What Do You Really Hate? (III)

You lost me on these points. But, don’t worry about the fishing boats: White Gladis and her bitches are taking them out one by one.


It’s what’s happening in this country. The next in line are the pensioners with paid off houses.
They are putting them into a different tax category. They will have to pay so much tax over that house it is more than their average year income.

May I congratulate those whales? I would’ve done the exact same thing if I was them.
Pesky whale killers in boats just asking for it.


This must be an issue in your area as it has not appeared on my radar.

Of course you can. They are being rather restrained by just disabling boats in their territory when they can easily, as the young say, fuck shit up.

I think that only the mighty Narwhals (inventors of the shish kebab) could threaten them:


That’s why I always say there’s only one way to end it…


I think that the this may be a reflection of recent interpretations of the model.

In my own bag of interpretive methods this is the principle that if someone wants to claim something which goes against the accepted status quo needs to establish why this alteration is ‘true’ and discounts or supersedes the present model/s.

For example, Einstein was not a fan of the Big Bang and quantum physics in general, particularly as he viewed that observing gravitational waves would never be possible - So, no extraordinary evidence could be found (A bit like Bertrand Russell’s Teapot in regard to interesting and not interesting nonsense). Oddly, Einstein is repeatedly being proven right in regard to relativity even though he and all others accept that it is an incomplete model.

An example I use based on my own views is that it is entirely possible that a God/gods exist. But, assuming that we, as humans, deserve a special status is meaningless anthropocentrism.


Is this the same method which would ensure that all political ideologies function perfectly?


I HATE opening the pool. THERE, I said it. BUT, I’m happy once it IS open.



Agreed, so long as the definition of “god” pertains to a entity or force that is so far above us in every way that there is no other naming convention suitable… :face_with_spiral_eyes:


And then we go down the road which leads to points regarding the size of a universe (I did enjoy the change to the current consensus where it shouldn’t be capitalised except when referring to the one we are perceptually contained in) and the size of a black hole required to contain one.


I think good old Carl gave a great example of the tiers of dimensions, and as a result, how one from a higher dimension could be classed as God:


Indeed… I guess.

Since the theory of black holes is not entirely complete, as it is quite difficult to investigate what we have no way of actually physically exploring, we really don’t know if one could possibly contain our Universe (used capitalisation as it is referring to the one we are perceptually contained within).


Ahhh, the dimensional paradox…


Indeed, as no matter how many planks you bash around someone’s head - you won’t be able to get a singular point to stick. (Damn, that’s my nerdiest joke in a while)

Singularity is a term I love: as it exists to show the point when all that we know fails when using the models we have.


Agree with this too…

The theory of a singularity is something that has always intrigued me. Ever since reading a Greg Bear novel called Eon piqued my interest. (It was a book I read in my youth, around 12 years of age from memory but it stuck in my mind).


Well, we use it regarding a number of things; beyond the event horizon of a black hole, after we lose control over AI and what the hell happened preceding the ten to the minus thirty-seven (It may have changed in powers recently depending on different levels of sigma: Keeping up-to-date on that singularity is not a regular exercise for me - particularly as it gives Mrs. Squirrel headaches).


A Higgs boson walks into a Catholic church and is stopped at the door.

Befuddled, he replies 'But without me you cannot have mass!

Does that top it?

And as an extra, Eric Idle’s The Higgs ‘Bosun’ performed by Noel Fielding:


Oh yes, you have outdone yourself mate :rofl: :rofl:


The decades of quantum physics have served their purpose by brightening your day: My principle that I have a brain cluttered with so many random things, though I know that they will find a place in the end: Like recalling a quote for @TimWV which he could only paraphrase - all information finds its place.

Why I support the block universes model.


Another interesting concept, one which is also plausible, like god.
Oh, a circular singularity… we are back at that god part.
Or maybe, using the block theory, we went back and changed the start of this conversation to talk about gods, thereby affecting the present as it was always so.


It seems like you have a good handle on The Block.

Many times, I am questioned about my capacity to give the details required without notice and I remind them that I rely on learning through osmosis, testing, and that The Block is purposive.