What Do You Really Hate? (III)

It’s not about being smart or not; it’s about doing one very stupid thing (which everyone of us sometimes did in our life; and this is definitely one of them). I made dozens of very stupid things in my life, many of which i am ashamed too, but generally i don’t think about myself being stupid because of that (or being smart). I don’t know you, but i do understand you usually since we share lots of same ideas. Well this one was not one of those.

‘‘I found a grenade, haha, i threw it in a water, haha, i fear if there are more, haha’’ is more disturbing than funny. That’s wrong doing and wrong presentation to the public; hardly anyone will be haha-ing with you and think you’re courageous or think anything nice about it; especially friends would tell you otherwise (they should; those who wouldn’t are not your friends). Because that’s just not ok.

What i wanted to point out (and maybe missed saying that clear enough); if grenade was found (and even in top soil), then it might not be the only one. You have neighbors, you have people around you and they ALL would want to know about this = to SOLVE this life-threatening problem in all your neighborhood. All those people around you would want that, i can’t imagine anyone who wouldn’t; i bet your family/children/grandchildren would want that too. It’s safety precaution and it makes sense; doing nothing and laughing about it doesn’t make any sense. When it comes to grenades and other life-threatening issues it’s not about you anymore, it’s about the community you live in.

Yes, i do believe the police / experts would come up urgently (because they are required to come immediately if there is a grenade found in a living area, right? That’s their job). No, they wouldn’t dig up all your yard; they have scanners and all other the equipment to see what’s beneath the earth without digging it all up and they would do the same in the whole neighborhood (= to make it safe) and your new neighbors would be glad about that (every single one of them; who wouldn’t be?), they would thank you about that and be very glad you have moved in and more importantly, it would all be safe for all after that.


If that was the case I would have posted it under what made you smile.

No, not right. I’ve contacted them, they’ve phoned me back several times and nothing else is happening.
Phone next time you see one is all. End of story.

That’s a nice fairy tale, but I phoned, nobody is coming cause this is real life and not a fairy tale.
If they were so concerned about the safety of the citizens, they wouldn’t shoot them up with poison every chance they get.
There’s no police squat on the way, no bomb experts hurrying over with scanners to go over the whole area. Nothing of the sort.
Maybe you watch too many movies.
I’m sorry for snapping at you but I’m bone tired, I’m being fucked around by the housing corporation, the council and have to run from one house to the next to get everything sorted in time.
I’m still ill, I have neither the strength nor the energy to deal with things on top of that. Certainly not when they are wholly unexpected.
I didn’t think because my brain isn’t functioning properly due to an absence of thyroid hormone.
I’ve had enough, I’m not superwoman.


I’m very good at doing that …


Glad it turned out ok, but next time please don’t take care of grenades/similar suspicious objects by yourself. And don’t dig too deep around the house :slight_smile:

One thing i would definitely do - buy a metal detector; it’s cheap, it would make you feel safer, you may find out where not to dig (or may even find something of historical value). Aliexpress :point_down:


Next time I will. I wasn’t even using a shuffle, I was using a hoe. It was right on the top.
It came loose and flew through the air and landed on the tiles.
I just blanked out and stared at it for awhile. I don’t even remember what went through my mind.
I was so tired that on the way back home I forgot I was on the phone with my daughter.
A woman passed me in the park with her dog and said something to me.
Next thing I’m staring at the phone in my hand wondering what it was doing there.
I’m not in the habit of going through life with that thing in my hand. It took a little while for it to register.
I have the number of the area police station now through the housing corporation.
Regular people who phone the police in this city get a taped message sending them through to the internet.
When I come across another one, it will be the first number I call.
I might look into one of those metal detectors, thanks.


Just don’t let this weird discovery turns you away in any way. I know how excited you were about your new home; don’t let that fly away for nothing now. All will be solved eventually, including your peace in the garden; that nice piece of land can be arranged very nice based on pics.


I will be fine. That garden is going to be enjoyed no matter what. I just have to go through this first.
I have barely slept in the last couple of weeks from excitement. Every night I think I will drop off as soon as my head hits the pillow, and every night as soon as I lay down my brain starts to go through all the things I will have, or want to do the next day.
By the time I get to sleep half the night is gone. At 7:15 am sharp the drilling will start at the other end of the block where the renovation is already in full swing.
I will be so glad when this is all behind me. I rarely cry but I’ve been getting very close to it in the last few days.
I have to make sure everything is arranged before the 17th of November. That’s the latest date I can hand over the keys.
The things I need to be able to do that, which they have to provide, like money to move are not really going very fast.
The only reason I could get my floor laid on time was because I used my monthly money and the possibility of going in the red 1000 euro. I have never done that in my entire life.
I had to borrow some more from my daughter to pay it all.
It has taken them 8 days to fork over that money they are required to pay. The bill for the new house was in my mailbox the same day I signed the contract.
These things piss me off no end. Fucking people around. I’m lucky, I can handle money, am not in debt and could do it this way.
Other people are not so lucky. They get a month to move and have to sit and twiddle their thumbs for 8 days before they get any money to do the necessary work.
It’s just additional stress and when I complained about it, they laughed it off. They have procedures and need 10 signatures from 10 different departments before they can pay.
I will follow the same procedure when they sent me the bill. I have to get it looked at and approved by 10 family members. I’m not good in the head, (the incident yesterday is proof of that), I might make a payment I shouldn’t have.
Since I have no battery of lawyers to go round and threaten people if they don’t want to give me my money back, I have to be extremely careful who I pay what to.


@Josephine_van_Rijn above all else, I"m glad it ended without incident.


You and me both. I’m not on the lookout for adventures and excitement. I’ve had enough of that for about a hundred lives.
That’s why I’m so glad to move over to that place. Peace and quiet.


Rest In Peace …


I believe there will be more to this story.
Tragic loss of a relatively young life.


Agreed @Mark_Turner.


He’s got it all worked out except for the 3D chess that blames it all on J6 :crazy_face:


I hate when I forget to open the juice flow on my S.C. Aromamizer after filling it! Yuk! :nauseated_face:


@TimWV although that is not ideal, be glad you didn’t forget to CLOSE the juiceflow before filling.



Ewe dry hit?


I hate when I forgot to put the cap after wicking and take a puff. ::


@McDuckie Yes and I felt it coming, I just thought it was time to re-wick until I happen to notice I hadn’t opened the juice flow! :nauseated_face:


I got a phone call from the police last night. They had decided to come and check it out after all.
If I could be present in the morning please.
So I got there this morning, whole place blocked off with tape and lights, loads of people walking up and down with all those gestures they always have.
Just kidding.

One van from the ministry of defence, one overseer, two guys in rubber suits and one cop.
I’ve been standing there for over an hour watching them find nothing.
They were having great fun. One was mucking about with a metal detector and the other one was going over the bottom with a big magnet.
He looked up at me, smiled and told me that you shouldn’t really use a magnet when you’re dealing with a potential grenade.
Which for some strange reason gave me the impression they were not really taking this thing all that serious.

To make a long story short, after listening to my description of the thing and showing me pictures of hand grenades, they think that is is probably one of those ornaments you see on steel fences.
Next time, they told me, don’t pick it up. I promised I wouldn’t and if I ever was this stupid again, I would put on the rubber suit myself and go in to look for it.