What Do You Really Hate? (III)

@Dardy welcome back mate, sorry to hear of your ordeal with the “fairer sex”.


Welcome back. Sounds like your time away has been filled with some challenging stuff and some fantastic stuff. Romantic relationships are great…until they’re not. As someone who still grieves over my divorce from 17 years ago, I feel your pain.


I hate the anticipation I feel when waiting for a new order to arrive. I got a few new flavors from DIYVapor and it is usually takes a around a week to get to me. :crazy_face: The anticipation is really bad when ordering from somewhere across the pond, like Nomz because I know it’s going to take almost a month before I have my order.


Oh damn…It takes that long from Nomz?


1 week, maybe 10 days to Canada which spans two weekends. Tops, for me


Yes 2-3 weeks and 4 weeks if there’s a sale.


I keep wanting to go grab some stuff over there and then the little angel on my shoulder yells "DUMBASS you have over 2500 flavors why do you need more " then the devil on my other shoulder says get them get them gotta have them all …The angel has been winning when it comes to Nomz orders but New flavors here in the states the devil keeps winning


Digging up a very rusted hand grenade out of my new garden. Wondering if it still potentially could go boom and blow me up with my dog and my new house. Holding it in my hand, walking out the door to throw it in the water further away from where I live. :sweat:
The nearness of that graveyard was not very comforting at that moment.

Welcome back @Dardy!


Well THAT was unexpected, and kind of cool. @Josephine_van_Rijn BEFORE you dig up any other ordnance, do we KNOW what happened to the PREVIOUS tenant ?? !!!


I can tell you I didn’t feel that cool. Kinda flushed would be more accurate. I wouldn’t rely on the thing if I was planning an assassination, but you’ll never know.


Hehe, roger that, but just saying, when I dug up my garden, never found anything interesting. Are the pin and spoon intact ? If you have already deployed it elsewhere, good enough.


I didn’t see any pin. If I had I would’ve taken the dog, left the house and phone some calamity service or whatever to come and check the bloody thing out while I’m hauling ass with my dog as fast I can go.
I didn’t even stop to take a picture of the thing. I just wanted it gone.


Understood. Maybe we should start a GoFundMe page for you, and a new Metal Detector !!! Then we can clear your yard for you. :slight_smile:


I"m a little worried now. God knows what I dig up next. I didn’t realise I was moving into a war zone :laughing:
I might come across the remains of some German soldiers. I could stake them up in front of the house to scare off potential invaders without being charged with murder. I’m sure it would be effective. Except with Halloween, everybody would think they were fake.



Nice one! I don’t know if you’ve noticed but that woman’s feet have been blown off. That’s not very encouraging.


That’s ONLY because she didn’t purchase the metal detector SOON enough.


Don’t know if this is a joke or what, but i’ll be brutally honest here. If true, then this is the dumbest confession i ever read on this forum; plain stupid as hell and totally irresponsible to everyone near you, i mean wtf were you thinking? Me brave, me not afraid, i will solve this on my own stupid bull shit?

What if there are more grenades in your yard (who tf cares about corpses if there are grenades), what if there are more in your neighborhood? What if tomorrow someone gets hurt or killed, maybe your neighbor’s child in their yard; or someone in your garden in 40 years from now… Was throwing it ‘in the water’ best thing you could come up with? Is that one thing your neighbor’s should do when you were younger and when you cared a little more (and pssst, not telling you about it)? If you’d call the police they would come and make the whole neighborhood safe (and do that quickly = before you’d even start using your yard and you’d feel safe and your neighbors would be pleased to have you even before moving in).

…and now a big dilemma… To keep it as a secret, not telling your neighbor’s what you did… because they wouldn’t understand it and you’d scare them away even before moving in OR to call the police now at least after some re-thinking? You’ll have to decide, just don’t say it loud and do nothing; that would be devastating for your relationships.

Sorry, but someone had to be totally honest about it and it had to be said rough not sugar coated (and probably everyone thinks the same).


@Mikser I wouldn’t be too harsh on her, as I can understand her immediate desire to relocate it with extreme prejudice. I don’t know the procedure in her country, BUT, calling in to have proper disposal is never a bad idea, especially if you are unsure.

But, back to Mixer’s point, simply relocating the threat doesn’t neutralize it.


Yeah it was. The thing flew through the air, hit the pavement very hard. It was completely rusted through.
That yard has been dug up many times over in the past already. It was in the topsoil. I doubt I was the first person to ever come across it.
My brain froze. I’m not in a very good condition yet, I almost died last year and have to do a lot of running around on top of everything.
I have problems enough just doing my daily routine and am supposed to deal with unexpected situations like a pro.
Maybe you can point me to a seminar I can follow so every decision I make in my life is always the best no matter what circumstances I’m in.
Then I can be like you. Until then, I will be the stupidest person on this forum ever.
Let me be brutally honest with you. You know fuck all about me and my situation. You can keep your snap judgements and stick them where the sun don’t shine. It’s the last thing I need right now. It must be great being perfect and always do the right thing.
The whole situation had nothing to do with keeping secrets or anything else.
You think if I had called about that thing that they would’ve turned up in force to dig up every bodies garden in the area? If it’s in mine it could be in theirs too.
Fat chance.

Didn’t look like it needed neutralisation. It would have exploded the moment it flew through the air and hit the pavement if it had been live.
Since I’m the opposite of me brave, I panicked nonetheless. I’m one of those people who didn’t even dare to plug in the Opus after reading about batteries exploding in the thing.
That’s how brave I am.
Anyway, since it was a panic reaction and I do care I did just contact the housing corporation and got the number for the police so I could notify them.
They are notified and as of yet are not planning of coming out full force to dig through the entire area.
They agreed that it was probably not a treat, it would have gone boom hitting the pavement.
Next time I dig something up I can call again. Next time I dig up something, I will. It will not be an unexpected event any more, like it was yesterday.
I will know what to do, next time.
I’m just not in the mood for BS from people who know fuck about me and proceed to tell me the reasons I did something for.
My past experience has taught me that is usually a bunch of projection.