What Do You Really Hate? (III)

Speedy and complete recovery @Lostmarbles. That sounds terrifying but as you say it could have been a lot worse.


Thanks. I’m just glad it didn’t happen while driving. The after effects have lingered, but it hasn’t occurred again, so I’m grateful for that.


Damn…Scary for sure! Hope you get it digured out and heal quick.


Wishing You a speedy recovery! :pray:


@Lucas_James_Holden, @Lostmarbles I wish you both well.
Life can suck big time!
Personally I’ve learned one thing; there’s always something to be grateful for, no matter how bad things are.
We tend to look at what we don’t have and disregard what we do have, until we don’t have it any longer.
It’s an attitude that has helped me through life without wanting to jump of a roof, and kept me smiling.
It’s like the man without shoes, who everyone is feeling sorry for. He’s just happy that he’s got feet.

It doesn’t always work. I have my bouts of self pity and such. They don’t last long though.
I can always find something I can smile about in the end.
:hugs: For both of you!


Good stuff, Jose, thx. Dr. Campbell recently posted another British coverup which recently came out with an apology. They were knowingly using infected blood for transfusions.


The fact that you can show a thread of humor is inspiring and proof that you will get through this. Thinking of you @Lucas_James_Holden and sending good juju. I was wondering about you lately because I hadn’t seen many posts and was about to ask questions. Thank you for letting us know what’s going on.

Before my scheduled hand surgery (now cancelled) I prepared myself with coil heads for my OG Crown RTA and precut things I needed, etc. Surgery would have been on my dominant hand and all I could think of was how would I wipe my bum properly? :rofl: That’s when I got a portable bidet. You never think of these things until reality strikes. I forced myself to do everything I could with my non-dominant hand to get an idea of my limitations. I even messaged @TamVapes to ask her how she had dealt with using one arm. She was greatly inspiring and explained that she used a table vise to grip things so she could make coils, etc. There’s always a way when you need it. The best of luck with your medical care and recovery. Keep us posted when you can and no need to reply when you can’t. We’re all cheering for you, mate :smiley: :heart: :hugs:


I remember you telling me a little bit about your situation but I don’t remember all these details as you just spelled them out. I didn’t realize how much you’ve been dealing with my brother. Same goes for you as I just told Lucas…good juju heading your way :smiling_face: And I can’t think of two better men to get the best care. Here’s wishing you to feel your very best very soon. :heart:


I don’t have decades either. I want these bastards to pay, NOW!


The bastards are delaying for just that reason…in hopes that all their victims will die off. Don’t they know we’re wishing the same for them? That is, after they pay up.


They never do. Tax money is used for that, so we pay for it ourselves.
Nothing lasts forever. Eventually the tables will turn and heads will roll.
Money will not do it. I think repeated mRNA vaccines and permanent lockdown in each others company might be a suitable punishment.
Put a bunch of sharks together with no other victims around and watch the show.
I want a life feed. I might even buy a television if that happens.


@Lucas_James_Holden if it’s any consolation, I’ve always had a VERY severe allergy to poison ivy. Well, PI, Sumac, Poison Oak, the whole family. Growing up, super sensitive, and I could get it from someone burning it in leaves, houses away. Always the same treatment, Prednisone. Problem is, every time I took it, I had to take an increasingly stronger dose, and I was getting it multiple times a year. It got soo bad, that the doctor said, he’d increased the strength soo much, if I got poison ivy again, he would NOT be able to prescribe it again.

What a fun time that was. Well, fast forward to this weekend. Getting hot, summer is here, and somehow, WHAMMO, got a good case of it. Nothing beats a great case of Poison Ivy, in the Summer heat !!!

Luckily, you can knock it out with Vitamin C, and B5. Yes, it’s the REAL deal.

Hang in there James.



Sorry to hear that SD. My son has severe allergies to peanuts. We have a couple of epi pens and thankfully I’ve never had to use one.

I remember having to check the ingredients of almost everything we bought to make sure there were no use of peanuts or peanut oil. Poor kid ha
s never been to a live ball game. Peanut butter has always been a top shelf item in our pantry. He’s an adult now, but I still keep it up there.


My wife fell off her horse…

We thought she had dislocated her shoulder, but no, that would be to easy…

She has broken the pointy part of her shoulder blade off, the part that attaches (and actually still is attached) to the bicep via ligaments and connective tissue. It now shows up on x-ray and MRI as being just below her shoulder joint instead of above it where it is meant to be.

The issue is, the hospital she went to is semi regional, the surgery she will need is in the city. The surgeons in the city are “discussing” what needs to be done next, so she has been sent home with some pain killers and no mobility at all in her right arm or shoulder.

So I have had to cancel a couple of my clients (I am a disability support worker) so I can provide support to my wife as we have no idea when we can even see a surgeon let alone get the shoulder fixed up.

Bloody horses… :man_shrugging:


Oh no! That sounds very painful. I hope she gets some attention soon. Hope the recovery isn’t too long either. Good vibes for both of you.


Yeah, I know they never pay for their sins. I was just ranting and wishing on a star. I’m counting on the tables turning as well i.e. their rotten karma.


That’s so cool! I’m glad you found that out. I once took a homeopathic remedy for poison ivy. I don’t get it bad like you do but one time…okay this is an embarrassing story but it happened so many years ago I don’t mind telling it. Once upon a time when I was young and foolish but old enough for adult-like activities (eh hem), I had a roll in the hay, so to speak, but it wasn’t hay it was poison ivy. Yup, we were doing it in the woods but I was the one that decided to go skinny dipping because it was so hot out. Well, since poison ivy is an oily substance it just spread to every part of me while I frolicked in the water, lol. After that I spent most of my time spread eagle for relief, lmao.


@Ianc13 wow, yet another less than ideal situation. Seems like they’re multiplying as of late.

I certainly hope they discuss it quickly, and she can get whatever surgery she needs, and then begin the healing process. Godspeed.



Yikes! that’s gotta hurt like crazy. I’m so sorry this has happened. I hope they can see her quickly so the both of you can get on with your lives. Fingers/toes crossed :hugs: