What Do You Really Hate? (III)

I never really have, just fiddled around with it decades ago. I used to have a mouthorgan and one of those bamboo flutes as a kid. I never learned how to read notes, but I could play anything I heard.
I had a soprano saxophone 40 years ago when I was living in a squat. I’d never played one of those either.
I was fiddling around with it, and later in the day the guy who lived upstairs and was studying at music school asked me if it was me he’d heard playing.
He told me it was a real blues riff. I was extremely chuffed and the same night someone stole my saxophone. :woman_shrugging:
The bass is a very simple instrument to play. Most bass lines are just a few notes repeated.
It’s not as complicated as the guitar. I happen to like the bass a lot. That’s why I like to listen to Primus. The bass is the main instrument and carries everything else.
I think it’s brilliant.

It’s a Voopoo. :woman_shrugging:
I’m a bit slow, but it just occurred to me that that you should’ve known. If they call it a drag, what do you expect.


Dont know the Drag X but make sure you are on the RBA setting. Three pushes on the fire button will toggle between two modes. Should get a R or S on the right of the screen. Use the R mode. Every once in a while it has a brain fart and will switch by it’s self to S numbers.


Hi and thx. I have been in the R setting but I also have noticed the S. I can’t find the instructions, what is the S mode for?


It’s for VooPoo pod coils. Haven’t ever used it. Every now and then it switches to 50 watts when I change batteries.


Oh, now I remember, thx. Hopefully your memory is better than mine and you check before fire.


Haven’t always. Never a second time though., :joy:


Washing machine shit itself the other day, spent all day trying to work out why & still had to hand rinse everything.
I was already knackered from two days canning.
I’m still knackered and don’t have the energy to do anything but still need to do the pickles…

Now the water pump to the house has shit itself too…

Merry ******* Christmas


Oh that sucks! :hugs:
Hang in there, it’s just life momentarily relieving itself and making sure it’s timing is just right. Do something that’ll make a good memory Like “remember that Christmas when the pickles were perfect?”


S is smart mode. It adjusts wattage automatically to what it thinks is best for the setup uou put on it


That is great advice Thankyou :hugs:


My Drag 3 came as a kit with their pod and 510 adaptor.and a couple of different plug in coils with different Ohms. My instruction book states that S mode is for their plug in coils.
What manufacturer out their doesn’t push their own coils? LOL I believe that’s why we have nothing but pods being sold today. It’s a big mark up item for any manufacturer.


Hang in there girl. :hugs:
I’ve been fucking around with a mini-wash for about 6 months when mine crapped out in April this year.
I wasn’t happy lugging buckets of water around in my current condition.
Just got a new one last month from the moving money. :relieved:


Well then it’s not so smart and needs to take a few lessons from Steam Engine. Adjusting up to 30W on a micro coil (14W) built for a KF is not a nice thing to do to someone’s throat.


Sounds like a Little House on the Prairie style Christmas. Very few amenities available :smiley: Seriously, I’m sorry for all your inconveniences. I sure know what that feels like and I hope it all gets sorted out for you.


I got the opposite problem when using my voopoo argus in s mode. It sets my wattage to like half what i normally use and wont let me go higher


Well I’m sorry you had to be doing that too but glad you got a new one.
I ordered a new machine the same day, there’s no way I could wash hubbys dusty greasy work clothes by hand & there are no laundromats nearby.
So I should be grateful (& I am) that I didn’t have to wait, well still just on delivery.

Hubby has also gone this arvo to get a new pump for the house.

Thanks muth, I am just frustrated and don’t deal with stress well atm. It will be fine, 1st world problems :roll_eyes::grin:


And I just did. :grin:


Great to hear Josephine, you must be chilled now. And how about that amp, still waiting. Hope you like it. :wink:


It’s not working actually. Well it works, everything lights up and buzzes, but not in combination with the bass.
It’s either me overlooking something blatantly obvious, which wouldn’t surprise me the state my brain is in, or there’s something wrong with the electrical component of the bass.

Either way I don’t give a fuck. I don’t have the energy to contact shops and all that shit.
I will look at it when I have the energy to spare and see if it’s due to my stupidity, or the bass is the culprit.
If it’s the bass, I still have an acoustic bass for a very good price, if it’s the amp, it was only 39 euro. :woman_shrugging:
I ordered a Melodica, never heard of them before. Very cheap and I like wind instruments. I’m getting that today, at this address :grin:
I will have fun no matter what. :+1:


Well that’s annoying…

Hopefully this and you will fix it easily :hugs: