What Do You Really Hate? (III)

Southern Illinois gets the earth quake’s a couple times a year. Never over 3.5 though. Sometimes we feel them up North. Most times can’t tell they even happened.
It was a joke. Insurance company’s won’t pay unless you have earthquake insurance.


We had the extreme rarity of a F2 tornado touch down here in little ol’ West Virginia, went right through the little 1 stop light town I live in… I think a couple lawn chairs got knocked over… we will rebuild :rofl:
Seriously though, there was some damage to some businesses, schools, homes, and other structures but not major damage, it’s the flooding that we really get nervous about!


Not being able log back in after trying to change my password with this error

Help @Ken_O_Where @fidalgo_vapes (max of 2 Rocky)

Can ya guess :rofl: who this is? :sunglasses: :jamaica: :canada:


Trying to figure it out…Give me a little time If i cant or @Ken_O_Where cant ill have @daath .


I cant see any reason as to why you cant login, your profile says you logged in 3h ago but nothing appears to be out of order.


@Ken_O_Where and @fidalgo_vapes I purposely logged out earlier. Then when I logged in again I was shown a message that my ID/password had been found in some data breach and I should change my password. So I logged out again and hit the ;forgot password option.

I received an email with a link and token. When I clicked on that like 2 minutes later, that 'token error appeared.


A data breach on ELR?


I have no idea about where/how my data was found. As this is my OG ID, the other can be deleted. All is good on the Northern front :canada:


Got my flavorings for the contest today and one of my least favorite smelling flavors had a top malfunction and leaked in the bag. The 4 other flavors in that bag no longer have legible labels as it removed the ink.

Now if that isnt bad enough, when i took this flavor out of the bag i grabbed it by the cap, which is how i found out about the malfunction as it came off. The bottle somehow landed upright but flavor flew everywhere. I spent hours scrubbing and it still smells like it everywhere. SHIT! lol

No, i will not name the flavoring, i like the way it tastes better than i like the way it smells. I dont want anyone thinking their recipe is doomed, it isnt.

Bloody hell what a day. But the deer came over tonight so it totally made up for it, except that smell…


I hate that @Ken_O_Where.


I hate that I, all by myself, have to change wicks, coils, and that I have to wash bottles! Shouldn’t someone else be required to do this for me? :upside_down_face: :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


There are companies that will do it for you. You just need to buy their products. Their called disposable’s.


ummmm nope, I’ll be good I’ll wash my bottles and change my coils and wicks I promise! Please don’t make me vape disposables!!! :worried: :pleading_face: :fearful:


I had that happen with a bottle of cucumber that was thrown in as a freebie. To this day the smell of cucumber makes me wanna puke :face_vomiting:


Well i been having a horrible week. The beginning of the week i kept fweling sicker and sicker each day. I couldnt pass gas or go number 2. Felt like i was gonna die. Had to go to the hospital. Had a pretty bad bowel blockage. They tried a few things. They got it semi broken up and a few massive pieces came out. Then i had to take citrate which didnt work at all but they sent me home and i have to keep taking laxitives to get the rest cleared out which isnt going the greatest but i feel a tiny bit better but not much.the stool is so hard that loke nothing will soften it.im so worn down from dealing with this all week


Sorry to hear that @STR8V8PING, sounds most un-fun.


I had a similar problem when i was a kid, back then it was all Castor Oil and Prune juice. I still remember the crying from both me and my mother, me crying having to take the yucky and her crying because she had to force it down my mouth hole.

Sorry this is happening to you, digestive problems are the worst.


My mom said the same thing about the castor oil and prune juice lol.

Thanks. Yea is so bad. Wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy


Damn brother, sorry you’re going thru this. I hope you feel better real soon.


I had that when I was on heroin. It was like passing a rock. Took hours and still tears from the pain, even on heroin. Good luck to you. At least I knew what was causing it.
That’s half the battle won.

I got to go for the colonoscopy tomorrow morning. I’m not allowed to eat anything after 12 noon today. At 4 I have to take a dose of laxative and drink at least two litres of water.
Tomorrow morning I have to take the next dose.
I’m going to be so sick and so hungry.
At least I learned from the last time to take a bucket to the toilet, in case it comes out both ends. :nauseated_face:
Wednesday it will all be behind me. :sweat_smile: