What Do You Really Hate? (III)

Wednesday afternoon a guy is coming from the company to install the Internet. That will give me 2 days to get everything sorted out.

I’ve lugged everything that belongs upstairs up. First priority sorting out the living room and the kitchen. I’m getting there. Next sorting clothes and putting them away upstairs.


I have to go back to the old house for the final inspection this afternoon. They told me I had to remove screws and nails that were still there, I didn’t have to plug up the holes.
When I looked rather surprised when I heard this, I was told they were still going to rent the place out for a few months.
They can’t leave it empty over the holidays, it will be squatted if they did.
Then why do they chase the permanent residents out before the holiday.
Maybe because unlike permanent rent, temporary rent is not bound by law. Whatever a sucker is willing to pay is what goes.
Funnily enough, I was told that the cute wooden coat hanger on the door could remain.
I took that.

Anyway, I’m not looking forward to going there. I was there yesterday to throw out some stuff that was still there.
I only realised how much I hated going there when I got back.
When my bowels start acting up, I know I’m stressed. That is to say, more than usual.
I’ve been told I’m constantly stressed, I just don’t notice

That’s one good thing about the Rubik’s Cube. It stops my head from running away with me and is also a very good replacement for biting nails.
Two more hours and this is all behind me and I will never have to go back.
I went there on the electric bike yesterday. The first time I’ve tried it since I bought it.
I’ve been too tired.
I was there in no time at all. Just have to get used to peddling differently. I’m used to putting some power behind it.
That’s not necessary at all. I will have my second ride today.


LOL, you’ve got to be kidding me @Josephine_van_Rijn.


Nope, and could I please wipe the place down a little too. They can wipe their mouths after they’ve kissed my ass.


The guy who checked the house was half bald with white and black spots. Don’t know if that was deliberate or a bad dye job. He looked like a leopard.
He was telling me the doors of the cupboards were not really clean enough, and the floor wasn’t properly swept in all places.
I took one look at his head and decided not to bother with any comments.

I looked around the empty place for a broom or a cloth, but no. So I looked at him and :woman_shrugging:
I asked him if he wanted me to paint the place a little too.
Tiles that weren’t clean in some spots, so it was disapproved :poop: I asked him what that meant. He told me they were going to charge me for it.
I told him that was fine with me. If I had a broom and a cloth it would be no more than half an hour to do that.

I simply have no energy left for that dump. They even took pictures of holes in the wall that I had tried to close up by putting bricks in front of it.
They took the bricks away and surprise, surprise, there were mouse turds behind it.
The bricks kept the bigger ones out, the smaller ones still got through.
I found a bunch in the bottom of the birdcages last time I cleaned them out. :nauseated_face:
So yeah, there would be mouse turds. There was also fresh piss in places and the place smelled like a mouse toilet.
One week of having the place all to themselves with nothing to eat. :partying_face:

He said he would sent me the report and the department would contact me next week about the costs.
I looked at that report. It says they can charge me a maximum of 987,17 euro for that!!

They better tell me different on the phone or there will be an explosion that will be a hell of a lot bigger than that, what turned out not to be a hand grenade, would have caused. :exploding_head:


Ya gotta be kidding me. It doesn’t work that way over here. Whoever is making a commission from renting the place out pays cleaners to go in and make it nice and sweet for the next renters. What a effing nerve to make the ex renter do all that. Do they force seniors to pull nails and wipe woodwork?


It’s been a trying year so far, especially with losing Nikko recently but things have been slowly coming together and I finally exhaled on Friday morning. Then at 1:30 pm, this…

You see that red truck? The driver gets in it and for reasons I’ll never know, he completely guns it in reverse, crashes through the fence and into my shed which I just had repaired for $2600. He and his work buddy were belligerent, unapologetic assholes. They were excavating without a dig safe ticket and installing electrical cable without a building permit. I’m sure they were not licensed electricians. Obviously, not licensed to drive, either. The property management at this place is the worst I’ve seen. We called the police to get a report and cover our behinds for the liability. Oh, and when I was behind the shed looking at the damage, the truck backed up again. I thought my last moment was going to be squished like a bug up against my own shed. This story will be continued…


Yes, I had to remove all screws and nails and give the place a wipe. They are going to renovate in January and come in with big machines. They just want to get a truckload of money from people desperate enough to pay whatever they ask to have a roof over their heads during the holidays.


