What Do You Really Hate? (III)

Ken, oh please don’t use glue traps. I saw the outcome of that once and I can’t get the image out of my mind. The poor little mouse struggled and strained so hard to break free that he hemorrhaged from everywhere. It was the most horrific death I’ve seen. If you don’t have a cat you can borrow, maybe a humane trap where you can get him outside and then you just have to seal up your house properly because there will be more after he’s gone. We had the same problem until Nikko arrived. I wonder if there’s such thing as essence of cat.

Here’s a start.


Whew, he returned with the right box. He was sent the wrong size, but of course! Power is back but not before I had to mix my batch the old fashioned way. It wasn’t so bad, I survived :smile:


Speaking of Mice…There is mouse that crawls in my engine lately and sits up in the one area…I know this bc thats where he leaves remnants of his poo and clippings. I have no clue what to do bc its in the engine


What’s a k e?


Mouse duh lmao


We must have stoopid mice, don’t even bait the traps and I catch them :grin:


I did too. It was scratching inside the walls at night. Put steel wool anywhere they might be getting in around the foundation, windows etc. I put out traps to no avail. Then I thought about those sound repellents I saw advertised. Wondered if they really worked. So instead of buying the kind that plug in I searched on YouTube and found someone who posted the high frequency sound and started playing it. My dog’s ears perked up, but it doesn’t hurt them. It’s a 9-hour recording so whenever I heard the scratching, I turned it on, and it immediately stopped. I did this numerous times and eventually it has driven them out. They were after the dog food. I ended up storing it in a sealed plastic container.
I use peppermint scented essential oils on a cotton ball or Dr Bronner’s peppermint soap on surfaces or wherever you see droppings. Mice hate it. Dryer sheets, green Irish Spring Soap and steel wool in my RV to keep them out during winter storage. It works.
Here’s the sound repellent. Good luck with those pesky meeses :wink:


I never thought of that, clever. We get the odd one in the ceiling, scratches around at night.
That might be worth a shot instead of a trap where I will never find it :grin:

This works well :+1:


We can now all become immortal through AI/digital avatars. Kiss presented this at their final show at Madison Square Garden on Dec. 2. What is the world coming to? Isn’t it already fake enough??
One fan expressed his disapproval by saying he was turning in his Kiss Army card. LOL


Very cool. I’m a believer in using sound frequencies for many things. I use it to sleep at night. YouTube has recordings that last for hours on end or you can just loop the video. Can really be calming as background music, too. I’m talking about the music composed using different frequencies.

The scents really work too. I was having an ant invasion (huge ants) going after Nikko’s food. They hate the smell of vinegar so all I did was wash the kitchen floor with water and vinegar and they stopped coming in! They also dislike coffee grinds so I dumped my grinds outside along the house foundation where I saw them coming in. I watched them turn right around as soon as they got near it.


Grrr, back to the stupid circuit breaker box. I just discovered that he drilled a hole all the way through to the bedroom wall. Now I have to patch and paint that, too. I blame the insurance company. I can see adding the whole house surge protector but not one electrician said that the box needed to be replaced.


All my packages shipped usps delayed going on 5 days now. All stuck at the ny sorting facility. Smh


Phukin hell, mine too. And i just found out i forgot a flavor for the contest. Im sure i have it somewhere but its likely old. Pretty much replaced my entire stash over the last two years and somehow havent reordered SaltedC FW.


Went to feed the dog her dry food and noticed small worms crawling around the the bottom of the air tight container we keep the food in. Brought the 40 pound bag back where I bought it and exchanged it out but what would have happened to the girl if I didn’t see the worms?


It depends on what kind of worms. Probably nothing but everyone should de- worm their pets regularly. Rather than pay a vet 200 bucks I buy veterinary drugs at a local farm store. My dogs are always chewing on nasty stuff they find in our woods. No way to stop them. :laughing: Its about the only time they won’t mind me. Here in farm country we know that if our animals have parasites, so do we. I use ivermectin and another.


They looked like meel worms. All were seen at the bottom of plastic container and food bag. I keep her on a monthly chew for intestinal worms year round. It’s still gross to see 1/4 inch worms crawling around her food.


Sounds to me like they were insect larva i.e. maggots :nauseated_face: that hatched.Since you use a wormer regularly, I bet she’s okay. With the price of dog food anymore, that would piss me off. I paid $75 the other day for Science Diet Large breed and my Boxer goes through a 40 poind bag every 2 or 3 weeks.


Dog farts. I’m dog sitting my exwife’s dog and good god, it’s freaking heinous!


Maybe a change in diet will help the situation?

What Dog Owners Should Know About Dog Farts And How To Stop Them - DoggyBiome.


Drats, I think I may have contracted that RSV infection or if not that, some other type of respiratory infection. Whichever, I feel like crap. I have some Covid tests in the house but I’m doubtful it’s that.