What Do You Really Hate? (III)

@muth I hope you feel better soon! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you @TimWV I appreciate you saying this.


Thankfully it was just that one day and the next morning. I was about to start moving furniture to pull the rug and paint the walls. Whowee!


Feel better. Some vile shit floating around these days.


Thank you, my friend, I appreciate your concern.


I hope it doesn’t trigger other issues for you :hugs:


Feel better. Stay hydrated. My mother had Rsv bad last year. Not fun


Other issues is right! I tested positive for covid and lost my sense of taste and smell. What I wouldn’t give for a little RSV :crazy_face:


Man i hate coastal storms. Hopefully wont be as bad as they are saying. They saying significant coastal floading with 6ft storm surge and 16ft waves. I live on a small island in queens ny.

I lost everything in hurricane sandy. We had 7ft of ocean inside the house. One of the biggest reasons i stopped vaping back then. Still not 100 percent rebuilt. I dont think this will be that bad but still expected to be pretty bad. I moved my car to the highest spot on the island but even thats not fully safe. My block normally floods with every full moon.

Wish me luck


Geezus. 16 ft waves? I think me and my bug out bag would be finding high ground. Be safe.


It def crossed my mind. They dont say major coastal flooding very often. There was a pretty big storm last year that said only moderate coastal flooding that came within a inch from coming in the house and my house is about 6ft higher then street level . That tells you how high sandy came up. Around 14ft of ocean on the street


I hope you fare well. That sounds like a real nasty heading your way. Be safe.


Well it wasnt as bad as they said. Tide came up about 3ft on the street which is like a normal bad full moon tide.


Getting a message from UPS that delivery has failed because I wasn’t home.
Not surprising when they try to deliver it at my old address which is empty!
They tried to put the blame on the shop, or me. They (the shop) probably still had my old address because I had been too dim to change it.
That doesn’t really wash when I’ve never ordered from that shop before and had just made an account with my correct address.
UPS have delivered packages at my old address before, and automatically assigned that address to my deliveries.
Which they also tried to blame on me. I’ve never had an account with UPS either! I just made one to be able to find out about this package.
Lying sacks of shit.
I hate people who don’t take responsibility for their own fuck ups. There’s nothing wrong with fucking up, we all do.
It’s not admitting it where it all goes to shit. You can’t learn from mistakes you refuse to acknowledge.


It’s spam. I get that Email up to three times a day. Just block it.


No it’s not. I contacted them through their officially listed phone number. They fucked up and tried to deliver my package at my old address.
No spam involved in this case. I know when I’m dealing with spam. I’m not an idiot.
If I follow your advice I will never get my amplifier.
I’m lucky the house is still empty or someone else would have it now. However, if I would block the email as you have just suggested, they will end up handing it over to one of the neighbours. Since it’s up for renovation, all the permanent residents are gone.
Just people renting for a short period of time.
Bye bye amplifier :wave:
I did notice just now that I was not very clear at certain parts in my post. I have corrected that.
The way I had phrased it was confusing.


I hope everything works out for you. What kind of amp are you getting? Notice I said getting. You WILL get it :smiling_face:


I know it will work out. I’ve sorted it out. I’m just getting a small, cheap one.

I had some money left over from the money I got for moving house. I’ve wanted a semi acoustic bass my entire adult life. They were expensive. I never thought I would ever own one.
I saw one a little while ago for 209 euro. Some brand called Dimavery, I’ve never heard of it.
It won’t be the best, but I’m not a professional musician. I only want to play around with it and I am not planning on giving any concerts.
Damn, I just looked at the website, they are selling it for 206 euro atm. Now that’s something I really hate. I could’ve saved 3 euro’s.


Didn’t know you played bass, I’m happy you got your amp.


What’s up with the Voopoo Drag X Plus? The board has a mind of it’s own. I set the wattage according to what build I have and when it wakes from sleep mode it decides to change the wattage 2.5 Xs higher from what I set it. I don’t see any way to lock the keys. Does anyone know about this mod? Other than that, it operates just fine. But I’m tired of the surprise burnt hits.