What do you really hate?

@anon44012888 your injection is a steroid?


Fluconazole injections.


It’s to help with my schizo-apparent symptoms…


I was on the 'roids once, but they didn’t work… Turns out they weren’t suppositories

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Take care of yourself, I had a daughter that suffered with mental illness. She wouldn’t take prescribed medication. She passed in the spring of this year from an overdose.

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Invega Sustenna, been on it for 3 years and it works which is great but I’ve gained 100+ lbs since that time and they warned me about it, but I just didn’t want to leave my house and get some exercise

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And sorry for your loss, I didn’t read your whole message when I posted

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It’s actually the damnedest thing, because the pills they would give me I wouldn’t take because I don’t know if they were working, didn’t think I had a real issue and they were the enemy… Took me years to accept the fact that I needed help and things I was thinking and things I was doing were manifestations of my mind. I accepted an injection along with a few other pills and realized that they do work, no trips to the ER room because my organs were failing, no sense of impeding doom… The injection is nice because I have to set time aside for it and I have a nurse that calls me and makes sure I get it done on time, but that’s not the case for other people with mental health issues. It’s sad really, so I don’t understand what it’s like to go through, but I do know the kind of path your daughter felt was neccesary to take because I’ve been through it in my years. I feel for ya man


Thank you @anon44012888 for the kind words.


@anon44012888 good to hear you found something that works for you. I went to the Dr. and he told me I suffered from @sshole-apparent symptoms, but there was no medication to prescribe (?!?) I asked if there were any surgical remedies and he handed me a large cork (!?!) I said, “I can’t put that up in there! I won’t be able to p00p!” Dr. said, “No… you put that in your mouth…” :open_mouth:

I Hate Doctors…

Topic back on the rails …U R welcome


It makes me sad to read this, my condolences … I do not participate much, my English is bad, but I am reading you. I’m so sorry, Marc


Thank you, My daughters name was Megan. She was 24 years old. No parent should have to lay their child to rest.


I like trader Joe’s is aldi north

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There is a prayer my faith preforms every Shabbat, called the Mi Shebeirach, you and you family will be on my mind as it is sung. That sir is harder than I can imagine, no matter how fresh or distant, May her memory be a blessing.


I really have that Emory Erickson hasn’t invented the transporter yet …

My new magnetic stirrer should be here sometime between Thursday - Monday.


Did your old one die?


In all these years of being a woman, I have never ever burned myself with a hair dryer. Not even once while working in a salon, trying to pay for college years ago…

Today I rewrap my batteries (all 16 of them …what a nightmare) and I burn myself. Not once but three times! I am normally not a person that plays the I’m a woman card, but next time I need a rewrap my husband can do it lol


If I don’t hurt myself in some way doing something, it just doesn’t feel right.


Nope , this one is an upgrade. It has temp control


Safety first.

The moment your over confident or think this is easy…

Reality strikes and you get hurt…