What Do You Really Hate? (III)

I appreciate the reply. I have CLR but it says not to use on aluminum, unfortunately. For calcium lime deposits I found vinegar more effective than CLR actually. Many plumbers advise it. I’ll try the DIY stuff first and report back :smiling_face:


Of course it does. I didn’t check that. I hope you find something that works.


Is the aluminum painted?
All commercial rust remover is basically made to remove rust from porcelain ( tub or toilet ). Aluminum is a different ball game. Do what you are doing. It might not get all the stain the first time. Do it again. If it doesn’t get it all it might take a little elbow grease with a fine cell sponge and some Bartenders friend.
Don’t forget to get new screws or other product that rusted in the first place.


I know you can buy highly concentrated cleaning vinegar, but I don’t know what it’ll do to painted aluminum. It works great on mold.


Clear, surprisingly.


Eyes open people …


Shades of the big electrical outage covering the north east and Ontario :canada: ~18 years ago. I was in the VP boardroom, and the #2 dude said something to me, and my reply was ‘who do you think you are? God?’ And at that very moment the power went out. 14 freakin flights of stairs down followed by days of hell. :wink:


1 order
1 Post Office Box address accepted
3 phone calls
19 emails
1 change of address
1 re-delivery
23 days
Still No parcel received

:rage::face_with_spiral_eyes: :woman_shrugging:


Let me expand on that answer a little bit, after I paid some more attention.
The first pee in the morning is yellow, not dark yellow. During the day it gets lighter and lighter. After that it is clear.
I just remembered having a dog who’s urine was clear all the time.
That wasn’t good either. Not concentrated enough, according to my vet. I do not have that, fortunately.


review: Unsatisfied - Absolutely disgraceful, the most distressing online transaction I have ever had

I do not recommend anyone shop with Vision Direct in any part of the world (they are global).
Details are in the review above. They contacted me via Email & this was part of their response - don’t shift blame back to the customer.
They have given me a refund for the part of my order that was not delivered.
The part of my order that was delivered was delivered to my PO Box.

“We do not advise using a P.O. Box as the delivery address, as someone needs to sign for the parcel. We highly recommend a delivery address where you can sign upon receipt (i.e. home or work) as the package can still be tracked with the courier service if it is not received. Please note that the courier’s insurance does not cover deliveries to a P.O. Box. Kindly note that the item was returned because of this reason.”


Have you looked that up? Dark, of course, means dehydration. Colorless can mean a myriad of things.


Idk if it’s powder coated but I did accidently scrape some white off and can see the natural aluminum underneath.


Yeah, I did. It’s not colourless though. It’s light yellow. I was mistaken about the clear.
I’ve got two toilets, one upstairs and one downstairs.
In the one downstairs it appears to be clear, not in the one upstairs though. I don’t know why I can’t see it in the downstairs toilet.
They are different models. :woman_shrugging:

I just realised the difference between the two. The one upstairs in the shower, has a window (frosted, don’t worry) with daylight coming in. :woman_facepalming:


I was gonna ask, is the toilet yellow? :laughing: Well, it doesn’t sound too bad. Here’s hoping you feel much better soon :hugs:


Having all this talk about global cyber attacks come to fruition. Idk how far this reached but we had a cyber attack on our ePrescription services last Monday continuing through Friday at 1 or 2pm. I know this because I never got my usual notification that my Rx was ready. When I went to the pharmacy to see what’s up the pharmacist admitted there was a glitch but didn’t go into it. I decided to search it up and it wasn’t hard to find. They even have the name of the hacker but Idk if they’ve been caught. It is ransomware group ALPHV or Blackcat.


@muth, I’m glad you’re paying attention. A lot of people are not.


Yeah, it’s pretty hard not to notice when it’s your own Rx. But I suppose you’re right, some people might pooh pooh it and get on with the next thing. As for me, if it was in my budget right now I would have a solar powered generator with a damn good battery. This is only a taste of things to come. Not to be a doomsayer, but it’s better to be prepared. What’s that saying, “Beware of the cart ahead that overturns.”

ETA: t’s also not a bad idea to be able to store an emergency water supply. This site has great info on all the types of storage needs from farms to residential.


I hate that I just ordered flavors from MF, Noms, and OSDIY then read @SessionDrummer review of Nougatine and @Lynda_Marie comments of the same all about a flavor that would appeal to me a hundred times over and actually removed it from my cart before placing my order! Ugh :expressionless: :weary: :sob:
We now return to the regularly scheduled programming.


What did you get from MF??