Sounds like an inexperienced operator to me- and to have attitude… Fuck that. Call an attorney- and sue everyone possible. Jag-offs


Heehee, right now we have them so frightened of a lawsuit that they are kissing ass left and right. We always knew this company was sleazy but with a little more digging useful info was uncovered. From the start they’ve been trying to settle this under the table but we made it clear we go by the book and asked who their insurer was? The president of the company didn’t even know until he looked it up. You would think he’d be prepared for the phone call with all the necessary information. That’s just one example of what went on today. This is going to be one helluva journey. Then he wanted to know if it would be okay for his contractor to be present while my own contractor came over to assess the damage and give me a quote? Hell no! Stay on your side of the fence, jackass. I know what he’s up to. He wants to undercut my contractor’s quote. He’s trying like hell to not have to report this to his insurer. His company has three names so far. Two are similar sounding but different. And his insurer knows them by one of those. And their website? No one has a surname except the American president, Ed Hofeller. His VP is listed simply as Giovani. Who does that? Well, I think it’s easy to figure out. Part of their sweating is about illegals. Listen, I’m not one to report illegals just because but when someone hires an illegal to perform work that they’re not qualified for and causes extensive damage as a result, then something needs to give. I believe the city is sending in an inspector soon as a result of the police report and my concern about the dig safe and building permit violations. Sorry for the long rant. I guess I’m still letting off steam from all this. The stress is too much for this old gal to be dealing with during the holidays…or anytime for that matter.






moms in the hospital for the second time having her lungs drained of fluid after having a pacemaker installed a couple weeks ago… dad suffered a stroke, blood clot to the brain, right there and then, falling and fracturing hip, rushed from her room to er. :worried:


Ahhhh Jesus @Rocky02852, you are in the middle of it. We’ll keep you and yours, in our prayers. Godspeed.


Oh No brother …You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping everyone gets well soon


Prayers for you and your family Rocky! So sorry you’re facing all this!


Yeah but I feel so helpless atm…

Thanks guys, luckily it happened right there in the hospital, so medical help was quick thank goodness!


Many thoughts and prayers to you and your family, Rocky. Wish there was something we could say or do to help. If you need someone to listen just holler.


Well, seeing as though it’s the “Day Before”, I decided to get the SUCK SUCK out of the way, and started with the dreaded Bottle Cleaning …

That’s actually the THIRD load before you all go thinking, “Awww come on man, that’s a teeny tiny pile of bottles”. Hehe, well that wasn’t SUCKY enough, so since my wife’s laptop was dropping black screens of death regarding a failed battery, I thought it might suck to replace THAT while I was at it, hehe …

Of course, with most new, slimline laptops, you can’t just “Click and Drop” the battery out like yesteryear, you’ve gotta open it all the way up. Luckily, no screws were lost, and the little sucker WAS puckered up pretty good …

NOW, that surely wasn’t ENOUGH suck, right ?? Correct. I KNEW my main (review) laptop had a fragged out cell, as it was putting pressure on my trackpad, making doing reviews a real PITA, and I just kept putting it off. Well, Bring ON the Suck Baby !!!

It was actually worse than I thought, and all three of the cells, were bulging …

I think NOW, I have had ENOUGH suck suck for today, and now will locate the b33r.




You’ll be in my prayers, Rocky. You’re not alone this holiday season. Many people are going through it right now. Way too much stress for your mom and dad but thank the stars he was in the right place at the most crucial moment. You’ve got guardian angels around you, Rocky :smiling_face: