If she wasnt my very best friend…
Oh you poor man. Bad enough it wasn’t your juice, but Commercial juice??? Noooooooo!!!
I died i little inside… If i didnt love her just so dern much!!
Lmao…That is grounds for divorce for sure , so funny
Cold didn’t use to bother me but now its all I can do to tolerate these Northern Indiana winters. Had a tree snap intwo about 5 feet up from the ground. Thankfully it missed my house but no way am I going to deal with it until it warms up.
Like -26. Ouch
Yeah I went out to bring in firewood and wasn’t sure I’d make it back in. Couldn’t breathe the cold air. I have open fields on three sides and the wind can be brutal.
Had to shovel it . The slush clogged the discard shoot on the snow blower. Mom still goes to work and the snow had to be removed.
We’ve got similar temps in Denver, and tomorrow is supposed to be just a bit colder. For the past two days it’s been between -8F and 6F. Even our furry pooches say it is cold.
I’m about two hours driving from Chi or a hour south of South Bend near Logansport Indiana. Yes, the polar vortex’s affect huge areas. I get a lot of moisture from lake Michigan and it makes it pretty unbearable but not much different than Chicago, if any. Long ago I lived in Mundelein and worked in Elk Grove.
Awwww yes… My travels has brought me to both towns probably more than I’d like. Lol!!
Down there in Indiana you’re pretty flat too, so yeah… Fun times.
We are finally getting something akin to Summer, though normally at this time of year it is 15 degrees hotter than this…
Yes it is in Celsius. Makes it around 86F I think.
My ginger skin burst into blisters just reading that!
Hahahaha, not even warm at that. Used to work in 50C (122F) when I was younger, that’s toasty
We’ve peaked around 120F the past couple of summers. Miserable, miserable weather. You sweat in the shower.
Lived in Tempe in 1972 thru the summer. I’ll tell you what everyone told me. “But it’s a dry heat”.
It was a time when everyone planted grass for lawns and flooded their yard at night to water the grass.
Only lived there for 4 months. It makes Chicago’s (-20F) look like paradise.
I think the “dry heat” excuse is getting thinner each year. Our temps mirror Phoenix’ but this past year was a hot humid mess all summer long.