What Do You Really Hate? (III)

This pales in comparison, lmao. Ever just don’t feel like opening your email even when you know there’s probably important stuff in there?

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Things like this. I really like this man, Dr. John Campbell. Maybe you’ve seen him before. This is nearly an hour long but once you start you don’t want to stop so save it for when you can. He interviews one of our own, a young American mother…a travesty, what she lives with.


Goodnight. Instead of checking my email I’m gonna watch some videos, Yay, videos! Boo, email :rofl:

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Thanks for this @muth . I feel bad for this lady. And how they just threw her to the curb pisses me off. I know how the media is , but how in hell can they not be reporting this more openly to the public? It just shows how crooked they are also in my view.


Got that right. They’re in the pockets of Big Corp. The major news networks have been gobbled up.

Dr. Campbell has some good stories to tell but they can be helluva depressing to take in.

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Oh great! I have to read the whole story and more of it but that sounds like a tough situation not knowing if you can trust the people you’re giving arms to because they’re too cozy with Russia and Iran et al. We probably get played more than the American public realizes. I don’t trust this guy but like I said, I have to know more. I’m sick of this s**t.

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Come On, You don’t trust our government to pick out the good allies? It’s not the man you shouldn’t trust it’s our government that you shouldn’t trust. The last man the government made a deal with ran a couple of jets into a couple of buildings in New York.


I don’t think they even bother to look that hard, lol.

I don’t…but I don’t trust Zeine either.

And the first time they attacked the WTC they had warnings they completely ignored. They ignored the warnings the second time around, too. That one gave them the “excuse” to completely invade the privacy of every American citizen.


There’s a former politician in Britain that just made a video about the corruption in the medical world in Britain, and elsewhere I would think.
I find it rather chilling that these people just seem to be getting away with it.
The introduction is in Dutch, the rest isn’t.


I woke up Monday morning and had a dead left arm and hand but took no heed to it thinking that I must have led on it wrong and that it would soon come back to life. Roll on two hours and it was still the same with little sensation and I could not flex my wrist or fingers upwards or use my thumb so I called my doctors, they told me to phone 111 who told me to get to the nearest A&E immediately so I did. I was treated for a suspected stroke and had a CT scan with dye injected intravenously (it gives a warm feeling like you are wetting yourself lol) numerous blood tests and chest X-rays that all came back negative for a stroke thank God but I still have to have a MRI scan just to be extra sure. The diagnosis is that I have got something called Radial Nerve Palsy which basically means that I have damaged or pinched the nerve that travels from under my arm and down over my forearm to my hand and fingers and it can take anything up to 22 months to heal completely but the biggest problem for me is I am left handed so Sods Law strikes again but I am so grateful that it wasn’t a stroke :pray:. At the moment my hand is doing some crazy things when I try to use it as if it doesn’t belong to me and I have it in a support until I see the physiotherapist and am fitted with the correct splint which has an outrigger on it. For some reason all I seem to find myself worrying about is how I am going to do my wicking so I might have to revert back to the dreaded stock coils for a bit but I am still going to try and have a go at it, who knows I might be doing it with my feet by the end of this :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
This took me an age to type with many mistakes using my right hand so I doubt I will be posting much but I will be about.:grin:


Hoping for your full recovery and a partner willing to learn how to wick. :wink:
No reply required.


Had something similar happen to me a couple of years ago. I was about to carve my Thanksgiving turkey and none of my muscles wanted to work. I thought it was a stroke as well, but everything came up negative. Turns out it was Radiculopathy affecting my right arm and right leg. A herniated disk in my lower lumbar, a pinched nerve in my neck, and Asthenia which is a form of fatigue that slows muscle movements. I can walk now but for limited distances, but my right arm and hand still get tingling and numbness and my hand will sometimes lock up for no reason I can tell.
Doc asked if I had ever taken a severe fall or been in any physical trauma and I said that I hadn’t, which seemed to stump him. Unfortunately, my doc retired a couple of months afterward and his replacement retired at the beginning of the year, then I got laid off and lost my medical insurance. In a way, losing the job I’ve had for 20 years was a godsend as it gave my brain a reset. Mentally, I’m in a better place and I’m doing what I can to get physically better.
It sucks, but I did get a cool wolf’s head cane out of it.
Hang in there brother, and keep moving forward.


Wow @Lucas_James_Holden that sounds more than scary. I too, am VERY glad it wasn’t a stroke.
I’d never heard of Radial Nerve Palsy until now, but wow, up to 22 months ?? I certainly hope it doesn’t take that long in your case.

Yeah, I totally get that. :frowning:

Being left handed as well, this one hit even closer to home, if that was even possible. Godspeed, and a FAST recovery.


Wow, I hadn’t even considered that as well. I truly hope your recovery is very, VERY short. I can only imagine mate.


That’s a HELL of a combination punch there @Lostmarbles.

But, …

And !!!


Outstanding @Lostmarbles, I’ve got to learn how to do that, JUST a bit more. :slight_smile:


@Lucas_James_Holden obviously I can’t PM you, BUT, I don’t know what setup you are running, nor what kind of wicks/wicking you typically use. I’d be glad, actually MORE than glad, to try and help you out with that.


Practice brother, practice. When my time comes, I hope I can do it with a smile.