What Do You Really Hate? (III)

No, it started after I had the last colonoscopy. I don’t know how long after though.
Then the shit hit the fan with Covid. I haven’t been to a doctor since.
That’s why I rather don’t call it off. I had to fill in a list of questions, including my weight and height.
They can see that I’ve lost 22 kilos since the last time I was there.
I will leave it up to them to decide if it can go ahead. I rather be done with it, and maybe they find something.
I probably have to come for a talk first anyway. I’ll see how that goes first.
It will be a while before I’m called up anyway. They are busy. My GP only just asked for it because my 5 years are up.

I don’t know, it’s just little bits that come out. It’s not diarrhoea either. Only a little soft, but according to the gut specialist I’m not supposed to have my poop too solid, because I have scar tissue in my intestines.


Hang in there @Josephine_van_Rijn.


I saw I had a message in my inbox from the hospital. They planned the procedure at 08:15 in the morning in the west of Amsterdam.
I live in the east. I just phoned them up to say I couldn’t make it that early and not that far away.
East was full, I was told, so they planned west. I also told them about my weight loss and asked if it was wise.
They will plan the procedure in the east and I will be called up by a doctor at some point for a talk about the whole situation.


29th of April at 10:45, in the east. They phoned me. Told me they could give me a later time, but not a different location.
I said that was impossible and then they could. I also get the picoprep I asked for, not the moviprep. You have to drink a litre of moviprep and it’s disgusting.
Only 150 ml of picoprep twice, with two hours in between. I have to drink two litres of water after each dose.

You could be right about dehydration @STR8V8PING, not because of my stool, which is why I was so sure it couldn’t be, but I’m very bad when it comes to drinking, even worse than with food.
I guess I learned that early on in life. We were all pissing our beds as children.
Stress probably. My mothers solution to that was to not give us anything to drink after 3 in the afternoon.
We pissed our beds anyway. :woman_shrugging:

When I pinch my skin, it doesn’t snap back like it should.
I will force myself to drink more and see if that makes a difference. I have to practice anyway, otherwise there’s no way I get 4 litres of water down when the time comes.
I have a telephone consult in March, about my condition and the sedation I will have.

Just drank half a litre of water. :nauseated_face:


For dehydration a drink with electrolytes is even better then water . Something like pediolite if you have that there.

If you are dehydrated and take that colonscopy prep which severly dehydrates even more that could be very bad so make sure you drink plenty of electrolytes with the prep which is allowed as long as its a clear color


Thanks man. I see if I can get my hands on some of those electrolytes. :+1:
And put on some weight on top of that. I gained 500 grams again, so that’s good.
I figured I better start now and get a lot better before the end of April.

They didn’t have the stuff you recommended. Well, they did, but only forest fruit.
I’ve ordered something else. Will be here Monday.


Trying to inject some comedy, in an otherwise serious conversation…

@Josephine_van_Rijn electrolytes will def. help.


Love that movie


@STR8V8PING the fact that you ARE aware of that “Documentary” (prediction), tells me all I need to know.



Knock on wood, but even with drinking lots of water since yesterday, I feel better.
I started to get that weird feeling in my head once yesterday, and then it faded.
Today the same thing happened after I came home with the dog.
I was taking my shoes off when it started, and then it went.
Once I get the electrolytes, things should get even better.

Thanks again @STR8V8PING you’re a lifesaver, dehydration was the last thing on my mind.
Quite dangerous for children and the elderly.
My stubborn mind hasn’t acknowledged the fact that I am in my 60’s, and therefore elderly.
I still feel young, and push myself as hard as I did when my body was still young.
Big mistake.


Glad i can help. I get that same feeling when i get dehydrated from taking laxitives


I’ve had no more dizzy spells since I drink properly and take electrolytes.
I must’ve been dehydrated for years. I should really pay more attention to my body.
I’m very good when it comes to ignoring the signs it gives me, like hunger and thirst.
The only downside is that I can’t stop peeing.
I have to wait at least 3 hours before I can take the dog to the park.
Maybe I should start wearing nappies. :grin:


Your body will attempt to self regulate after awhile. I used to be really bad at staying hydrated (and I live in a desert), and after suffering a heat stroke, I started to take it seriously. I was peeing every 10 mins. After a couple of months I guess the body didn’t see water as a foreign substance.


That’s a relief. I had an inkling it might be something like that. It’s nice to get it confirmed. :sweat_smile:
I waited more than 3 hours today to get to the park. And I still had to hurry home.
I’m going to a park close by atm, but I really want to go and get to Flevopark when I’m feeling more steady on my legs.
It’s the only place without botulism when it’s high summer. I wouldn’t even make it without peeing my pants the way things are right now.
I wake up constantly too, because I have to pee. It’s pretty tiring.


So glad your doing better and yes you will def be peeing much more when properly hydrated. Good thing you found out now that it was dehydration because if your already dehydrated when you take the flush for colonoscopy which causes a pretty extreme dehydration on its own it can cause a emergency situation that can put you in the hospital.


I started getting these weird symptoms after the first one. So I’ve been dehydrated for about 5 years.
I can’t afford to end up in hospital. I would come home to an empty house.
My dog would die of grief. I would be next if that happens.
Just thinking about it makes me cry.


You must see a psychic :crystal_ball:


Dehydration is a common and serious condition among older folks. STR8V8PING gave you good advice on that. Even moderate dehydration requires an IV. (Mild, moderate, severe) What color is your urine?


I came here to talk about rust stains and got completely side tracked with @Josephine_van_Rijn and @STR8V8PING conversations about dehydration and gut health, etc. I hope the two of you see some improvement down the road. I really wish you better health this year because I’ve been down that path and it’s no way to live.

And now for the rust stains. Does anyone have a sure fire way to get rust spots off my white aluminum window frames? So far, I’ve found a DIY solution of making a paste with equal parts baking soda and lemon juice or vinegar and leave on rust stain for 30 mins. Has anyone tried this?


Not a sure fire way, sorry.
I would try neat white vinegar or a product called CLR clear (but I’m not sure it would work or if it’s avail to you, I have it already). Not much help sorry.