What Do You Really Hate? (III)

I am so sad to hear this devastating news. May the Lord place his healing hands over both of your parents and deliver positive results.
God Bless you and yours!


Thanks muth, and @Ken_O_Where, @KC111, yes mom was freaking out cause she don’t know what she would do without him, they gave him an iv of tPA and today he’s back to normal thank god. Moms getting released today but dads staying in hospital, they’re in FLA and I’m in RI so it’s a little stressfull atm to say the least…


I know the feeling, my family is spread out all along the east coast, north and south.


All in a days work, my friend. Now, I’ve got a tablet that needs a battery replacement. When can I send it?




I hate leaky BIG bottles (or bigger bottles). My S’mores obsession (once again), kicked in, and I wanted to push a different route, and hadn’t used my Liquid Barn flavors in a while, BUT, thankfully they were all snug in their plastic totes, AND I even ziplocked some of them, but my (of course, only when you NEED it) Lava Cake dumped. Having tested the new “thing” and growing taste blind to it, I sucked the last bits out of the OG bottle to mix up some tester’s testers, and just finished.

Just funny how you never know what flavor you’ll need, and when you do, hopefully it’s STILL in the bottle.


Hey SD how is that LB Lava Cake? Someone told me that they changed the formula so it’s not as good as the original version. I had a 10ml bottle of Lava cake and I thought it was really good. Just wondered if you taste a difference.


They did change the formulation , I havent tried the V2 but fresh03 says its still good just not as…


@McDuckie I’ve not heard of any reformulating, BUT, that kinda thing does seem to happen from time to time. I can’t remember how old the bottle I had was, but def. a few years old. I have JUST enough to compare it to the big bottle I have coming.

I’m surprised I hadn’t used it more. It’s very clear, which is a BIG plus with Chocos, and has a very authentic chocolate cake taste. So authentic, I can almost pick out the Baking Soda in it.

It may not be a deep rich, MC, but it’s working out beyond expectations, in da S’mores. I’ll let you know when the mega jug gets here.


@Rocky02852, I am very sorry to hear about your parents and my thoughts and prayers are with you. Godspeed their recovery.


Dammit, we’re only ranked Number Three !!!


Where i live this isnt a thing, thankfully. The Upper Peninsula shouldnt be included with MI’s, they are two completely different realms. Might happen in the big cities here, there are two, but anywhere else no. Everyone knows everyone so if you are gonna swipe something yer gonna go big as you will be ostracized from the community, for ever.


So true!! Reminds me of when I cared for my Mom after a stroke. I was taking her to a doc appointment when she started passing out. By the time I got her there she went code blue. Paddles revived her. I often think if I hadn’t been taking her in that day…
Hugs Rocky and hoping for a speedy recovery for both your parents.


Getting into an argument with a family member over the Thanksgiving dinner table. I am one of the chillest people you will ever meet but… this family member is a health coach and never fails to bring up the dangers of vaping at every get together.
Like I said in the past, most of my family has switched from smoking to vaping. i have given away many of my vape mods over the years that were won here and on other sites. That was when there used to be contests. I won a ton and miss them. There were on the average, about 4 or 5 contests a week and I entered them all on 3 or 4 different forums. Yeah I was hoarding for fear of future bans but ended up giving almost all away except for my favorites. What a fun time to be a vaper.
So at this dinner she started in on saying I read some new studies on the dangers of vaping this week. Instead of biting my lip as usual, I called BS. The room went dead silent. Then about 10 of us got up and went outside for a vape session. :triumph:


not something I have to worry about. My neighbor has two Belgium Malinois’ that go absolutely ape-shit if anyone unknown comes to my front door. That and a very low fence keeps any would-be pirates at bay.
This is Killer:

A daily Pupperoni stick goes a long way towards guarding my house as well as his.


I really need to mix a batch of my adv and the electrician who is here to install the new breaker box got the wrong one and had to leave to get another. We are sitting here with no electricity in the house and no sign of him. I guess I’ll have to use the syringes. Good thing I didn’t toss them.




We have a mouse in the house. Now i dont hate the mouse but what i do hate is that he is at least 5% smarter than me. Glue traps, he pushes them out of the way. Mouse traps, he seems to hate Peanut Butter and just avoids them, that or he learned the hard way once. If he avoids the cheese im about to put on the traps then im going to have to burn down the house.

Oh, on the glue traps i put chocolate chips, hell i even got my fingers stuck to one trying to get that chip…


Ken, my wife aka mousecatcher wraps some wire (28g Ni80 I don’t use) around a piece walnut so the mouse really has to work to get it off the trap. Good luck.


Cheese flavored gummies will make it easy :yum: