What Do You Really Hate? (III)

Well it depends on the century you were born in. Although Herbal’s like Culpeper’s were still popular in the early 20thC until the war years.


What is it meant by when someone says a certain flavors feels “thin”?


It varies, though generally it means that the flavour in question is very weak in concentration and doesn’t add any body to a blend. If you want a flavour as an accent, then ones which are super concentrated are better options: As if it’s thin, there is a greater risk of muddling the flavour by having to use one at higher percentages.

For example,

I have countless bottles of the Flavorah cinnamons, Wood Spice, Wheat, Beer Nuts, Biscotti etc which are diluted in PG to make them viable accents.


Thank you, someone on Facebook was describing a certain RY4 flavor as ‘thin’. I need a Flavor Description for Dummies book!


Personally, I’d suggest avoiding RYs completely: They are all a bit of dull muchness.

It’s better to explore different tobaccos and find a balance that suits you.

As you mentioned RY, I’d suggest playing around with Soho (FA) to start with.


Just about all of my tobacco flavors are still unopened. Unlike you, tobaccos are not in my wheelhouse. If you ever come to the states, I will just mail them all to you.
Next time I need a flavor description aptly described, now I know to just ask you first.


Couldn’t we split, I’m not so far from him :grin:


Well, I’d always suggest doing SFTs for all and comparing to see the distinctions: Some concentrates have very subtle distinctions but once you have a good idea of them, then you’ll have a better idea of how to layer a blend. I prefer to describe it as layering as it is the marrying of compounds and chemical reactions (like in cooking, baking, etc) are not how most blends are made.

For starter tobaccos, these few are essentials:

Red Burley (FLV)
Soho (FA)
7 leaves (FA)
Classic Cigarette (FLV)
Black Honey (TPA/TFA)

Once you’ve explored those, then you can ponder the caramel choices and kind of ash you want.

For example, I recently lowered the percentage of DNB (Inawera) and added Smoked Butterscotch (FLV) as I thought the vape needed a sweeter ash and backnote.


You can have them all. I have no shortage of tobacco concentrates and tend to try out new ones while keeping to my no NET rule - I only allow one leaf to be part of my vapes.


@KC111 thin can mean relaxed, not forward, or sometimes, just weak(er). Rich, full, present, and forward would be the OTHER side of the spectrum.

Obviously some flavors ARE just weak, thin, relaxed. No matter how much you increase them, up until their ceilings, while others can be very rich and full even at low percentages. Weaker / thin flavors are obviously easier to overrun in recipes, so care needs to be taken so as to not overpower them in a mix. Sometimes you can boost these flavors with other flavors that accentuate them.


Ok, now I know to come to you or SquirrelSmash first if I need help getting an accurate description of a flavor term, lol. Appreciate very much the detailed answer.


@KC111 A REALLY good bacco for people who don’t THINK they love/like baccos is @SthrnMixer’s Red Beard …


I am missing two flavors, but thank you. I’ve never liked tobacco, the smell of cigs reminds me when my mom and step dad would smoke while eating meals, it just turns me off and affected my ability to enjoy meals.


Well it’s not a “tobacco” like you think it is. I’ve never been into baccos, NETs, etc., and most hardcore tobaccos just give me heartburn, BUT, you actually MIGHT just be surprised as some of the recipes out there @KC111. Robert’s Red Beard above is a perfect example. Granted the SOHO drives the bus, it’s not like a cig, ashy, smoky, or anything of the sort, and is really good. And I don’t even LIKE baccos.


Well it all depends of the kind of tobacco. I detest the smell of most cigarettes, especially the salty note of many UK and US brands. There are other ways to approach it, I’m generally known as the mad pipe tobacco blender who uses high PG and has an unhealthy obsession with Lovage Root.


Sounds good, I am missing Kentucky Blend and Vanilla MF, so if I ever get them, I will give it a whirl. Thank you so much bud.


Maybe I should mix you up a 30ml, and send it to you, JUST to see if you are as surprised as I was @KC111.


I must admit that the Red Burley and Soho seem a tad high even in a 70/30 recipe. It seems more like a smoked candy to me.


I have that one to mix up for one of @Rocky02852’s recipe, but I have yet to open it.


@KC111 have you ever tried any of the RY4’s out there ?

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