Human Parity, Too Dangerous to Release
and is apparently so lifelike that Microsoft has no plans to grant access to the public.

Don’t believe what you hear will get a whole new meaning. Imagine how easy it will be for those with resources and agenda to manufacture the ‘truth’ to manipulate public opinion.


Hehe @paingawd I remember when those were being marketed. You don’t hear about them any more do you ?

I was surprised to see this story, but, I guess someone’s gotta be first.


I’m probably old school, but that sounds pretty weird business decision from a car manufacturer… Buy our cars and we’ll make sure to report you to the police. ROFL. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
What’s next? Buy our mobile phone and we’ll report you if you use hate speech or share misinformation over our phone?


But that’s not something new, we’re already a step ahead of you.

(from wiki) Intelligent speed assistance (ISA), or intelligent speed adaptation, also known as alerting, and intelligent authority, is any system that ensures that vehicle speed does not exceed a safe or legally enforced speed. In case of potential speeding, the driver can be alerted or the speed reduced automatically.

Intelligent speed assistance uses information about the road to determine local speed limits. Information can be obtained from knowledge of the vehicle position, taking into account speed limits known for the position, and by interpreting road features such as signs. ISA systems are designed to detect and alert a driver when a vehicle has entered a new speed zone, or when different speed limits are in force according to time of day and conditions.

…Put simply, cars without built-in location technology must now find a way to show the speed limit right on their dashboards. They can’t just use smartphone apps or gadgets outside the car’s system; everything must be integrated with the car itself.

From July 2024, the regulation will expand the intelligent speed assistance (ISA) requirement to include all newly registered vehicles (even those models launched on to the market before July 2022)


So Ford is somehow behind it seems. Our masters can just attach automatic reporting / ticketing to this system whenever they feel the time is right. It won’t be long… How about that?



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I still see the commercials from time to time when I’m watching traditional TV(Typically stick to streaming services)

Also why I won’t ever buy a BMW or any other vehicle that requires a “subscription” to unlock certain features that are built into the damned car. If it’s there already, why the HELL would I have to pay a monthly fee to utilize what is within MY vehicle?!? To hell with ALL of that nonsense…


Imagine going really really fast on the autobahn in germany and your car shuts down at 160mph🤣
The germans discuss regulations to come into place where the autobahn is ruled down to a certain limit and not the limit of your car. So the wide public is not okay with that.
I remember driving in germany with more than 125mph and getting overtaken by something faster! I swear that guy in his Porsche was hitting 170mph easily.
I tried to follow him, but my car hit the rev limiter


I find it weird that public so strongly supports the limitation (over 60%). Autobahn casualties are dropping every year, cars are getting way safer than they were (and we live in a faster spinning world / are in hurry more than we ever were).

(Germany is a green country in the center; it doesn’t look like they have some serious problems with no speed limits)

I hope they don’t bring it under 100mph because their excellent built (and wide!!) roads are much safer at that speed than other country’s highways where speed limit is 80mph.